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If you could travel back in time where would you go and why?


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To certain times in family history to clarify what really happened.


To certain times in prehistory, for the same reason.


There is a wonderful kids' book, The Ship That Flew, that I highly recommend.  The boy has a ship that can take him and his siblings anywhere, anywhen.  From the 1950's, but a really good tale.



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I was going to suggest a Babelfish too.  GMTA.  :laugh:



If they're bouncing around in time, then you could pick a couple locations that are big and important and do your research on them now before you leave so you have notes you can refer too when you need them.  The rest of the places can be generic cities or points in time so you don't have to worry about it as much.


Kristin Hannah uses good time travel devices in some of her books: lightening storms, power outages, old portraits, unexpected train stops, etc.


One of my favorite Sliders episodes was when they got home, and didn't realize they'd gotten home b/c the squeaky gate had finally been oiled.


I totally remember that episode.  I also remember the episode of Stargate SG-1 that was mentioned up thread when Jack got home and suddenly had fish in his pond but decided it was close enough.


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Mom2bee, what happened in Senegal to the children?  I should probably know...


Nah, I wouldn't expect anyone to know. It wasn't a major world news event, just a sad tragedy in an anonymous village that occurred while I was living abroad as as a child. The children were crushed when the wall collapsed.


They were my friends.


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I am pretty boring because I would like to have known my grandmother. I am the only child of her only child, and from all accounts she would have spoiled me.


Other than that, my efforts would be spent talking to a younger Angie in VA, trying to talk her out of some stupid things she did. In fact, I would like a do over of today. *Sigh*

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