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wanted to share-- weight loss on VLCD


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I know the issue of weight loss is a popular one around here & I wanted to share my experience on a VLCD.  These were technically vanity lbs that I lost, but those are harder to lose than "overweight" pounds so I would imagine someone heavier would have even more success.


Over the past three years I had 4 m/c and one full term birth all back to back on top of each other.  Between all the pregnancies, plus BFing 18 months (a couple of the m/c were during that) I was the heaviest I'd ever been in my life, which was still within normal weight but I'm very small boned and small chested ( :001_rolleyes: ) and wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of 130 (I'm 5'8") which meant 25 lb to lose.


The first 10 lb came off over the time I BF though I gained some back over the m/cs.  Those last 15+ish did not want to come off for anything.  I counted calories (1200-1500), did low carb (I dislike meat so was unhappy, but stuck with it as long as I could stand), exercised walking miles a day. I'd lose 5 lb then immediately gain it all back.


I also had a large lipoma that was itchy and uncomfortable.  I'd read in Dr. Fuhrman's book on fasting, that fasting could shrink lipomas significantly.  There was no way I could do a full fast so decided to try a partial fast of 600 cal/ day for a week, and if I felt ill, or weak, I would go back to normal.  Coincidentally this is around the same calorie level as the hcg diet (though I wasn't taking any kind of supplement).


Well not only did I not feel ill, within a couple days of eating at this level I felt fantastic, and the hunger abated or at least was tolerable.  I have suffered from crushing fatigue for years & I suddenly had more energy, and felt more alive, than I have in more than a decade.  I lost about .66 lbs a day and stalled after the first 10 lbs (week 3).  However I stuck with the VLCD/ "fast" since I continued to feel so good.  I did have some weakness toward the end of week 3 but after the plateau ended and I started losing again I continued to feel very energetic.  (Interestingly I've read hcg dieters describe similar patterns.)


I've lost 15 lbs over 5 weeks, on average eating 800 calories a day.  Some days I ate slightly more or less but that was my average. The only ill health effects I had were: insomnia the first two weeks, a few leg cramps (I started taking potassium), and brief constipation (I started taking yellow dock).  


The energy couldn't be from weight loss because I wasn't overweight to begin with, and I felt the energy before I had any real weight loss. I truly feel better now than I have in 11 years (when I began to have devastating fatigue).  I don't have a medical answer for why this is.  I do still have fatigue but it's only a fraction of what it once was.  I'm also feeling better on less sleep, which is amazing for me (I basically had to sleep all the time to function, before).


As far as what I ate: I tried to stick to Dr. Fuhrman's ("Eat to Live") rule of 1 lb greens a day(=70-100 cal), either raw or cooked.  If I cooked the greens I just steamed or boiled them, I didn't use oil or dressing.  I ate at least 2 servings of raw fruit a day (=200 cal).  For the remaining 400-500 cal I ate whatever as long as it wasn't a dessert, though I always aimed for healthy, and I did force myself to eat animal protein more regularly (at least once every three days), since I believe this is the most efficient protein source, in terms of calories.


I really hope this helps someone out there who is struggling with weight or fatigue.  Now that I'm at my goal weight I'm going to slowly increase back to normal.  I don't know if the fatigue will come back; I fear the return of the fatigue far more than the return of the weight.  I really feel like I've been duped by all the "normal" diet plans out there that tell you your body will fall apart if you go under 1200 cal a day. If you think about it, the fat on our bodies IS food to the tune of 3500 cal per lb.  This is enough to survive off nicely for a couple days.


My lipoma did shrink by about 50% but because it was so large to begin with, it's still quite noticeable.  My total loss over five weeks was: 15 lb, I also lost: 3" on waist, 1" on hips, 2" on thigh circumference, 2-3" on ribcage (though some of that may have been lipoma shrinking).  And I didn't exercise other than walking for 30 minutes a few times a week.


If you have any questions please PM me!  I wish you all the best.



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I may try this. I have a few lipomas and have had a really really really hard time losing weight (didn't lose anything from 6-14 months postpartum. Still have 17ish pounds to go and my baby is 19 months. I'm really tired all of the time too. I may go in for some testing but I don't really want to pay for it). My problem is I get really hungry though and have problems with low blood sugar.

So you took the eat to live and modified? Should I pick up the book?

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I really wouldn't keep eating that little calories for a long time, that could cause some serious health issues. Sure, you'll lose weight, but your body needs a certain amount to function optimally.


A lot of people have found success cycling their calories too, by upping them at least one way a week, to avoid slowing down metabolism.


Either way, great job!

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I'm glad you are happy with your weight loss and hope you are able to maintain while eating a healthy diet.  However, I would have to discourage such a low calorie diet for others, especially those who easily slip into disordered eating patterns. 


For most people I would suggest - 

- Determining the amount of calories your body burns in a day (Google TDEE - Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

- Then eat at a calorie deficit around 10-20% depending on how much weight you need to lose 

- Invest in a food scale to truly check your portion sizes

- Get an account somewhere to track your food intake (myfitnesspal.com, spark people, fitday.com)

- Do not cut out any food groups or try diets that are not sustainable

- Google IIFYM (If it fits your macros)

- If you have access to heavy weights, pick them up.  This lessens muscle loss which is inevitable during weight loss.  Learn about body recomposition.

- Learn to eat things you love in moderation


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I have a lipoma, right over the place where my esophagus empties into my stomach. My doc has offered to surgically remove it, but I'd love if I could get it to shrink. I'm about your "before" situation - mostly vanity weight but I need to get it off.


With your extra calories, did you use any oil and vinegar to dress your greens? What about beverages - water only, or did you add teas or anything else?



I really wouldn't keep eating that little calories for a long time, that could cause some serious health issues. Sure, you'll lose weight, but your body needs a certain amount to function optimally.


A lot of people have found success cycling their calories too, by upping them at least one way a week, to avoid slowing down metabolism.


Either way, great job!


I think the low cal thing is fine as a transitional or temporary way of eating. I have reached an age/level of metabolism that's making me realize I do have to straighten up, and those little indulgences have to become that - rare indulgences! Sounds like OP listened to her body and avoided dehydration. 


Well done, butterflymommy, you've inspired me!

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