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Difficulty with writing numbers when angry. Ideas?


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My third son was adopted as a baby from Ethiopia. He is bright and often delightful. However, he has some issues with anger. Although I am open to any therapies people would like to suggest for anger management, I really want to hear any feedback with an unusual situation I have noticed.


Last year, about this time, I had an educational therapist and an occupational therapist both tell me he is ADHD. At the time when he was being evaluated, he very much seemed to be. He was going through a time of very outsized and jerky movements and facial expressions. That calmed down for awhile and has flared up again.


On days when he is angry and/or his ADHD behavior seems present, he has terrible trouble writing numbers. Math that should be simple (he does fine in math most of the time) becomes painful because he writes the numbers backwards and in really jerky handwriting. Today was a day like that and I asked him if the numbers were jumbled in his head. He said yes. I am usually able to help the process by pulling out number cards and having him form the number that is the answer and then copy that. It just seems to me that on those days he can't translate the number in his head to the paper.


Has anyone experienced something similar. I would appreciate any ideas!




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Maybe keep your cell phone or IPAD at the ready and video tape your son as he has these outbursts.  Take the video to the ped and get their professional opinion.


My son's dysgraphia affects all handwriting, not simply numbers.  When his working memory is taxed, the handwriting is worse.  I wonder if your son could even write his name during these episodes.


For the anger, maybe keep a food diary and note any behavior changes.  Monitor pea, corn, and food dye consumption.


ETA:  Maybe explore the Feingold diet.

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Thanks, Heather and Jean. That gives me some good places to start research. I like the idea of taping, since it is hard to explain the symptoms to a doctor when the symptoms are not present. 


I have learned so much on this board and am thankful for all of you...



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I also like the idea of recording those episodes. Has he ever been evaluated by a neurologist? Has he ever been diagnosed with Tourettes? I think there is more going on than ADHD. As you've seen, what he's dealing with wax and wanes, so I wouldn't worry about it being something progressive but you need a specialist other than an OT or educational therapist.

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