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Social media vent (JAWM...if you want...or not)


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I don't read blogs.  I don't Twitter or tweet or whatever it is.  I have all of 30 friends on FB.  I avoid news feeds and never click on links.  That being said...


Last night a friend posted a blog article (not hers).  I responded.  I was civil yet strong/clear.  I was not insulting.  I am now in boiling hot water because apparently this blog is written by a cousin of a friend of my friend (make sense?) and I "hurt" both my friend and this blog author.  Why?  Because I stated that the author's logic was flawed.


It's social media, people.  Write it, post it, share it, expect a response.  Don't like the response?  Don't blog/post/share.  Know the author personally?  Big deal.  Someone writes something or expresses an opinion, expect a response even if said person is very indirectly known by you.  I'm not going to change my views because you have a vested interest in this blog author.  I'm not attacking your friend, I am challenging her words and reasoning.  And don't read more into my response than is there.  I didn't say the things you are saying I said.  Go back and read my response again.  Take a chill pill. Get a life.


Vent over.  Off to edit my FB friend list a bit...

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Sounds like friend and cousin need to put on their big girl pants and understand that putting yourself out there like that opens you up to criticism.  I wouldn't feel bad for speaking the truth.  As long as the intention wasn't to be rude and nasty, then you did nothing wrong.

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Usually if I disagree with something on social media, I find it easier to just ignore it. Most people don't want their views challenged.


Also I don't like to argue with friends and family over silly social media stuff just because we see things differently/disagree. Live and let live, I say.

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Usually if I disagree with something on social media, I find it easier to just ignore it. Most people don't want their views challenged. 


Also I don't like to argue with friends and family over silly social media stuff just because we see things differently/disagree. Live and let live, I say

I can usually do that but this post's content was a challenge to a group of people (of which I happen to be one) and I resented the challenge and reasoning behind it.  I stated that very kindly yet bluntly.  And am being flooded with posts from one person who is angry with me.  Yes, big girl panties are in order at this point.  I hate that I read the stupid blog.  I have enough to figure out in my own life in my own home without reading things other people think I should/should not be doing.

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Tell the woman to suck it up and deal with it. If she couldn't handle honest commentary, she shouldn't have posted her opinions. She must have quite the ego if she assumed that everyone would agree with her.


Sounds like you need to teach her the value of using the JAWM designation!!! ;)

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Oh, it just got better.  Now I'm told that this blog post that was challenging/targeting a LARGE people group found the world over is only to be considered as a cultural/geographical location issue.  Right.  Because people who share my beliefs are so very different two states over.  


I really need to salvage what is left of my day and disregard the ramblings of this "friend".

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Oh, it just got better. Now I'm told that this blog post that was challenging/targeting a LARGE people group found the world over is only to be considered as a cultural/geographical location issue. Right. Because people who share my beliefs are so very different two states over.


I really need to salvage what is left of my day and disregard the ramblings of this "friend".

Stop reading the blog.


Unfriend this person.


Delete any emails from her without reading them.

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