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Online biology or other high school science, please?

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My youngest son is in grade 9 and doing biology this year.  Unfortunately, I missed out on an opportunity to have him do bio labs at a nearby Christian university (a program set up for homeschoolers).  None of my sons has been science-oriented, and although I like science, it's not my forte in terms of teaching.  My son thinks he might benefit from doing an online course, but I'm not sure which one (though I am not a fan of Apologia).  Would anyone have any suggestions about either how to make science study at home more engaging for a kid who doesn't especially like it or for online high school science programs geared towards homeschoolers (and which aren't too expensive)?


Thank you.

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We're doing the free, online GA PBS chemistry this year and it seems to be going well.  They also have physics, but there's no biology.  I'm planning to do a bunch of living books, the Biology 101 dvds, and a selection of labs and collections when we get there.  I haven't used the Logos kit, but it would give you everything in one place, done.  Those other links are things I saved.  Really, I'd just pick a smattering of labs that interest him and go for it.  Make a log, take pics, just have fun.  We did collections when I was in high school bio, and they were very memorable.  We did dissections but not much else.  I know there's been a shift toward more biochem, but I still think there's a range of what's actually getting done in schools.  Pick something and call it good.


Btw, you can also do virtual labs or computer simulations.  Kathy in Richmond had suggested some in the past, and they were very affordable, maybe $10?

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