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Just curious. If you googled your address and you look at the street view of your house


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and you discover two things.  1.  your garage door is open and you can zoom in and kind of see what's inside and 2. your child was playing in the back yard at the time.  Would it bother you?



It bothers me a little but not freaked out by it.    The pictures aren't very clear.

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No, not really, but I can understand why you might worry. There's more information available than what someone can see on Street View, and a criminal could just break in and see your stuff and take it, you know? Not o make you more worried or anything!


We have a creepy-looking man sitting across the street. He's not actually creepy - he's a yardman who works for my neighbor. Also, my dad's truck is parked out front because we were all sitting on the porch when the Google car drove by. I think those details are funny to see and remember.

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Only if I had a particularly target-worthy vehicle, or other high-appeal items visible for theft... Maybe if a child was wearing a swimsuit too.


There are lots of cars and kids on google street view. I don't even have a garage, so, obviously, my vehicle shows.

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Now, if my garage was an embarrassing mess a la hoarders, it might bother me.

We had two hoarders, living in adjacent properties just down the street. The houses have since been razed, but we can still see all their outdoor glory (including the propped remains of a 25' sailboat) in Street View. Alas, it all too soon will be gone as well.

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Weird though because the few times I've seen people they were blurred out.

But how clear can the pics be of the kids in the back yard? You can only zoom so far before it gets all pixelly.

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Last time I saw their vehicle crawling around our suburb I raced back home and closed the front gate.

Because of the large lag time between filming and updating on-line, I haven't seen if I did this before of after they did our street.

I like to choose whom I share with.

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Well, I don't know how anyone else "should" feel about it.

I street-viewed my house a month or so ago, and I laughed aloud! My youngest son was standing inside our front door (the glass storm door), hands raised, mouth open, looking as if he were a monkey in a cage and trying to get out. It was a bit blurry--and I had to magnify it a couple of times, but I passed it to all of our family, and we all had a good laugh :)



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I am on google maps, walking to my car. Can't really tell it's me but I know it is. Sort of weird but could be worse. I don't think I would want the kids on it but we move so much it probably wouldn't be a big deal. 


There was a story on our local news about an address that came up that was a crime scene and it was sad because there was a young adult or child that was killed. Google maps happen to show the picture and the body was visible although covered I think. They have been fighting google to change the picture and finally got them to agree. The stupid part to me was that it was on the news, drawing attention to the whole thing. 

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Yes, it would bother me a great deal. I am very concerned about my privacy and that of my family.


I googled my address. It has us located in the middle of a national forest and the only photo available is a satellite photo of our roof tops, which are partially obscured by trees. It literally shows us floating out there, in the middle of nowhere, with no road access.


I am unclear on the legalities of who owns an image of my home. My dh occasionally does photos for magazines and has to get a release if he photographs any recognizable items or structures, just as he would if he had photographed a person. So why can Google get away with publishing a photo of someone's home and property, fully recognizable, as a vehicle to earn revenue via their advertising?


You want a photo of my house or my dc, the short answer is No Way. If you want it really badly, then cough up some cold, hard cash and perhaps we'll talk. Otherwise, stay off my road and away from my home!!!

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My house is the wrong color in it.


I read about one where someone happened to see that his father, who had passed away, was out in front on his former house.  Maybe doing something he was associated with...  something nice.  I can't quite recall, but I remember it was sort of a nice surprise for the family.  It's funny how Streetview captures this stuff.

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We never stay in one place long enough to have street view actually be of "our" home. It's always from before or after we lived there. But it wouldn't bother me if the image was of a home when we lived in it.


I love street view and am so glad it's here in Mexico too. It makes it so much easier for me to get oriented when we move to a new home if I've already been able to check out the neighborhood, and to get around a new city.

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The street view of our house is the exact view you would get if you drove down our road, including our house and street number.  So there is nothing they will see on Google earth that is "private" as such.  I suppose if  I didn't want anyone to see our house then I could erect some kind of a screen that goes along our property line, but I think that might just draw more attention to our house. . . 

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It would bother me.  It's one thing to have someone drive by.  It's another to have certain things showing publicly that ANYONE can find and see with a few clicks while sitting in their home thousands of miles away.  (And yes, I've successfully tracked down other people using public information online, including "walking" down their street via Google Street View.  It is creepy how easy it can be.)

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My daughter was walking home from school when the streetview camera car drove down out street. Her face is blurred out, as are some (not all) of the vehicle license plates. It bothered me until I saw the image and saw that she isn't recognizable.


Anyone could have known kids lived here before that due to the swing set that shows up from the satellite image.





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We live just off the beaten path far enough that the Google mobile has not passed us.  I have spotted them several times around town.  They have finally updated the satellite picture though.  I can tell it was taken this past winter/early spring (barren trees) at some point.  What is really funny is that when you look at my FIL's house his big truck isn't in the street view, but when you look at our house's satellite his truck is sitting in the driveway hooking up to or returning the camper.

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I just looked mine up.  It's the middle of the day, and my porch lights are still on.  Oops.  My garage doors are closed, and no people are in sight, so I guess we're good.  Also, it was a Friday that the Google car came by.  Our trash day is Friday, and everybody's trash cans are on the street.   :D

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I don't think it would bother me.


You can't really see anything of our current house because there is a tree in bloom in front of the house in the photo. That tree was actually cut down before we moved in.


Our house from a couple of houses ago showed the kids and dh washing my truck the the garage and all of the car doors open. But, their faces were all blurred out. It has been updated since.

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Yes, it would squick me out on a visceral level.


My own house looks nice. It's a rental and there is absolutely no trace of my kids' or my own preferences, possessions, or personalities in it. My car isn't even visible and the grass is freshly mowed. It looks unoccupied and ready to be shown to the realtor, even though I've lived here since long before there was a google maps so I know I'm probably behind the blinds in my bathrobe reading on my couch while the dishes sit in the sink and my sons roughhouse and play with their lightsabers amongst the clutter I'll pick up when I pick it up.


My mom's house is too dark to see anything. My dad's is recognisable as the cool old piece of architecture it is, but there is no indication that the occupant is elderly.


I am very much relieved.



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