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Short Story Suggestions?

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Hi everyone,


I need one more short story to round out our first lit module...  Anyone have any suggestions of a short story they really like?  I would like to be able to print it off from the internet or find it in our Norton American Lit book, if possible.


Thanks so much!





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One of our board members, Eliana, had put together a very good short story curriculum. You might try a search to see if you can find it. I don't have the link anymore, just a hard copy, but maybe someone else like Lori D. can link it. Lori knows where everything is and she's better than the search on the new board. :D

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Eliana and others have posted some great lists in the past. Here are a couple of pertinent threads:









Kareni, thank you so much for these links. I have some hard copies of Eliana's lists but not the actual links to the works. I think there is another thread where she mentions the resources that she uses to teach short stories. You don't happen to have links to those, do you? One of the reasons I wanted ds to homeschool through high school was to take advantage of Eliana's list. Your post was a two-for-one deal since we got Lori's list as well.


Thanks again and stay cool today.


OP - we just read The Death of a Moth," which is on Eliana's list. I had never read it before and was waiting anxiously to see my son's reaction when he finished it. "Wow, not a misplaced word anywhere!" It always fun to share take your breath away literature with your students.


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Kareni, thank you so much for these links. I have some hard copies of Eliana's lists but not the actual links to the works. I think there is another thread where she mentions the resources that she uses to teach short stories. You don't happen to have links to those, do you?


Post nine in this thread might be what you are looking for, Lisa.




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Post nine in this thread might be what you are looking for, Lisa.





Kareni, you are awesome! That is the thread. Eliana's literature suggestions through the years have been a not insignificant amount in my home school budget whether it's been vintage young adult books, specific ancient Greek translations, or short story suggestions and I have spent it all with a smile on my face.

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Kareni, you are awesome! That is the thread. Eliana's literature suggestions through the years have been a not insignificant amount in my home school budget whether it's been vintage young adult books, specific ancient Greek translations, or short story suggestions and I have spent it all with a smile on my face.


I'm glad to have been of help.  I have to admit that this board can be a dangerous place for anyone's wallet as there are always highly desirable books being mentioned!




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Thank you, everyone, for your links and suggestions!  I'm not good with the search engine and to those of you who are, kudos!  I really appreciate it!


Candid, admittedly, my literature plans are a little bit of a lot of things this year.  My ds will be reading an American Lit novel, a British Lit novel,

a sci-fi novel, a Shakespeare play, etc.  We're planning on doing 9 4-week modules, which is 4 weeks of short stories, and 4 weeks each for the other

literature we've planned.  My ds will also be writing an essay for each novel.  He's reading The Lively Art of Writing right now and doing some of

the assignments in that, to update and improve his writing skills.  Literature and writing are tops on our to-do list this year.


Thanks again, everyone!  This has been a wonderful eye-opener for me.



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