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Marie's Words....opinion on this set of vocabulary cards


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These remind me of the book ​Vocabulary Cartoons  which I highly recommend!  Something about the funny cartoons really helped to cement word meanings for my kids.  It is also much more affordable: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Vocabulary+Cartoons+%28Elementary+Edition%29/008804/72bcbb124e5292f81dcb9746?subject=8&category=1951





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I have them and I really like them. They remind me of the vocabulary cards that come with some of the IEW theme based books. I spoke with the artist at a conference and saw his original drawings that he drew on 3x5 cards to help him study for he ACT. at any rate I pull the cards out every now and then and look thought them with the kids. I think they are fun. After I purchased the actual card set I realized they have an app that contains all of the words too. The app is considerably less money so if I were to purchase again I'd purchase the app. But I do like the physical cards. They are very clever if you ask me,

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We really like using them. Thanks for the heads up on the app. I may download that, as well.


We usually pick one card per child each week, and take turns making up different games for the new words while reviewing the old ones as well. It's quick and painless and we usually get a few laughs.

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