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Help me with weight loss

plain jane

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I've been feeling so down about myself and my weight and I could really use some advice.


I'm typically a size 4, depending on the brand/fit. Thing is, I've put on a fair amount of weight since my last baby.  I am still nursing and it's important that I don't lose my supply and that my milk is nutritious for the LO so I don't know if I can do anything drastic in terms of what I eat (tips would be really helpful here).  Plus, I feel hungry all the time, which doesn't help.  :tongue_smilie:


I really want to work out but I have a bad leg injury that won't heal and it's already challenging enough just to walk.  At this time I am physically incapable of any kind of running/jumping movements as they bring excruciating pain. I attribute a good deal of my weight gain to my inability to move much (even walking at a brisk pace is very painful).


I feel like a blimp all the time and it's dragging my mood down. Big time. :(   I've really put on a lot of weight in my thighs, which have always been a problem area for me (and a source of embarrassment). Of course, dh has noticed that I've put on weight and while he has been understanding, I can't help but feel so unattractive.  I hate feeling like this.


I feel stuck because I really can't drop my calorie intake too much- when I eat less I do notice a big drop in my milk supply and I really can't work out.


I thought maybe someone here may have some ideas for me.  It's hard feeling embarrassed about my body all the time.


ETA: I don't eat a lot of carbs, except I do have a generous amount of plain whole oats each day (for milk supply) and my gallbladder has been acting up quite a bit so I have really limited my meat/fat intake.  I don't follow a strict gallbladder diet though.  I seem to be coping without one so far.  The only sugar I have is in my daily coffee (brewed at home, nothing fancy ;)).  I don't ever have desserts or candy or chocolate and don't eat dairy. I use coconut oil and olive oil for cooking/eating.  Not sure if this is helpful but thought I would add it in.

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I hate dieting & the type of exercise that I love requires me to be childless (although we do bike as a family).


So for exercise, I force myself to do it during commercials. It can be jumping jacks, sit-ups, the plank. Whatever. Just get.off.my.butt. It's only a few minutes.


For food, I try to stick with the "No S" diet & it's pretty doable for me.


No Sweets.

No Snacks.

No Seconds.

Except on days that start with S.


That's my great advice :)

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I hate dieting & the type of exercise that I love requires me to be childless (although we do bike as a family).


So for exercise, I force myself to do it during commercials. It can be jumping jacks, sit-ups, the plank. Whatever. Just get.off.my.butt. It's only a few minutes.


For food, I try to stick with the "No S" diet & it's pretty doable for me.


No Sweets.

No Snacks.

No Seconds.

Except on days that start with S.


That's my great advice :)

Good advice.  It is really 80% diet in the weight loss arena.  It's hard to gain weight on veggies and fruits and they are healthy.  You might try some yoga (tons of videos) or maybe swimming if that's a possibility.  The injury makes it a problem.  Try to remember this is a stage.  Soon the LO will be eating and nursing less.  If you can maintain where you are later when you are healed and not exclusively nursing you can work harder on the weight loss.

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