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why don't you tell me the real reason you are selling it?


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That was the email I got from someone responding to my CL ad. 


The person emailed and asked if anything was wrong with it.  I responded by saying that it is in NEW condition (still with plastic protector on it) and that I had two and wanted to sell one.


He wrote back about a week later and said, "Why don't you tell me the real reason you are selling it."


What in the world?  Why would someone be so rude?  If you don't want it, don't email me.  

If you don't believe it is really in new condition but want it, come take a look for yourself.



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I don't even respond to things like that.  I have had people be snarky because when I say $25ppd, obo, then they offer $10ppd and I won't take it they think I am being rude I guess.  One person said, "You said or best offer."  I went to to $20ppd and she refused so I didn't respond to her comment.  I can understand if someone has been burned and wanting to know more, but they still could be polite.

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That was the email I got from someone responding to my CL ad.


The person emailed and asked if anything was wrong with it. I responded by saying that it is in NEW condition (still with plastic protector on it) and that I had two and wanted to sell one.


He wrote back about a week later and said, "Why don't you tell me the real reason you are selling it."


What in the world? Why would someone be so rude? If you don't want it, don't email me.

If you don't believe it is really in new condition but want it, come take a look for yourself.



Because people like him think a burst of aggression like this will scare you into telling the truth.


He's probably one of the pediatricans from the other thread, hahahaha.

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If you have the time today, you might make up some really outlandish reason that you are selling it.  Make it long and convoluted.  At least you will have the satisfaction that he wasted his time reading it :)  You could end with..."and that's not the TRUE story"....


I've always wanted to do that to people who waste my time on Craigslist LOL.

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 He wrote back about a week later and said, "Why don't you tell me the real reason you are selling it."

"why don't you tell me the real reason you are responding to this ad?"

I agree the guy probably got burned in the past, but gee whiz.   then there are the people who are angry the item isn't in perfectly new condition, and when you meet them they only want to pay half.  umm, no.


I don't even respond to things like that.  I have had people be snarky because when I say $25ppd, obo, then they offer $10ppd and I won't take it they think I am being rude I guess.  One person said, "You said or best offer."  I went to to $20ppd and she refused so I didn't respond to her comment. 

and what part of obo is at the seller's discretion didn't she understand???? 


I gave something away on freecycle - and had one woman sending many e-mails about how she had to have been one of the first respondents and therefore I should give the item to her.  so glad I waited until I had a bunch of responses before deciding to whom I should give the thing.  I'd rather give it to someone who is grateful, rather than feels entitled.

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I didn't respond.  I felt like responding with something snarky, but I refrained.  Aren't you proud of me?


Yes, I've done that.  One advantage of electronic communication is that you can truly hide.  Over the summer someone offered me 1/2 of the asking price for a large set of books that was already discounted to slightly above 1/2 price for "like new" books.  This was on another free homeschool site, not here. I emailed back, "Sorry, my price is firm."  


She emailed 4-5 times after that with various sob stories and emotional appeals.  I just deleted them.


Then someone emailed wanting to buy them at the asking price.  They paid right away, and off they went.


A week later the original person started the tirade again, even griping that I had taken the listing down because they "really" wanted them.


I set up a rule in my email to send them off to trash automatically.  Some time later, I looked and there were over 10 emails from them.


Then they emailed again from a different email account about another book I had listed.  They wanted to know if I had a related book for sale.  Thankfully I recognized the name. I emailed back, "Nope, sorry!" even though I had the book listed on Amazon and could have sold it to them.



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Yes, I've done that.  One advantage of electronic communication is that you can truly hide.  Over the summer someone offered me 1/2 of the asking price for a large set of books that was already discounted to slightly above 1/2 price for "like new" books.  This was on another free homeschool site, not here. I emailed back, "Sorry, my price is firm."  


She emailed 4-5 times after that with various sob stories and emotional appeals.  I just deleted them.


Then someone emailed wanting to buy them at the asking price.  They paid right away, and off they went.


A week later the original person started the tirade again, even gripping that I had taken the listing down because they "really" wanted them.


I set up a rule in my email to send them off to trash automatically.  Some time later, I looked and there were over 10 emails from them.


Then they emailed again from a different email account about another book I had listed.  They wanted to know if I had a related book for sale.  Thankfully I recognized the name. I emailed back, "Nope, sorry!" even though I had the book listed on Amazon and could have sold it to them.




I had two sob stories for a bunkbed I was getting rid of. One had a child that had a mattress on the floor. The other had three children sharing a bed. I gave it to the family with the three children (found out later they were quiet members of the same homeschool group). The bed was double bottom and single top...whala a bed for THREE children! One child with a mattress...well, she has a mattress. Her father or uncle emailed about how cruel I was not to give their child a bed. She has a bed, just not on a frame and she doesn't have to share it with two other people.

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I would be tempted to reply "so I would have the pleasure of dealing with folks like yourself."  But you are better off ignoring it.


Craigslist either brings out the worst in people or bring me in contact with the worst people.  I've not had a ton of rude people but have had no-shows and just idiots.  Like today someone emailed me to tell me to call them so I can read them the same information that's in the ad.  Word for word.  His reason was "I'm at work, like most everyone is right now, so I can't read the ad".

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Like today someone emailed me to tell me to call them so I can read them the same information that's in the ad.  Word for word.  His reason was "I'm at work, like most everyone is right now, so I can't read the ad".


Er...how did he manage to contact you in the first place if he couldn't see the ad?


I don't ever, ever call people. I don't get that. The whole system is online, and we have an online method of communication. If I wanted to talk to potential crazy people on the phone, I'd have listed my phone number. 

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LOL -- 


Guess who just emailed.  See post #16.


I can't win.


Ugh.  At this point, I'm pretty sure I would email them back, letting them know that any further communication from them will be viewed as harassment and police will be involved.


Also, it's threads like these that remind me why I refuse to use CL or Freecycle.  Goodwill (or equivalent) gets all my business.  It's just not worth the hassle.

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Oh my word, he just emailed me again asking if it is still available.


Um, nope, not for you!


you could double the price - tomorrow only. 

Ugh, I have a Kitchenaid mixer I need to list on CL, and this thread is not helping to motivate me! I've listed free stuff on both Freecycle and Craigslist, and CL people are definitely far, far weirder *sigh*

I just bought a kitchenaid off craigslist for dd.  she made clear she doesn't want to see household goods until she actually buys a house . . . . . that means she'd better be well on her way by Christmas . . (or at least her BD beginning of jan.)  she wants nearly turnkey, but at her price point, they are very very few and far between.  (and there are only about four new houses in this area in a given week. - that includes overpriced fixers.  we've now seen them all.)

do include the size and wattage . .  can't believe how many people didn't.  I just heard back from one today with that info, all excited to sell it to me.  um, sorry, I bought one already.

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