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ISO a book that was recommended here a long time ago (exercise, weight loss)

plain jane

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It was a couple of years ago now but I'm sure there was a weight loss thread and several posters recommended a book for losing weight gained in the mid-section, specifically for men.  Or maybe it was both genders but the thread focused on their dh?  Not sure anymore and I have not been able to find the thread since although I have looked and looked.


Does anyone know of a good book that helps target that area?  I don't even remember if it centered on diet or exercise, just that it was focused on weight gained in the mid section.

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Fat is fat regardless of where it is on your body.  You can not target where you lose fat but you can do strength training to tighten up the muscles underneath the fat. 




Fat loss is the result of a deficit in how many calories you take in versus how many calories your body uses.  When you lose weight you also will lose muscle mass and to combat that loss you should incorporate a strength training routine with heavy weights.


Hope this is helpful!


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