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Phonics for a mom with many?


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We have been using IEW's PAL but I think we need something else. I am looking for something where we can spend 15 minutes a day or so.  I really like AAS for my older kids and am wondering if AAR would be a good fit? Or maybe something entirely different? Just looking for something that will get done.

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We LOVE AAR here. It's very open and go and usually took us about 15 minutes per day. You can save even more time if you do all the prep work (getting cards out, cutting) ahead of time. I am doing that now and putting each lesson in page protectors, and then can keep for each additional child. I just wish I would've thought about that when we did level 1. We are doing level 3 now and my first grader is reading beautifully. It's a little tricky keeping the littles out of the tiles, but it's worth it!

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I teach my kids letter sounds and to orally sound out words, then build words with a movable alphabet for a while, and then move on to AAS level 1, while playing simple reading games during which the kids are only reading single words.  My oldest two jumped into reading about halfway through level 1 of AAS.  Ds's first book was Green Eggs and Ham.  From there, I continue to teach spelling, and also work on reading by having them read reader books and working through OPGTR.

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