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Wool, Shift and Dust: The Silo Saga


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I have to post a giant thank you to whomever suggested the books, Wool, Shift and Dust. These books had me so hooked that I was stealing time from other things I should have been doing to find out what happened next. Even now that I've finished them, I find myself imaging what might be happening to the characters now that the story has ended. Really good stuff! Thank you.

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Yep, I loved Wool and have ordered Shift and Dust. They're supposed to be here this week. Wool is a book that I keep thinking about. You know how sometimes you read a book and once you're done you don't ever think about it again? And, then there's a few books that have an impact on you and you don't forget. Wool is definitely the one that has an impact.

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This series was one of those where I almost cried when it ended because I had to know what happened to the characters afterwards. There are some spin-offs by other authors, set in the same world, but the bits I read of them (one of the best features of Kindle: free sample chapters!) didn't impress me.

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This series was one of those where I almost cried when it ended because I had to know what happened to the characters afterwards. There are some spin-offs by other authors, set in the same world, but the bits I read of them (one of the best features of Kindle: free sample chapters!) didn't impress me.


Do you read his blog?  A few days (weeks?) ago he had a question and answer with a fan in which he projected years into the future and gave a glimpse of what some of the characters are doing.


This is one of my all time favorite series.  Part of me wants to see it as a television series, because there's so much you could do with the world it's in.  But the other part of me is fairly sure they'd screw it up if it ever got on any kind of screen.


I'm such a Hugh Howey fangirl.  His writing fascinates me, particularly the way he portrays women.  While waiting for the various segments of Wool to be published, I read his Molly Fyde series -- it was also very creative, and also featured a strong female character.  It's quite different from Wool, though -- much more of a  standard scifi adventure series.


(And, yes, I'm one of those people who has been yammering about Wool incessantly here, there, and everywhere for years, so it's exciting to see you all enjoying it.  Although I envy you that you don't need to wait months and months for each new bit to be published, and can just read it straight through.)

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Oh! I have this series on my nightstand right now, I just picked it up from the library today! I read the short story that was free on Kindle and was completely hooked. I'm looking forward to reading them. I got all three at the same time because I knew I would want to blast through them. :)

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okay, so I'm coming back here to ask a question of those who have read most/all of the series.   I'm nearing the end of the Wool Omnibus and I'm wondering if the title "wool" has any significance later in the other books?  I'm kind of scratching my head over the name reference for the Omnibus.  Should I just be patient and it will all be revealed later?

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okay, so I'm coming back here to ask a question of those who have read most/all of the series.   I'm nearing the end of the Wool Omnibus and I'm wondering if the title "wool" has any significance later in the other books?  I'm kind of scratching my head over the name reference for the Omnibus.  Should I just be patient and it will all be revealed later?


The name has to do with a popular saying-- come back after you finish the book and we will tell you if you don't get it!

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"Wool" is an acronym, as well as having various meanings.  He's big on metaphor.


I can't recall if we ever were explicitly told what W.O.O.L. stands for, though.  But the info you need to figure it out is in the later books, I believe.


ETA:  I mean, I don't think you could figure out  the acronym after only reading the "Wool" part -- I think you need to read the later books before you see what it is.  Or maybe I'm just sort of clueless, and need things to be spelled out repeatedly before I catch on -- maybe others CAN figure it out sooner.

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Due to this thread, I got the first free book on Kindle, then ordered the omnibus. So far, I am liking it. Not very far in. Can anyone tell me what order to read the rest of the books in, after the Wool Omnibus? What to order next? Also, is it finished? I had never heard of it before this.

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"Wool" is an acronym, as well as having various meanings.  He's big on metaphor.


I can't recall if we ever were explicitly told what W.O.O.L. stands for, though.  But the info you need to figure it out is in the later books, I believe.


ETA:  I mean, I don't think you could figure out  the acronym after only reading the "Wool" part -- I think you need to read the later books before you see what it is.  Or maybe I'm just sort of clueless, and need things to be spelled out repeatedly before I catch on -- maybe others CAN figure it out sooner.


Gail, I need to have things spelled out for me too. I often don't get subtleties. 

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Due to this thread, I got the first free book on Kindle, then ordered the omnibus. So far, I am liking it. Not very far in. Can anyone tell me what order to read the rest of the books in, after the Wool Omnibus? What to order next? Also, is it finished? I had never heard of it before this.


Yes, it's finished.  After the Wool Omnibus, you read Shift (that was issued in 3 parts -- First Shift, Second Shift, Third Shift -- but I think is now simply published as one book entitled Shift), and then end with Dust.

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Well, this thread has me intrigued. When I went to look this up, I found "wool" and "wool omnibus". Which do I want?


Wool Omnibus and Shift Omnibus were originally published as short stories.  There were (I think) five Wool short stories and three Shift stories.  The Omnibus editions of each combine all the stories in one volume.


Am I the only one who didn't get the acronym for WOOL?  (Feeling kind of clueless here.)

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Well, this thread has me intrigued. When I went to look this up, I found "wool" and "wool omnibus". Which do I want?


It might depend on who you're talking to -- some people say "Wool" to mean the entire grouping of of five books, and just don't bother saying "omnibus".  Others say "Wool" to mean the original short story entitled Wool.


The Wool Omnibus has Wool, Proper Gauge, Casting Off, Unraveling, Stranded.  You can read Wool as a stand alone short story, or you can go ahead and read the entire group, depending on how much time you want to spend on it.


Usually when I ask someone if they've read Wool I'm referring to the omnibus, or maybe even the entire series including Shift and Dust.


It's sort of like when the first Star Wars movie came out, and then later it had to be renamed to show its place in the sequence.  Or whether Star Trek simply means original series, or means every television series plus all the movies.

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Just started Wool, but it's a 14-day loan from the library.  I can't get it done that fast!   And of course, I had three books on order through our big county system....and they all arrived at the same time...and they're all 14-day.   It's like I have airplanes stacked up waiting to land.


The first short story goes a little slow, but after that it picks up speed.  I had to stop reading it at night for a couple of nights because I was staying up way too late.

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Just started Wool, but it's a 14-day loan from the library.  I can't get it done that fast!   And of course, I had three books on order through our big county system....and they all arrived at the same time...and they're all 14-day.   It's like I have airplanes stacked up waiting to land.


Yep, that's the way it always works for me, too, with some interlibrary loans thrown into the mix .  I love your comparison to airplanes!

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