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Anyone else thinking ahead to high school planning?

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I feel like such an 'inbetweener' - not ready for the HS board (why?!? Lol no idea) but feeling like I should be tiptoeing over there for some thoughts on next year when we will have our first high schooler. So then I just decide to breathe into a paper bag and hope the year will plan itself! ;)


Anyone else sticking their head in the sand? Anyone already ahead of the game with a clear plan for 9th?


Math is the only thing I have an idea about - we'll be doing Algebra 1 with either Lial's (and Jann in TX) or Derek Owens.


Science - some kind of Biology (maybe Apologia)


History - no idea! She really wants to finish our SOTW rotation (we only started homeschooling in 6th) and I wondered if I could make it enough work to call it European or World History for 9th?


Grammar - do we have to do this???

Literature - either LL8 (we're doing 7 this year) or one of the several programs I bookmarked after getting lots of help on this subject here! Yay for options! :)

Composition - IEW Elegant Essay + (not sure)??

Vocabulary - really like Sadlier - do they keep going? (On my list of things to look into!)


French - maybe? Either continue with L'Art DL or check out Galore Park


Logic - umm no idea. I don't think I want formal logic, as we've done things like Fallacy Detective and enjoyed it, but not sure what's next - maybe Art of Argument?


What am I forgetting? Oh yes, to breathe! Lol! Anyone else? ;)

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History - no idea! She really wants to finish our SOTW rotation (we only started homeschooling in 6th) and I wondered if I could make it enough work to call it European or World History for 9th?


Should you look at the History books Susan wrote for the older kids?  She has teachers manuals to go with some of them also.  Your dd could possibly do the SOTW and use the older books at the same time.  I'm not really sure, just a possible idea.

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I think I hang out and read more on the high school board than I do anywhere else-----and we're not even sure if dd will be home for high school!


If she is home this is the plan:


Math---AoPS precalculus


Science---chemistry, not sure which book (Chang maybe?)


History---probably ancient history using SWB's book and TC lectures


English---definitely outsourced as this year is


Foreign language---language to be determined, method of learning to be determined, once-a-week tutor through the university


An elective---a second science or programming

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Well, I had been planning, but ds1 informed me that he wants to go to the local high school next year. I had spend two years debating the right science sequence and whether or not to follow the 4 year history cycle or go for a more traditional AP type history and LA sequence only to have my hopes dashed by a 13 year old :svengo: 


Just kidding about the dramatics. Sort of.


That said, I am a teensy bit relieved to not have to do all that work. I was looking forward to it, but there is a part of me that is a bit relieved someone else will have to take responsibility for it. It might still happen. He might get there and want to come home. Still, it feels weird not to be obsessing about next year as we make our way through 8th grade.


My poor second kid. He's going to be my only focus next year. He is going to be one well educated 4th grader, lol.


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Because DD is a TTUISD student, and because I participate on WTM, yes, I am looking ahead. Better to know what is ahead, because time goes by very quickly. I have begun looking into Scholarship opportunities and PSAT/SAT examinations.


After reading a number of threads about PSAT on WTM recently, 2 days ago, I contacted the B&M school DD attended, when she was in K4, K5 and First grade, to see if they give the PSAT and SAT examinations. They do. This is very important for DD, because we live in South America.


Their College Counselor replied to me, about National Merit: Ă¢â‚¬Å“since as an American citizen she would be eligible for the Scholarship program you mentionedĂ¢â‚¬


Then I spent a few minutes on the CollegeBoard web site, reading about the PSAT. I discovered that in addition to the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), DD will also be eligible to compete for the National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) since my wife is a Ă¢â‚¬Å“LatinaĂ¢â‚¬. That program was something I didn't know about.


I would like DD to be very well prepared for the PSAT and SAT examinations, and not to be surprised about them, or what is involved, when she needs to take them. That's a few years down the road, but the years will go by quickly...

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If you're using Sadlier-Oxford's Vocabulary Workshop series, that goes up through Level H. H would come in 12th if a student uses VW a year ahead of typical (e.g. D in 8th, E in 9th, etc.)


Thanks! I just looked at this last night and wondered about H. Since my oldest DD seems to be doing very well on grade level (C in 8th), I'll probably use it through G with her. My younger DD will probabably be ready for C next year in 7th, so she would go all the way through H eventually. We are loving this program!!!

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Thinking?  Yes    :ohmy:

Worrying?   Yes    :scared:

Planning?     Not yet.   :confused1:


But I have another year still before I have to get serious.  :willy_nilly:  

I'm the PSAT person for our local homeschool group, so I did finally find a high school nearby who will let our kids take it. Hoping to change the mind of the guidance counselor at the local school to allow sophomores to take it as well as juniors & then try to ease in the homeschooled kids. I'm taking my time with that, though.

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My Dd 11 is only in 6th grade, and I already have a good idea what we'll be doing for high school.  Lol  What can I say?  I'm a planner.  We will be doing the excellence in literature series, tutor for Spanish, and enrolling in GA Virtual Academy for  4 AP sciences, 4 AP Social Studies, Alg 2-Geom-Trig-AP Calc.  We'll do Music Appreciation and Art History on our own.  I think that with some community service this will get her into college.  She has started archery and will officially be coached and  compete at meets next semester. She shows a lot of natural talent for it so we're hoping  this will lead to scholarship opportunities.

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My Dd 11 is only in 6th grade, and I already have a good idea what we'll be doing for high school.  


When my oldest was about 7, I had a great idea what we'd be doing for high school.  My Cathy Duffy 100 Best Picks book was all marked up & I had perused websites and talked with much knowledge about what I'd be using when we got there.  :lol:


Reality intruded on my dream and I now know not to plan that far ahead and only do it in pencil.    :coolgleamA:

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OK, you all have convinced me to come on in, because the water's actually fine lol ;)  I set up a 4 year 'course of study' excel spreadsheet to use as a template for credit planning during this processs - for me, all forms of planning from vacations, to budgets, to homeschooling all begin with a good spreadsheet. I'm slowly researching and filling in the blanks on the form, making notes along the way of questions I want to read more about on the HS board. 


I do feel somewhat "behind" many here, but that's because we only started homeschooling my oldest DD when she was in 6th grade. Up until that time, I wasn't planning ANYTHING for her HS years because we had no idea she wouldn't still be attending the private school she was in (and had been in for 6 years)! Last year before planning her 8th grade curriculum, I did visit the university/college websites for the schools she has expressed an interest in attending - mostly to check science requirements. It's definitely not my wheelhouse, and I just did the basic high school science rotation offered at my school, so I had no idea what would be required now for her - and she does NOT want to do what I did (biology, physics, chem, adv. chem).


We've had a great 2 years homeschooling so far, but the whole high school planning thing is still kind of a "new" idea for me. I feel confident we can do this, and, very importantly, we ALL want to do this. We did discuss going back to her old school or even looking for another option locally, but DD is set that she wants to homeschool through high school, and so I'm jumping in!!  Thanks for all the advice and info!!:)

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OK, I will play :) DS is currently in 7th.

I have two scenarios and two plans for each scenario.


Scenario Number One: We are living in the USA.

Plan One: DS attends the private school that his brothers attended.

Plan Two: Homeschool all the way through.


Scenario Number Two: We are living in Denmark.

Plan One: Homeschool for 9th grade. After 9th grade, he enters enters the IB program (a year of pre-IB plus two years of IB).

Plan Two: Homeschool all the way through.


Plenty of "it depends" in the plans, but everything that we are doing in 7th and 8th should keep all of the doors open. It is unlikely that he will homeschool all the way through with either scenario, but I am of the never-say-never mindset these days.


edited for clarity

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Strangely enough, I was totally obsessing and freaking out about high school a few years ago when my ds was in 5th/6th grade. I seriously thought about putting him in public or private school.


Now that he's in 8th grade, every once in a while it occurs to me that I need to come up with a plan soon and that I should make a list of deadlines for things like the PSAT, etc. I'm not worried about it much anymore though because I think I have a path figured out for him for math, science and foreign language. Maybe English as well. Those are the biggies to me, so that really sets my mind at ease that we can do this.


I do need to come up with a 4 year plan soon, though, and just get it all on paper, so this thread is a good reminder of that.

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I also have a year before I need to get serious, but. . .   :willy_nilly:


My tentative plans for 9th:


Math: Systemath Algebra 2

Grammar: Thinking through Grammar? If not then DGP

Writing: Considering the Lost Tools of Writing or Virtual Language Alive

Lit: Windows to the World?

Science and History: DS's choice. Science is the area I'd most like to outsource

Logic: Bluedorn books

Economics/Civics: Uncle Eric books

Spanish: La Clase Divertida classes

Art: Maybe Creating a Masterpiece


I have no idea where we're going after this. I feel like I don't know a lot about the High School curriculum choices.


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I have a tentative plan for dd.  In our state I'm also wondering about the whole accrediting thing.  I'm inclined not to, but don't want to mess up my oldest child.


Anyway we will do Alg 1, Biology, Comp, Lit, some grammar.  I'm not sure about history or geography.  Italian. Continue flute in band.  

I'm not sure what all else.  

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I have an excel spreadsheet with scope and sequence through 12th grade all set out for my 6th grader . . . and my 2nd grader.  I'm silly that way.  :biggrinjester:


Like others have said, I'm a planner - I think better when I make concrete, long term plans on paper (or, in an excel spreadsheet).  My plans give me the confidence and freedom to be completely flexible . . . because when I know what all the fields are, I can endlessly rearrange the data!  There's nothing like an excel spreadsheet for plans made "in pencil."  Everything is open to change with (or without) notice.


This year I thought we were doing physical science, but dd10 fell in love with astronomy so it looks like we're spending the whole year on that.  It's ok, the physics & chemistry part can happen next year.  She's doing Modern history this year, so next year she has the choice of starting over with Ancients, or doing Big History, or choosing a particular time period or region she'd like to study more . . . and the future can ripple out from there.


The only thing I feel like we have to be on a specific track for by high school is math, so I pay a lot of attention to staying on course with that.  Otherwise, it's all planned . . . . flexibly.


And I do lurk on the high school board pretty frequently!  ;)

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I have an excel spreadsheet with scope and sequence through 12th grade all set out for my 6th grader . . . and my 2nd grader.  I'm silly that way.  :biggrinjester:


Hmmm...  I don't even know what I'm making for dinner tonight.   :crying:   I'm jealous!


I'm so confused about high school, I don't even understand the homeschooling laws in Texas concerning high school.  And, I tried looking on a number of college websites and I'm even more confused.   :confused1:

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DD is in grade 7 at a private school. She'll be home for high school.

I'm scared. This is intimidating. How do you do transcripts??? Assign credits???

You guys kill me (in a good way). I need to search "transcripts" now...


Come over to the high school board! there are a few sticky threads on top where Lori D. put together a fantastic collection of links to threads that discuss all those questions.


And you do not need to worry about transcripts NOW, LOL.

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Come over to the high school board! there are a few sticky threads on top where Lori D. put together a fantastic collection of links to threads that discuss all those questions.


And you do not need to worry about transcripts NOW, LOL.


Yes I do! I'm the world's worst for putting things off. Besides, I miss her - learning how to put together a transcript will help me think about her being back home in a couple years, lol.

Heading over to the high school boards!

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Yes I do! I'm the world's worst for putting things off. Besides, I miss her - learning how to put together a transcript will help me think about her being back home in a couple years, lol.

Heading over to the high school boards!


But you don't write the transcript until Fall of Senior year, when she is applying to college!


Until then, you want to have a rough plan on what to do when, and maybe write a four year curriculum outline (be prepared to change, though!).

Later, you should keep a running list of everything you do and all resources you used for every high school course to make it easy to put a transcript together - but this putting together won't happen until the end of high school.

In fact, the transcript often only takes shape when you can take stock of what has been accomplished in high school, what will be included, what will find its place as an extracurricular and not a class, etc.

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But you don't write the transcript until Fall of Senior year, when she is applying to college!


Until then, you want to have a rough plan on what to do when, and maybe write a four year curriculum outline (be prepared to change, though!).

Later, you should keep a running list of everything you do and all resources you used for every high school course to make it easy to put a transcript together - but this putting together won't happen until the end of high school.

In fact, the transcript often only takes shape when you can take stock of what has been accomplished in high school, what will be included, what will find its place as an extracurricular and not a class, etc.


I know, I know. You talked me down, lol.

I just can't believe she's this close to high school.

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I feel like I don't know a lot about the High School curriculum choices.


Yup! This is the major intimidation factor for me! I have researched our elementary and middle school choices over the last several years and now I feel like I'm "starting over" in a way with the high school choices. Off to reread WTM HS section - one I didn't pay much attention to the last time I read it I'll admit. LOL ;)


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Lol. Dh has given me the title Queen of Wrong Priorities. I had myself in tizzy planning all this stuff for way in the future. It's kind of why I'm taking a breather from it. If I see something I'll make a note but I'm not going to drive myself crazy with over planning. Listening to SWB lectures seems to calm me down.


Sometimes it's easier to plan for the kids you will be teaching in the future than teaching the kids that are sitting in front of you right now!!   :leaving:


Not saying anyone else does this . . . but I am definitely guilty of it at times!!  :glare:  :tongue_smilie:  :blushing:

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Sometimes it's easier to plan for the kids you will be teaching in the future than teaching the kids that are sitting in front of you right now!!   :leaving:


Not saying anyone else does this . . . but I am definitely guilty of it at times!!  :glare:  :tongue_smilie:  :blushing:


Oh you and me both Rose. Sigh.

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I have an excel spreadsheet with scope and sequence through 12th grade all set out for my 6th grader . . . and my 2nd grader.  I'm silly that way.  :biggrinjester:




And I do lurk on the high school board pretty frequently!  ;)


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you and me both again! Were we separated at birth? :lol:


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Oh, I should probably be looking ahead somewhat.  Mine will be in 7th next year.  But we are expecting a baby this year and I have a feeling that will take priority for the next couple of years, especially since I have all of logic stage pretty well thought out.  All I need to do is purchase the next levels of most things, look at WTM a bit before the start of each year for a refresher, and see what co-op and extra curriculars are available each year to work around or into the curriculum.  


BUT I have NO IDEA about high school.  For a couple of years I have been kicking around the idea of Kolbe academy just for the help.  But I will be substituting so much and using them for so little that even now I can't decide if that is worth it or not.  Plus my dd really thrives on group classes. I wonder if Kolbe will keep her home and alone too much.  I also love the idea of using our CC, but they don't allow us to take but 1 or 2 courses and not until jr. yr. in ours.  I have no idea about the high school co-ops around here except that they are SO much more expensive than the ones we have been a part of so far.  So I have lots to think about.  Will look more into it over the 8th grade year I suppose..  Baby will be around 2 then. I am sure things will have calmed down by then (said very tongue in cheek!)

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Yep, I've got a good idea of courses, not sure of text. I do a lot of DIY stuff so.....


Math- Alg 2/Geometry depending on current progression. (not sure which text.... maybe an actual class)


L.A.- We're going to focus on American Lit.  Do a lot of writing, work on our Vocabulary (SAT skills) review Grammar rules..... 


Hist. K12 HO American Odyssey.  I'm hoping to get about 2/3 of the way through.  He'll finish the rest in 10th along with Government (Pres. Election year).


Science- Chemistry, I have Noeo's H.S. Chem stuff (picked it all up at a yard sell for $10)  but I don't like it.  Leaning toward "All Lab, No Lecture" with a College text I have.


I would like to find a computer/programming class


Philosophy/Logic/Thinking Skills.  We may be at the point of Argument by then.  So maybe a debate team/club.


Spanish... probably online.



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I do know only one thing- that I am going to use a full package from somewhere.  This year being back with Calvert has been extremely eye-opening for me. It was a huge adjustment for both of us.  I think that I tend to make things too easy, skip around too much, and drop certain books too easily.  


I have no idea if we will be going with Calvert, or MFW, or Hewitt or what.  But I am definitely not going to pick and choose.  


Lastly, I feel a lot less pressure since we decided our kids are going to take the community college option for two years. I feel that the extra time to mature, find their way, etc. without as much academic or financial pressure is a great idea.  

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As I read this thread it struck me...planning for middle school baffled me, the high school part came much easier in terms of selecting materials and resources.  The mushy middle years gave me far more headaches than highschool has so far.  With high school it seems easier to think in terms of what we want to cover and then construct the how.  With the middle years, the goals were less fixed and it was more difficult to guage progress as we went. 

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I agree, and I think that middle school kids can be a little mushy, too!  That can make it hard to plan for next month, much less next year or years down the line.  I feel like it is a constant dance to figure out what level is appropriate - what level of output, what level of reading, what level of challenge in general.  My 6th grader is capable of so much more than she was last year, but progress is not linear to that makes it hard to guess what will be right for 7th grade, 8th grade, etc.  


But you are right, It seems like there is a little bit more of a "standard" expectation for high school - what counts as a high school credit, what content should be covered, how much time, etc.  Middle school is more nebulous that way.  The freedom is nice, but when my child seems to go back and forth between blowing me away with her maturity and making me giggle with her little girlishness, it's hard to plan for that child.  Which child?  The preternaturally mature one, or the total goofball?  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've attached a PDF copy of the blank planning form I used for high school in case anyone is interested in using it.  I started it with Grade 8 because my dd is doing some high school stuff in Grade 8 but it could be modified to start with whatever grade one wished.  One could also change the subject headings along the top to whatever headings are needed.


I've also attached a PDF scan of the outline I've completed for high school.  It's in pencil. :)  I think I've already changed it in my head but haven't gotten around to changing it on paper.



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Well, phooey! I can't get to the documents. I get the following message:

You cannot access this feature. The Well-Trained Mind community requires at least one post on the forums before using this feature.


We could not find the attachment you were attempting to view.

Me, too. Weird.

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I stressed my hubby up enough about high school planning that we will be going for his top choice private high school open house next weekend.  We'll probably visit more than one high school though just for comparison.  The backup option is to put our boys in community college as early as possible.


The only thing that I tentatively plan for is for them to take AP Music Theory and AP Chinese.   Nothing is carve in stone.

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I stressed my hubby up enough about high school planning that we will be going for his top choice private high school open house next weekend.  We'll probably visit more than one high school though just for comparison.  The backup option is to put our boys in community college as early as possible.


The only thing that I tentatively plan for is for them to take AP Music Theory and AP Chinese.   Nothing is carve in stone.


Does the name of that top choice private high school begin with the letter "H" by any chance? ;)


We are doing somewhat of a trial run of high school this year by counting how much time it takes DS to work on his high school level subjects. Also trying to go a little wide this year to see if he has other major areas of interest, after going very deep for so many years. His actual high school years are going to be very unbalanced...tipping towards STEM and less towards the humanities but I want to go wide just to see if there are other areas that will attract him before we decide to specialize for sure.

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Does the name of that top choice private high school begin with the letter "H" by any chance? ;)


Nah. We are looking at Mitty. His colleague's daughter graduated from there recently and liked her high school. She went on to pre-med. My immediate neighbor teaches there. We would probably go to Harker's open house one of these days but more from a curiosity point of view. Another one that I am keen on is Valley Christian School because of the STEM emphasis.



I do like audio engineering though, maybe I'll take a course in that with my boys next time. I was in sound and lighting crew for Hall (hostel/dorm) play in university.

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I've been slugging through the guidelines for our province and finally have everything basically figured out.  My girlfriend and I are working together to get my hubby to teach the boys welding and diesel engine repair and her hubby electrical and construction.  Our boys will both most likely head into a skill trades career so we want to expose them to some trades.  These will be for grades 9 and 10.  I'm hoping to convince my BIL to do auto-cad with the boys in grade 11, but we'll see.

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Our boys will both most likely head into a skill trades career so we want to expose them to some trades. These will be for grades 9 and 10. I'm hoping to convince my BIL to do auto-cad with the boys in grade 11, but we'll see.

How about learning CNC milling or programming? I enjoyed programming and using the CNC machines for prototyping.





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