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Need tricks and tips for giving medication to a cat


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I've always had to wrap my cat in a thick towel. And I've needed someone to hold him/her while I administered the medication. It's a nightmare though, isn't it? I can put a pill in food for my dogs and they swallow it all without even thinking whether it's food or not!

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Are you trying to give him pills or liquid antibiotics?


If it's pills and he's a good eater, they make cat treats that you can hide the pill inside. Our vet says they're quite effective, although when we tried it with one of our gang, she ate around the pill. :glare:

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Take this from someone who works in rescue and has medicated a LOT of kittens over the years -- It's hard.  Dang hard sometimes.


My method, when I don't have anyone to help:


1. Make sure claws are trimmed.

2. Sit on floor on bended knees, legs slightly spread.

3. Wrap kitty as securely as possible in a towel with only his head unwrapped.

4. Slide towel-wrapped kitty between legs.  Also use left arm to hold him (assuming you're right handed).

5. Administer medicine with right hand.

6. Make sure to give him a yummy treat afterwards.


If the medication is in pill form, go to your vet or a pet store and ask for a pet piller (also called pill popper and pill gun).  Some people don't like them, but I find that they make the job much easier.


Whether you use a pet piller or not, you might try coating the pills in a bit of butter.  Makes 'em go down easier.


Good luck!

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In all seriousness, it's kinda like this. I had to give my cat with a thyroid issue medicine twice a day for two years. On the better days, I could kneel over him with his head out, have a kid hold his paws and talk to him, and I quickly shoved it down his throat. He was not a cooperative patient.

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one of my cats I can not give a pill to, she will go crazy.  I tried the pill pockets for cats, she just would not eat them.  However, I then tried the pill pockets for dogs, in beef flavor and that cat ate them right up and that was even with a bitter tasting pill.


My other cats, I am able to use the pill gun.  Buy it from your vet and have them show you how to use it,  Maybe if possible take your cat there with you and have them show you how to use it using your actual cat.  There should be no charge from the vet for showing up how to pill your cat, except for the cost of the pill gun.


The pill gun works so fast that it is over before any of my cats (except for the crazy one) do not even know what is going on, so I have not had to wrap them in a towel, but also do that if you need to.

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Thanks everyone! I should have specified that it is a liquid antibiotic (he also has 2 meds for his ears but those are much easier). I try to make it as quick and painless as possible but those sharp little kitten claws are seriously fast. I love the towel idea. That's exactly what I'm going to try to do next. If that fails, then I'll give the soft food a go. Silly kitty.

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Are you sure the vet can't just give your cat a long-lasting antibiotic shot so you won't have to administer the medicine yourself? Not all vets suggest it, but it's often possible, and it's so much more convenient -- and you won't have to worry that more medicine will end up on the floor than inside your kitten.


I think you should call and ask.

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Are you sure the vet can't just give your cat a long-lasting antibiotic shot so you won't have to administer the medicine yourself? Not all vets suggest it, but it's often possible, and it's so much more convenient -- and you won't have to worry that more medicine will end up on the floor than inside

I've done this before. It's mildly more expensive (like $20 instead of $15 for the pills) but vastly easier.

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The towel idea is great & works pretty well. (Of course, I had a cat that would then sling his head back & forth w/ liquid medicine in his mouth so it ended up being flung everywhere.)


Love Mom-ninja's idea. ;)


Good luck. At least he feels good enough to fight back & try to take you down. :tongue_smilie:  That's a good sign, I think.

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