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What impractical thing do you want (for Christmas or whatever) but will probably never get?


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For me, it's a pandora bracelet. I love the little charms, but I don't wear jewelry except my wedding band, and can't imagine spending the money on a single bead that they want-and can imagine DH spending the money even less.


Anyone else have totally impractical items they'd love to pull out of a stocking-but won't ever actually get?

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Tires. My car needs four new ones. There is almost no tread on the back two. If I am really frugal this month I can get them at the end of the month.  I hope the bad weather holds. I would love for someone to surprise me with them. Totally not going to happen. But I can always dream right? That's what this thread is about right?


Just got to thinking tires are very practical so not sure if this counts. 


btw I hope this does not sound complainy or like I am feeling sorry for myself. I don't feel either. This thread just got me to thinking how wonderful it would be to get 4 new tires for Christmas.

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Tires. My car needs four new ones. There is almost no tread on the back two. If I am really frugal this month I can get them at the end of the month.  I hope the bad weather holds. I would love for someone to surprise me with them. Totally not going to happen. But I can always dream right? That's what this thread is about right?


Just got to thinking tires are very practical so not sure if this counts. 


btw I hope this does not sound complainy or like I am feeling sorry for myself. I don't feel either. This thread just got me to thinking how wonderful it would be to get 4 new tires for Christmas.


:iagree: This exactly, and an ipad.


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An updated master bath or kitchen........


Wait, that is practical.






An awesome little black dress, plus shoes and accessories (I don't wear dress clothes enough to justify the cost.)




A family trip to WDW




New nighties (something sexy without being so over the top as to scar the kids for life if I chose to wear it out to the kitchen for a glass of water) maybe I should just say new nighties AND a new robe? :P

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I'd like a dog - a snuggly, lazy dog.


My dog isn't snuggly or lazy; he's always patrolling and working. He'll tolerate a love pat but prefers to be appreciated from afar, via dog treat.


Do dogs have love languages? LOL

Me too! A French bulldog to be exact :-)

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A new kitten or two. I really want a kitten. Impractical for many reasons this year.


Same here. I'd love another cat, but we already have two, which is one more than my husband agreed to (technically, the second is here on a trial basis, but as that trial began in 2003, I think it's safe to say she's staying).

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A great dane.  My DH loathes dogs, so I would have to get rid of him first, which is not likely to happen.  :tongue_smilie:


A Cages by Design cage for my beautiful iguana. 


Of course, I can't complain too much; I got a new car for Christmas. 

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Not a darned thing.


If you'd asked me the same question this time last year, I would have said, "To see my brave Soldier boy one more time before he goes to Afghanistan." because that sure seemed impractical and improbable if not impossible.








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Me too! A French bulldog to be exact :-)


:lol: Does he/she already have a name?


That's one of those breeds I've always heard of, but could never pick out of a line-up, so I googled it.


I don't think they get much cuter!  I'm a sucker for the ears. LOL


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To be with my mom and brother on Christmas.  My mom works retail and lives in SC so she will only have off Christmas day.  Home is in Florida and we will be with the IL's, like so many other years in the past.  We usually get together in January, which I enjoy but it isn't the same.

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A weekend off.  48 hours of being totally, 100%, completely un-responsible for anyone or anything other than my own needs and wants. I mean I don't even want someone to ask me to hand them a tissue, find the remote, or pass the salt.  :001_tt2:


The only way I would get that is for me to go to a hotel, which is completely not practical nor probable. 

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I would love to see high-quality, stylish ski gear - jacket, pants, skis, boots, goggles and helmet - under the tree on Christmas morning. I would never allow Dh to spend that much on my Christmas gift, and we only ski a couple times a year, but I can't stop browsing online!

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A weekend off. 48 hours of being totally, 100%, completely un-responsible for anyone or anything other than my own needs and wants. I mean I don't even want someone to ask me to hand them a tissue, find the remote, or pass the salt. :001_tt2:


The only way I would get that is for me to go to a hotel, which is completely not practical nor probable.

For Christmas I asked DH for a week long vacation. I even offered to pre-purchase all the groceries. :tongue_smilie: He has some leave accrued. I am reasonable though. I would stay at home, just be very lazy. :lol: I even agreed to participate in family events like meals and movie night. LOL I think I have a shot... Can you ask your DH for 2 days?

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A Thermomix.  Last I checked, you cannot even buy one in the U.S. but that does not stop my yearning for one.




For years, I have wanted one.  Badly.


You can buy them on Amazon:



But ouch on the price!!!

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Johnny Depp


Benedict Cumberbatch


3 carat, princess cut, diamond earrings.  1.5 carats for each ear.  Anything more than that is just ridiculous.  :)


A Cintiq http://www.wacom.com/en/us/creative/cintiq-13-hd (I feel like a toddler wanting to throw a tantrum because I want one so bad, lol.)



James Bond has one of those!  Not the top of the line one, but it was still fairly pricey.  He lurves it.

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Can you ask your DH for 2 days?


LOL!  Maybe if I stayed at the Motel 6 instead of the Embassy Suites, pre-made the meals, had the house clean, laundry caught up and shipped the younger three kiddos off to stay with relatives or friends. ;)  I've tried having a "day off" at home and it was a joke.  Dh stressed me out so bad by getting frustrated about being "mom" for the day that I ended up having more mess to clean up, making a big breakfast meal for dinner (something my kids love) and playing a board game with the dc in the evening just to try to smooth all the ruffled feathers he kerfluffled. 


Actually, now that I think about it maybe I should just send him to the hotel. ;)

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LOL! Maybe if I stayed at the Motel 6 instead of the Embassy Suites, pre-made the meals, had the house clean, laundry caught up and shipped the younger three kiddos off to stay with relatives or friends. ;) I've tried having a "day off" at home and it was a joke. Dh stressed me out so bad by getting frustrated about being "mom" for the day that I ended up having more mess to clean up, making a big breakfast meal for dinner (something my kids love) and playing a board game with the dc in the evening just to try to smooth all the ruffled feathers he kerfluffled.


Actually, now that I think about it maybe I should just send him to the hotel. ;)

:lol: I swear DH is a better mom than I am (which sounds good in theory, but in reality is a double-edged sword).

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Ummm well this is practical and needed but not likely to happen but an infant car seat rated for 4 lbs to 30 lbs with two bases, bassinet sheets (got the bassinet, was going to make sheets but not feeling the hand sewing) and other stuff for baby Juli (we do have some clothes and diapers though). We thought we would have more time to buy things but its looking like we may have her before the end of the year.

Otherwise a dishwasher :)

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To be with my mom and brother on Christmas.  My mom works retail and lives in SC so she will only have off Christmas day.  Home is in Florida and we will be with the IL's, like so many other years in the past.  We usually get together in January, which I enjoy but it isn't the same.


Didnt think of that.  Definitely to be with family...including dh, who won't be able to get home for Christmas. :(  He is working 1500 miles from here, trying to save up for us to all move there.  Between unexpected bills and not being able to afford the time off, he wont be making the trip back here. :( 

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Didnt think of that.  Definitely to be with family...including dh, who won't be able to get home for Christmas. :(  He is working 1500 miles from here, trying to save up for us to all move there.  Between unexpected bills and not being able to afford the time off, he wont be making the trip back here. :(


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Thanks.  It sucks....but so does living in a town where there is NO work.  Jobs at Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds get literally 50-75 apps in a day.  No one around us seems to understand the reason he isn't making the trip back, and I am getting kind of tired of hearing how they don't get how he isn't going to try to make it home.  

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I can't mention anything too out there.  Dh would get it for me.  I once opined that I wished I had my own skee-ball machine.  Guess what lived in our basement for many years?


As a child, skee-ball was my favorite game in the arcade on the boardwalk in Ocean City. It'd be cool to have one!

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Time!  Time to study those languages, perfect those instruments, read, write, draw, and all the other things I used to think I'd get to someday.  Time to take a walk around the block every day as a work break.  Time to take more than a 5 minute shower every day.  Time to get organized.  Time for a massage.  Time to get everything done and still enjoy my kids and my life.  Ha!  Dreaming - the next best thing to doing....

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A vintage Art-Deco wedding ring upgrade.  This is my favorite jewelry design era.  Impractical for so many reasons.  First, we have one in college and another getting ready for college, also I rarely wear jewelry in my everyday life and finally I lose things.  My current wedding ring is my fourth. 


Amber in SJ

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Impossible, but... I'd love one more Christmas with my little sis. She was killed six years ago in a car accident. She was only 19, and she LOVED Christmastime. Plus, she never got to meet ds, and dd doesn't remember her.


Otherwise, I'll take a new house. We had plans drawn up for a little cottage awhile back, but our land deal fell through, and then dh was laid off, and, well, you know how it goes. I don't want anything fancy, but right now our bedroom is in the basement (which I've not-so-lovingly dubbed "the dungeon") -- it's finished and all, but it's still a basement. I can't wait to get out of there.


Oh, and wrap me up one of those Disney cruises while you're at it...

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