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What products do they no longer make that you wish they did?


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Our Borders was our family happy place...lots of great memories...


I saw canned Spanish rice at the store tonight!  La Preferida brand I think.


Awesome!  We have a store or two that carries La Preferida refried beans, I will start stalking the shelves.



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Ok I'm wrong!! Burt's bees tomato toner is being made again!!!


None of my local stores carry it but I'm ordering online now!!


Yay! But your experience explains why I hadn't seen it in stores the last few years. I moved several times, so I assumed that the stores just weren't carrying it, but they must have stopped making it for a while and then brought it back.

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Oh my gosh!  ME TOOO!!!!!!!!   That stuff WORKED!  I kept a lot on hand.  As soon as I felt a little sick, I would plop plop fizz fizz and could go to work and get through my day.





The old version of the Alka-Seltzer cold and sinus medicine. Man, that stuff worked. Not that I want it giving me a heart-attack or anything.


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Oh my gosh!  ME TOOO!!!!!!!!   That stuff WORKED!  I kept a lot on hand.  As soon as I felt a little sick, I would plop plop fizz fizz and could go to work and get through my day.




It worked great for me, too, but there was no way I could go to work after drinking it. It knocked me out!

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The old fashioned pencil sharpeners from when I was in elem school.


Q-tips that were really fluffy (I found some in my old emergency/camping kit--- wow were they great)


This from Office Depot might work---we have a similar one attached to a shelf in a cupboard:  http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/908996/Boston-KS-Sharpener-ChromeBlack/?cm_cat=


Probably available at other office supply stores or Amazon as well.

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Hostess Chocolate Delight snack cakes - They were like a chocolate Twinkie, with choco cake, filling, and icing.   Discontinued about 25 years ago, but were oh-so-good.  Right now I'd just be thrilled if the new Hostess recipe owner would bring back Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs.


I'm not familiar with these but they reminded me of Banana Twinkies. I used to love those! It was a banana bread cake with the regular cream filling. Haven't had one in about 30 years but they were my favorite treat back then.

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If the nail stuff works, why do you need any more, LOL!


I might have some Plumeria stuff. If I do, it's yours!


Because the nail stuff only works for so long once you stop using it. It's not a lacquer, it's a thinner liquid that soaks into the nail. Once you stop using it and the nail grows out, you have to use it again.   I may try to contact some of the avon reps around town and see if anyone has some in stock they'll sell me.



I miss Drixoral for a decongestant.


Weebles for toys. My sister had the sub and we had the RV.


Also Ivory shampoo and conditioner.



I loved Ivory shampoo & conditioner.  That stuff was great.



I'm not familiar with these but they reminded me of Banana Twinkies. I used to love those! It was a banana bread cake with the regular cream filling. Haven't had one in about 30 years but they were my favorite treat back then.



I never had the Banana Twinkies but DH talks about them. They were one of his favorites growing up, too.



I miss that yellow, nasty tasting expectorant.  I don't remember what it was called but it worked way better than anything else I've ever tried OTC.

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I miss that yellow, nasty tasting expectorant.  I don't remember what it was called but it worked way better than anything else I've ever tried OTC.


Triaminic!  It's all gone because I personally destroyed the factory that made it, including the secret formula.  Or maybe that was just in my Triaminic-fueled dreams.  My mother made me drink gallons of that stuff as a kid.  Hurray for progress, I say!

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LOL! Still, those dangerous kits raised a generation of scientists. My dad went from creating small explosions in his back yard to working at Los Alamos NL. And here's Nobel laureate Kary Mullis' fond memory of his chemistry set:


'Something about tubes filled with things with exotic names intrigued me. My objective with that set was to figure out what things I might put together to cause an explosion. I discovered that whatever chemicals might be missing from the set could be bought at the local drugstore. .We could go down to the hardware store and buy 100 feet of dynamite fuse, and the clerk would just smile and say, "What are you kids going to do? Blow up the bank?"'



Violet Crown,


Have you read Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood by Oliver Sacks? If not, you will love it. Plenty of children playing with explosive chemicals.

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It's probably a sad commentary on my life, but I really miss a certain kind of candy that was readily available when I was a child.  They were sour cherry and sour lemon hard candies, individually wrapped, and packaged in a roll (like life savers, only twice as long and bigger around).  They had a crown (Royal Crown?), I believe, on them.  They were the most excellent hard candies and I truly miss them :(

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I looked them up.


I don't think I have ever had them and now I want them!!!!!!!



It's probably a sad commentary on my life, but I really miss a certain kind of candy that was readily available when I was a child.  They were sour cherry and sour lemon hard candies, individually wrapped, and packaged in a roll (like life savers, only twice as long and bigger around).  They had a crown (Royal Crown?), I believe, on them.  They were the most excellent hard candies and I truly miss them :(


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Are they the dissolving ones? I have those, but they melted. I live in Louisiana where it is hot and humid 90% of the year. I haven't been able to find chewable ones that aren't also the dissolvable ones.

It's actually CVS brand...



We carry them with the Epi Pens and we're in SC so also have a lot of humidity and heat. They've held up for us.

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It's actually CVS brand...



We carry them with the Epi Pens and we're in SC so also have a lot of humidity and heat. They've held up for us.


Thanks! I will definitely try them. They are the rapid melt too, but I would guess different brands hold up better/worse than others. Thank you for the advice.

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Old style Good N Fruities. The new ones aren't quite the same. :(


I missed the OB Ultras while they were gone, too, but they're back (mostly) now.


There used to be a OTC med called "Momentum" that was awesome for backache and headaches, but they changed the formulation, and it stopped working as well for me.


GNC used to sell a PMS supplement with B6/B12, Calcium, Magnesium, Ginger and Vitex. There are similar products, but they all seem to contain Cohosh or Soy or something, which I react to. The old formula was A-MA-ZING. If they brought it back, I'd buy a case. ;)



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Okay, I'm dating myself but I sort of miss Woolworth's. The smell of products combined with grease from the little cafe with green swivel stools where you could buy real bran muffins complete with a square pat of butter that came with them, or grilled cheese sandwiches with bright orange cheese oozing out from toasted white bread, or chocolate milk in a swirly glass. The aisles and aisles of eclectic products ranging from hair nets to shoes to bras to binders to candy. The older staff, women who were obviously grandmothers :lol: Before all the super malls and internet shopping, what a little world that was for a child!

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Milkful's candy! They are these sort of soft caramel candies that had sweetened condensed milk inside. Pure heaven. Apparently they are still made and sold in Canada and Germany and I could order some online but for some reason I feel silly buying candy online lol.

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Milkful's candy! They are these sort of soft caramel candies that had sweetened condensed milk inside. Pure heaven. Apparently they are still made and sold in Canada and Germany and I could order some online but for some reason I feel silly buying candy online lol.


I have seen these at Dollar General stores.

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Milkful's candy! They are these sort of soft caramel candies that had sweetened condensed milk inside. Pure heaven. Apparently they are still made and sold in Canada and Germany and I could order some online but for some reason I feel silly buying candy online lol.

LOL!  Well, I just bought a bunch of candy on Amazon.uk to send to my son who is at school in England.  He can't easily get to town to buy his own and the little stores in the village don't sell what he likes (stuffed twizzlers and sour patch kids).  So I checked the prices to send him some from the US and it would be over $70 to send a box!  Amazon.uk offered free shipping within England and, although the prices were higher than WalMart here, the prices weren't prohibitive esp. with the free shipping.  So don't feel silly!  You'd be in good company :D

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I miss Space Food sticks. I loved peanut butter, but chocolate was good, too. I was very young when I last had them, so maybe I'd think they're gross now, but I remember really liking them way back when.


Dh and I both miss Eagle Brand's chocolate sweetened condensed milk. He made fab chocolate pumpkin pies with it. We only saw it on shelves for a couple of years, though.


I agree with mimeographs. I was the weird kid who always sniffed her worksheets. Maybe that's why my memory is shot these days. Hmmm . . .



ETA: Green Stamps!!!!! I LOVED getting green stamps at the grocery store, sticking them in their books, and looking through the catalog of stuff. As a kid, I thought that was the coolest thing ever - collect stamps and get stuff! So much fun! : ).

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Violet Crown,


Have you read Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood by Oliver Sacks? If not, you will love it. Plenty of children playing with explosive chemicals.



That looks good. I may have to get it for my dad.

I  was going to pop into the discussion to recommend the Sacks book as well as Caveman Chemistry.


There is one candy for which I have occasional nostalgic longings:  Snaps.  This led to an Internet search and, sure enough, the American Licorice Company still makes them. Well, well...

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Dish washing detergent that actually works without leaving my glasses cloudy and gross. I know, the new stuff is much more environmentally friendly, but I still miss the old stuff!


Have you tried Finish? Finish on Amazon

I've found them at Costco for a little less recently. They work great and get off all the gunk from even baked-on cheesy casseroles.


I think that etching can also be caused when you rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. The new detergents use enzymes that work on the food; I've heard that if there isn't enough food in the load, they'll etch glassware. We don't rinse flatware, plates, or casserole dishes at all (just scrape to get off the large chunks), and our glassware hasn't etched. As an added bonus, it makes post-dinner clean-up much easier to just shove it all in the dishwasher.


Hard water might also interact with the detergent and cause etching--or at least that's what we always thought caused the bad etching on my MIL's glasses twenty years ago with old-style detergents.

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Okay, I'm dating myself but I sort of miss Woolworth's. The smell of products combined with grease from the little cafe with green swivel stools where you could buy real bran muffins complete with a square pat of butter that came with them, or grilled cheese sandwiches with bright orange cheese oozing out from toasted white bread, or chocolate milk in a swirly glass. The aisles and aisles of eclectic products ranging from hair nets to shoes to bras to binders to candy. The older staff, women who were obviously grandmothers :lol: Before all the super malls and internet shopping, what a little world that was for a child!


At first I read that as *electric* and got to bras only to stop and wonder how the heck they made an electric bra.  Not to self: get more sleep tonight.


Bath and Body Works Plumeria. I know you can get it at the semi-annual sale, but it's a pain to wait that long.


Really?  I don't shop there very often b/c most of their scents are either too strong or too fake and give me a headache.  I'll have to keep an eye out for the sale though.   Has the scent changed much over the years?



I agree with mimeographs. I was the weird kid who always sniffed her worksheets. Maybe that's why my memory is shot these days. Hmmm . . .


Ooooh, me too.  Maybe that's why I like fountain pens so much. 

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