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OMG! Baby just fell off the bed!

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He was happing on my bed as usual. He's 3 mos. old today and has NOT rolled over or anything yet. He was surrounded by pillows in the center of my bed. I was fixing a sandwich in the kitchen and heard this scream that makes a mama's blood run cold. You just KNOW something has happened. My ds8 was closer to the br and ran in and almost stepped on baby b/c he was on the floor! I don't think he rolled. I think he "scooted"...he gets his little legs under him and can use his toes to scoot forward or back. OMG! He seems okay...no bruises or bumps. My fear was that he hit his head on my night stand, but no bumps or cuts. His eyes look fine. WHat should I do? Should I take him to the ER just in case? He just ate fine, is smiling now, not crying anymore, etc. Yikes...I feel horrible! :001_huh:

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The fall probably just scared him.


I walked in one night to find my oldest at 3 months had somehow fallen out out the crib. The rail was 1st click from the TOP. He never even cried just kept right on sleeping. Sometimes I wonder if I was so tired that I missed the bed when I went to put him down.


But I think we are more scared than anything else. Just wanted to let you know I have been there and he is fine at 14.

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He should be fine. Watch him closely. If he is acting normally (smiling, eating well, etc) that's a good sign. Worrisome signs to look for are if he starts vomiting (more than normal baby spit-up) or becomes very sleepy (it's ok for him to sleep but if it seems abnormal like he's sleeping much longer than usual or sleeps through a feeding) or is very irritable. I wouldn't take him to the ER but if you're worried, call your doctor and take him in to be checked out.


I get calls about this all the time and I used to kind of think people were overreacting. Then it happened with my oldest and I totally understood why people feel so bad.


He'll be fine. You on the other hand...you may never get over it. :) Have some chocolate, hug your baby and get someone else to fix dinner.

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The same thing happened to me just a couple of months ago! My baby sleeps with us so I usually nurse her to sleep and then leave her on the bed while I go get ready to go to bed( our bed is up against the wall and we have a king size bed so she has a ways to go to fall off. Well I was brushing my teeth and I heard this loud thump, I thought to myself my ds4 must have fallen out of bed and as soon as I thought that I heard this blood curtling scream and started running! The poor thing must have woke up and crawled off the bed. When I found her she was on her back so I thought she must have fallen on her back but then her nose started bleeding a little bit and she had a red mark on her nose and forehead. She must have landed on her stomach on my dh's pants that still had his belt attacked. She was okay other than having a scap on her nose for a few days. I thought maybe she had broken her nose because it started swelling. I was afraid to let her go back to sleep. I stayed up with her for awhile and just watched for signs of something being wrong. She ended up being okay...thank God! I'm sure your little guy is to but you can always can your doctor and have him looked at. I know how you feel I felt so guilty for so long. I no longer leave her in bed unless someone is there with her. :grouphug:

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He should be fine. Watch him closely. If he is acting normally (smiling, eating well, etc) that's a good sign. Worrisome signs to look for are if he starts vomiting (more than normal baby spit-up) or becomes very sleepy (it's ok for him to sleep but if it seems abnormal like he's sleeping much longer than usual or sleeps through a feeding) or is very irritable. I wouldn't take him to the ER but if you're worried, call your doctor and take him in to be checked out.


I get calls about this all the time and I used to kind of think people were overreacting. Then it happened with my oldest and I totally understood why people feel so bad.


He'll be fine. You on the other hand...you may never get over it. :) Have some chocolate, hug your baby and get someone else to fix dinner.


I was hoping you were around to answer this one, Alice. It's great to have a doctor "in the house.":) Thanks, cuz I sure didn't know what to say.


:grouphug:Sue:grouphug: Btdt - horrible feeling but probably more for you than for your baby.:)

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every one of mine have done that

and just a few minutes ago, my wee one very nearly took his first tumble

he scoots too

apparently he can throw himself to his back, we've not caught him in the act, but a few times now we have gone in to see him on his back when we always lay him on his belly

today he was on the opposite side of the bed, on his back and head just a smidge from going over the edge


just continue to watch for signs if concerned about that table

sounds like he's fine though :)



I know thats a horrible and scary sound and feeling!

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Ouch! One of my most regrettable moments as a new mom was when I left my 3 month old daughter on a couch for a second as I put a movie in the VCR. She rolled of and onto the concrete floor (there was a rug but I don't think that provides much padding). There was a LOT of crying but she was fine.

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:blushing: Every single one of my 5 dc have done this. With the last one, I swore I would never take any chances and leave him alone on the bed, but even with that precaution he got away from me one time and just crawled right off the edge. Fortunately, no one has ever been seriously hurt, and no doctor visits have been needed.



:grouphug: I hate that feeling. Glad your little one is doing okay! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I think he'll be fine. It's scary to go through that, though, esp. when you hear them scream.


My dd was a 'scooter'. I always had those baby chocks (I don't know what you call them -- the things to keep them on their backs/not rolling over) & she would scoot out from between them & prop her feet up on them instead, lol. We used to call them her foot props in the crib. Maybe your ds would like some foot props too, lol.

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She scooted off the bed and fell between the bed & the wall. I had to move the bed to get to her! I felt like a terrible mother because she was in bed with me at the time! She was screaming mad for awhile, but she calmed down and was fine. It was terrifying, though!


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My now 8yo rolled off the couch before he was a month old. Kiddo didn't cry at all, and I'll tell you what, he is not normal. It sounds like yours reacted healthfully: He cried at the pain and was comforted by you. Check his eyes (look at the pupils) and watch for differences in how he sleeps, but don't worry overly much. They're incredibly flexible, those teeny ones.

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Wait, you have seven kids and this is the first time one has rolled off the bed? I think every one of mine has done it! It is scary, though. :grouphug:


I was totally going to say the same thing. If this is your first time, you must be super-momma! All three of mine have fallen at some point. Babies are just so quick sometimes and surprise you. One of mine fell off my lap(!) and smacked his head on the recliner bars. Talk about feeling like a bad mom!


Lots of hugs and snuggles. Sounds like baby is going to be fine. It sure feels rotten for momma though. :grouphug:

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Sounds like all is well & Alice gave the answer I knew from experience since all of mine have had their falls depsite my hyper-safety concern (to be matched only by our pediatrician who gives each new parent a self-written manual on safety rules, but is very easy to work with when your child has an accident).


fwiw, both my girls rolled over at 3 months, both from their backs to their fronts (my eldest hated lying on her stomach when she was tiny, so she screamed when she rolled over and found herself on her tummy:lol:. But she kept on rolling over anyway...)

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Every single one of my kids did this more than once when they were infants, and they're pretty much okay. Pretty much. I guess. Hmmm...maybe that explains it!


But nah, I think they're pretty flexible still as babies and barring a major blow to the head, babies are usually fine after a minor fall like that. :grouphug:

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