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A mom brag from me!


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Ds, the computer science junior, was just offered a summer internship at JP Morgan without applying or interviewing :D


He participated in the Code for Good Challenge this fall http://techcareers.jpmorgan.com/techcareers/us/opportunities/codeforgood His freshman year RA, now employed by JP Morgan, told ds that impressive students are offered internships without going through the application process. Ds is so thrilled :party:

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Ds, the computer science junior, was just offered a summer internship at JP Morgan without applying or interviewing :D

Sweet!  How did he find out about the Code for Good Challenge?  Through the same freshman year RA?


ETA:  You know, I hate interviewing.  I've had 2 full-time jobs.  Got both through school (after BA and after MS).  I am having a flash of what it would be like to get a job after school without interviewing and then sticking with that company until retirement.  Never go through the angst of interviewing in all of life.  How wonderful....

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