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The Christmas season may now commence!


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I'm not one that has issue with Christmas blurring into Thanksgiving, obviously. (Though, Christmas stuff being out before Halloween does irk me a bit...)


Anyway, my husband has next week off to help me start packing the house. We will probably skip turkey this year, have some ham and go see Frozen for Thanksgiving. And put up the Christmas tree.


Ah, the Christmas tree. We have an artificial one that is decades old. Every year we've looked at the after Christmas sales, but haven't ever bought another. My husband hates our old one. He hates stringing lights. He hates putting the tree up because of the lights. We usually do the tree at night so he can be grumpy and irritable when the kids are in bed.


This year, I've bought him a new (pre-lit) tree. I watched and waited and found a great deal at Target. The kids and I bought it tonight and we will give it to him tomorrow. I can't wait! Now I just have to make sure nobody spills the beans...

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Oh wow. I thought I was the only person who had a husband who hates to set up the Christmas tree because of the lights! I tell him every year to quit being a Scrooge. Every year he looks longingly at all the pre-lit trees that line the isles at Costco this time of year but we have yet to spend the money to replace our decades old tree. It still looks very nice... It's just those darn strings of lights...


I'm in the same boat you used to be in so I to that'll understand your post! Enjoy the new tree!!!

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I broke tradition this year and put up my tree early. First year ever for that. Hubby put up the tree, and I strung the lights. My son helped put up the lights, and I had a talk with him about how much fun it is and how much I hope he enjoys doing it for his family when he's old enough to have one....pretty sure I got an eyeroll from hubby. ;)

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We have two trees up and another going up tomorrow. What can I say we have a big family :)


Pre lit trees are great. Until they aren't. Four hours trying to fix the lights today and I gave up and went and bought lights to put on the branches where the lights weren't working.


We decorated early because we are leaving for thanksgiving. We like to come home to it done ;)


Ok who am I kidding. We almost alway decorate before thanksgiving. My husband and I are still very much like children at Christmas. ;)

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I broke tradition this year and put up my tree early. First year ever for that. Hubby put up the tree, and I strung the lights. My son helped put up the lights, and I had a talk with him about how much fun it is and how much I hope he enjoys doing it for his family when he's old enough to have one....pretty sure I got an eyeroll from hubby. ;)


Whereas I'll be the one, come mid-December, grumbling, "Why do we have to get a tree? We live in the woods, people! There are dozens of trees just outside our door! Why don't we just sling some lights on one of them?"


It gets me nowhere.

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I found the last of my Christmas music right after I found the inspiration to start making gifts and the sense of humour to LOVE the silliness of my imperfect tokens of affection so far, so I'm all set! The tree goes up and the guitar gets tuned after we eat on Thursday.


It was the pre-lit kind when we got it, but that was about ten years ago so we've had to use strings of lights since the ones that are attached to the tree stopped working. one year I sent then-teenaged older ds to the thrift store with a five dollar bill to replace the lights and had no idea they were overstocked and selling them for less than a dollar a strand. I told him to see what he could get with the money we had, so he did.


We still have more lights than we need, so I don't fidget with them that much, just toss them when they don't light up or are too much trouble to untangle and grab a different strand instead.

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Whereas I'll be the one, come mid-December, grumbling, "Why do we have to get a tree? We live in the woods, people! There are dozens of trees just outside our door! Why don't we just sling some lights on one of them?"


It gets me nowhere.


Maybe I should have said it more loudly or with more emphasis??? Maybe a wink at the hubby? Not sure what it would take to get him to put the lights on. lol

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