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Should I be worried about my dog?

Flowing Brook

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This morning the handsome fellow in my profile ate a empty plastic snack pudding container.  I caught him as he was getting the last piece.  He seems fine.  Eating and drinking normally. He seems normal.  He's five months old.  I am wondering if it is ok to take a wait and see approach or if I need to call the vet. I hate to bother her on Sunday.  Especially as she was up until 2:30 Friday morning with one of my other dogs.  So anyways if he seems normal is it ok to assume all is well.  It was one of these containers. http://www.amazon.com/Hunts-Snack-Pudding-Tapioca-Count/dp/B0076Z1NNK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1382900450&sr=8-3&keywords=pudding+snack+packs

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I'd be a bit concerned about that.  Is the vet on call all the time?  Do you have an e-vet close by?  You might get lucky and he'll be just fine, but I'd want to know someone was available on short notice tonight just in case.  And even if he still seems fine tomorrow I'd give the vet a call during regular office hours and get her advice.  Hopefully it will get digested and pass through.  I've seen dogs eat some really weird stuff w/o any problems, but it's always worrisome.

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I would also think through a "game plan" and be prepared to act quickly if the need arises.   If he is eating, drinking, eliminating, and acting OK I wouldn't worry too much.   Vomiting would put me on guard.   Repeated vomiting would make me more concerned.   Lethargy, no pooping, refusal to eat, etc. would mean an immediate visit.


I have a 10-month-old puppy who eats all sorts of stuff.   Last Thursday she ate 1/2 of a plastic toy that she found in one of the kids' bedrooms, as well as a glue stick that someone let roll onto the floor.   Since then, she's vomited 3 times.   Right now we're in "alert" mode, waiting it out a few more days before calling the vet.   She acts fine, eats enthusiastically, and is still pooping.   She keeps some meals down with no issues, but when she's vomited it's been a couple hours after eating.   This is the 3rd time that she's eaten a big chunk of a toy, and each time before she's had occasional vomiting for about a week afterwards before getting back to normal.   If she started acting lethargic or refused to eat, or if she vomited immediately after eating, we'd take her to the emergency vet right away.


I'm really hoping she outgrows this habit soon.

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I would watch carefully and check in with the vet tomorrow. They might do an x-ray to make sure it is going to pass. 


My crazy dog will try to eat anything (leaves, grass, socks-1 surgery to remove, once got to throw up). Just the other day she found a rotten banana peel on our walk and swallowed the whole thing. 

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