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Best apps for tablets?

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I just got a Samsung Galaxy media player. I'm just entering the 21st century.  I do not even have a smart phone.  I'm discovering all the Apps!


My 10th grader has had a tablet for almost a year and I had no idea of the educational apps available!


He is playing with Duolingo now.


I see there is a Quizlet App and several other apps for websites we already use.


What other apps do you love for high school?

Algebra 1 and 2?





So far, I've only gotten free apps. Are the paid apps a one time fee? or monthly fee? How do you actually pay?


Don't laugh.  I'm a grandma now and technologically illiterate. I had no idea I was so "out of date".


How do you use apps for homeschooling high school?



Pam (feeling very old and out of the loop!)

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How much an app costs depends. While there are apps that cost a one time fee, there are others that use subscriptions where you get added content or features for a subscriptions price.


For instance, I highly recommend the "freemium" app Evernote. It captures data from pretty much all your sources. I use it for everything. Last year I finally got my oldest to use it for capturing debate evidence and this year he is doing that again, but it is like a white board where people can use it however they want. So if you walk into class and there is an assignment on the board, whip out your phone, take a photo and add it to Evernote, that assignment won't get lost. Or take notes on your smart phone or with a smart pen and they will automatically feed into Evernote. Later you can go back and organize them to your hearts content. 


Evernote also includes a great search feature that can find data quickly for you and use pictures and handwriting analysis to be able to search text in them, too. 


And because Evernote is a cross platform app it can be used on your phone, tablet, or computer no matter if Android, iphone, Mac or Windows. 


So what's freemium? Well Evernote comes with X amount of data uploaded per month. They will store whatever you have in the account no matter how big it gets. The amount is pretty big so you should be able to get by with the free amount, but if you need more you can go to a premium level where you get lots more data plus some other useful features. 


So Evernote doesn't teach you anything, but it does organize you.

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