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Anybody else see Gravity this weekend?


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Spoilers ahead.


















Do you think George should have tried harder to live? I think they could have both made it.

I cried when she was talking about he daughter and the red shoe.

What did you think?

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OMG, I LOVED this movie! SPOILERS: in white so highlight to see


I hope Sandra Bullock wins an Oscar--she will definitely get nominated.


I saw a ton of symbolism in it, too, which made it more profound--

Ds said there are references to other space movies, including the Star Child from 2001. (Duh--obvious)


I think there are a lot of new birth references, as Ryan lets go of the old and becomes, essentially, a new person. I mean, they show the embryo position, she comes up out of the water, she takes her wobbly first steps...


And I LOVE that her first prayer ever in her life was "Thank You."

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We saw it Friday night. It wasn't as good as I hoped it would be and I felt anxious.  That said, the main reason I wanted to see it was that it put my small hometown on the map. Sandra Bullock's character was from Lake Zurich, which is where I lived in my youth.  It was fun to see it make the big time, even if it was only mentioned by name.


Also, I think GC's character should have tried harder too and I was disappointed when it was revealed he didn't actually make it back to her. Also, the barking like a dog bothered me.

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Can you click and highlight on your phone, like you would if you were copying text?

Nope, doesn't work, at least not in my iPhone 4S. But there are smarter phones out there.😄


I have to admit it lost some of it's magic for me when I started reading about how it was made. In some scenes, the only thing not CGI is the actors' faces, and even then (if I read correctly) they didn't even film their dialogue at the same time. Seems so impersonal. I mean, it's great theatrically, but when I go to the movies I appreciate the story, dialogue, character development. Gravity just left me feeling in satisfied. It wasn't bad, but, for me, unsatisfying.

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Really? But didn't you love the symbolism, the way she was processing her daughter's death, the way she almost committed suicide but didn't (and what saved her), the way she reached out to God, the way her very first prayer was Thank You? The birth symbolism, the healing...


lol--I really liked it. 

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I just saw it last night. Dare I say I found it rather.... boring? Cliched?


I like science fiction. I like action and adventure flicks. I liked 2001: A Space Odyssey. But Gravity seemed lacking in some way.


Stunning visual effects. But the acting, I was underwhelmed.


DH and I felt the exact same way.  Even though stuff kept happening, we kept waiting for something to happen.  I can't explain it well, but we just weren't into it at all.  I'm shocked this movie is getting Oscar buzz.  Beyond the visual effects, I cannot imagine what for. 

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Maybe part of the problem was that it was less an outer space adventure than an inner space one set in outer space, and people did not expect that. 

The Oscar buzz is also for the movie-making--the long shots, the CGI/effects, etc. 


And now I'll bow out, as obviously I'm passionate about something that others found boring!  :D



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So was there something about this weekend and seeing Gravity??  Because i saw it on Sat. with my daughter.  It was rather out of the blue decision.


I thought it was okay.  Didn't love it but didn't hate it.  Also disappointed in Clooney just gave up so easily.  That seemed strange.  Hate to say it but one of the things that made the movie work was that it was only 1.5hrs long.  seriously, it made it a tight movie.

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