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Best games for a 14yo girls sleepover birthday party?


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DD14 wants to have some party games at her birthday party this year.  Any suggestions for that age group? 


We are renting 2 connecting hotel suites and there will be 10 girls.The hotel has offered to let us use the conference room from 7-10pm for activities so they will have plenty of floor space.    They will swim and hang out, but she wants to have a couple of games planned out too for if/when there are a few dips in energy in the night.  





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Have you looked at the minute to win it games ? Those are really popular and fun.


We did the ping pong ball into a cup. They have 2 minutes to bounce as many balls into the cup as possible. I had enough balls for 4 at a time......at first I gave them each a few balls to practice with. I found balls on sale at our local sports authority...6 balls for $2.The practice time then race took a good amount do time.

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I'm not sure about 14, but my daughter just turned 12, and the BEST thing we did at her party was letting the girls decorate their own little cakes.  I baked the cakes, and then we had all different types of frosting, decorating icing, sprinkles, candies, etc.  Let me just say, they made some crazy concoctions, had tons of fun eating them, and even got into a bit of "wearing" frosting on their faces, which was hilarious.  Lots of fun for all.

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At ds birthday party we played a bunch a games.  The 2 favorites were:

Pass the Orange.  That game where you stick an orange under your chin and you have to pass it using your chin.

Balloon stomp.  Everyone had a balloon tied with a ribbon around their ankle and they had to chase each other around trying to break their balloons.  Last one with an unpopped balloon wins.

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Reverse charades; takes the pressure off of the shy people, and is much funnier than regular charades. The entire team acts out words (at the same time) for the one person to guess. In the board game version, they have 60 seconds and go from one word to the next. There's also an app, plus sites with ideas.


It's pretty loud, so probably a conference room game!

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