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Question for those that have used LFC Primer C


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Dd is 10 yo and is on Chapter 10 of LFC C.  We like the program well enough.  There is something we have noticed happening more often in Primer C and are wondering if these are all mistakes in the curriculum or some by design.  Sometimes in the History Reader and even more often in the Workbook, words will be used in translation exercises that have not been covered yet.  This is common in all of the History Readers and as long as the word is found in either the glossary or notes, dd is fine.  But there have been a few words in the Reader that do not show up anywhere and dd is left to guess.  This is also happening the the Workbook.  Words are used in exercises that have either not yet been covered (so CAN at least still be found in the glossary) or are simply missing altogether from the book.  Even more frequently, a word that HAS been covered is translated in a way that dd has NOT learned.  Like in Chapter 10, the word "exspecto," dd learned it as "to expect".  The glossary lists it only as "to expect."  But the answer key for the translation lists it at "to wait."  I don't even know if that is another valid translation of the word or a mistake in the key.  To me, if it is a valid translation and the student is expected to know that, it should have been covered when the word was introduced or at least listed as a valid translation in the glossary.  Are we supposed to have a Latin dictionary?  I did not read that in any of the curriculum notes but may have missed that somewhere.


Another issue is actual mistakes in the answer key.  I am no Latin whiz, but often the errors are glaringly obvious.  I found an error here and there in Primers A and B, but it is far more frequent in Primer C.  This would clearly not be "by design."  I am only holding my own because I have been learning along with dd but can imagine this would be a really big problem for people who are using the program with more independent learners.  It is quite frequent.  Anyone know if a revision is in the plan for Primer C?  I would like to be able to recommend this program to people but am concerned about how difficult it could be for people to use the last primer.



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I haven't used C, but I'm very familiar with the rest of the series. We jumped into Latin Alive before we got there. I think A and B did get second editions, but I don't know if C has yet. That "ask the magister" button on their website usually gets an answer within 2 days or so, and they're really helpful.


I don't recall LFC saying to have a dictionary, but I would recommend it for any language study. We like and heavily use the Cassell's one.

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I haven't used C, but I'm very familiar with the rest of the series. We jumped into Latin Alive before we got there. 


ETA:  We skipped out on C and are doing LA now as well.


I'm curious as to why you both skipped C.  Is LfC C just review of A & B? 

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I haven't used C, but I'm very familiar with the rest of the series. We jumped into Latin Alive before we got there. 


ETA:  We skipped out on C and are doing LA now as well.


I'm curious as to why you both skipped C.  Is LfC C just review of A & B? 

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No, it's not just review. LA 1 has gobs of LFC review, but it ups the maturity ante, which is just what my older kids needed at the time. They enjoyed LFC and learning Latin in general, and they were ready for more.


My current 5th grader has been nonchalantly traipsing through LFC for awhile now, and I plan to put him in LA for 6th, before he gets to C. I think he'd enjoy it more.

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Thanks all!  I am guessing many probably skip Primer C, which might be why it has not been revised and almost seems to be an afterthought.  I am now wishing we had gone to Latin Alive.  I assumed dd would need to complete all three years of LFC before starting LA.  I will definitely get a dictionary.  Doh!  To add confusion to the thread....I have more questions.


I do not yet really have a plan for Latin after LFC.  Will she be bored if we go to LA1 next year, as a 6th grader?  For those using LA, do you plan to follow up with something else afterwards or do you consider LA more of a terminal program?  

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My kids were excited by LA, not even close to bored. It's more interesting and engaging even if they do already know the Latin vocabulary. Do get the dvd, as it really drives this program. A kid with all LFC levels under their belt may go through LA1 more quickly though. Mine seemed to fly through it.


After LA really depends on the kid. My oldest completely dropped Latin this year (9th grade) and dove into ancient Greek instead. This is what he wanted, and I couldn't think of a valid reason to tell him no. My second (8th grade), plans to finish LA and keep going, while adding Hebrew next year. I'll work with the younger ones on this decision when they're closer to it.

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