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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Oh Jean, *hugs*.



Monday's list for me:



get broken fan out for bulk pickup

Get trash put out before it goes

start working on cleaning living room so I can get the 2 new to us end tables I picked up free in the bulk pickup put in their places

School with dd {which will require cleaning off the kitchen table first}


prep for appointment Tuesday for followup to lab work trying to figure out why I'm having joint pain

Get REAL FOOD out for dinner & cook it!  Planning on chicken one pot with chicken chests, potatoes & carrots steamed in my special pan

Call water company to find out what I have to do to try to get a bill credit from the massive water leak Sunday - I have heard they do credits if you have the leak repaired

prep for petco & petsmart couponing run to get a bunch of stuff free - probably going to try to go after my appointment Tuesday

do my daily sweepstakes entries {I have a goal of entering at least 15 a day - trying to win myself a new PC or laptop or maybe an Ipod or even just some GC's}

List at least 2 more items on ebay, package Auction ending today if they pay, file non-payment on bidder who hasn't paid in nearly a week

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Nice, Ameena!


Thanks - they need a little work, but nothing major. Going to sand down the chipping veneer on 1 then paint it with a free paint sample I got from Lowes. Other one just needs screws tightened {and maybe a tiny bit of super glue added when I do it}.


I did GOOD in the bulk pickup this year - a PC for parts {dell desktop}, desk, the 2 end tables, 2 rolling ice chests {which we had needed desperately for getting cold groceries home on the bus} - nothing wrong except they got muddy, some clothes for dd & a bunch of disney princess stuff for her too - pillowbook & some totebag thing that unrolls into a pillow & blanket. I was amazed at what people in my new neighborhood throw out lol. Some people just put everything out they had left from yard sales - I'm like geeze people don't you realize all that stuff goes to the landfill? At least call one of the local thrifts to come get it instead.


I saw a big teacher's cubby unit 2 streets down, but couldn't get it unburied out from under everything else so I had to pass - otherwise that would have been installed in my pantry :)

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My goal for the day:


get my US taxes sorted out -- tax advisor has done the work, but I need to review and confirm everything before filing in Oct. When I've done this one, I'll be very happy.

make plan for the week for all the stoopid little stuff

review Kumon/math and dds' schoolwork

parents' meeting for rowing club (and try to avoid volunteering too much time since I know the scouts are going to be after me too!)

write down goals for this school term 


DS12 went back to his boarding school yesterday, so the place is very quiet. I have the feeling that summer is now truly over and it's time to get back to work!


Good luck to all with Monday!


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More coffee.

Wash ds's sheets.... Again.

Iron a part of the top sheet (it has a bad crease that I can't get to stay flat).

Put away the rest of the laundry that was done and sorted yesterday.

Finish ds's reading lessons.

Make some more pages in the math notebooks.

Piano and young adult for dd.

figure out how to arrange the living room to add a couch.

Dust and vacuum dd's room.

Think about dusting the blinds, but decide it's a big pain and put if off again.

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Good Morning  :seeya:


Jean, I'm so sorry and I hope you got some good rest and will be feeling better today.  Try to rest a lot today.  


Monday and Tuesday are our very busy school days.  No baby to take care of and all the assignments for the week are assigned and loads of reading and discussing.



  • vacuum and dust the first floor
  • wipe down bathrooms and basic tidy.
  • Simple supper ...roast, potatoes and carrots in crockpot with salad and homemade dressing.

Hope you all have a great Monday! 

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--plan meals

--plan week (to-do list)

--adjust daily schedule to better fit meals, dd's ballet, and my exercise

--clean out that drawer I didn't get to last week

--a few emails

--finish reading Science Olympiad rules book



--dd's online geometry class




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Homeschool my boys - we're only at about half of what we'll end up with √

Go over plans to add math and science next week

Figure out new schedule as I'm adding in caring for dgd this week - dd is returning to school √

Prepare and clean up dinner - it's prepared...won't clean up til after swim; so, half a check? :)

Call swim center √

Swim class for 7 yo

Attempt to contact rugby for 3rd time :-/ √

Grocery shop. √

Get materials ready for school tomorrow

Grade today's lessons √


ETA: I meant to say that I'm so sorry about your weekend, Jean! I hope you will take it easy. Exhaustion can be so hard to recover from, and with health challenges, it's even more difficult. Please be kind to yourself!

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Plans for today:


-homeschool the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Greek

-study Latin

-2 loads of laundry

-clean toilets

-try to get in some yard work?


It's raining so I'm not going to work in the garden ;).


I did bike to the library while it rained. My dd7 has fallen in love with a horse book series :hurray: and she wanted to pick up two new books. It is only a 6 book series, so I really need to find a new series soon.


We bought a (secondhand) treadmill and I plan to do Day 1 of Week 1 of C25K this evening. Yeah me!

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Good Morning  :seeya:


Jean, I'm so sorry and I hope you got some good rest and will be feeling better today.  Try to rest a lot today.  


Monday and Tuesday are our very busy school days.  No baby to take care of and all the assignments for the week are assigned and loads of reading and discussing.



  • vacuum and dust the first floor
  • wipe down bathrooms and basic tidy.
  • Simple supper ...roast, potatoes and carrots in crockpot with salad and homemade dressing.

Hope you all have a great Monday! 

Lunch time check in.


Everything on my list is done.  I went over all lessons and what is expected by Friday at 5pm.  We did our discussions and now it's just time for him to get his part of it done.  I will check algebra daily...and will check all other written stuff on Friday after 5pm.    So far, I'm loving 10th grade.  :D

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Everything on my list is done.  I went over all lessons and what is expected by Friday at 5pm.  We did our discussions and now it's just time for him to get his part of it done.  I will check algebra daily...and will check all other written stuff on Friday after 5pm.    So far, I'm loving 10th grade.  :D


That does sound great! :)


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I just got up now at 8:45. I went to bed at 11 pm. I still feel tired to my very cells. I had my usual wakings in the night plus an extra one when the phone jarred me awake at 4:45 am and no one answered my "hello". When my husband came out of his room at 7ish, I moved to his bed and dozed some more. I am not allowed to nap any more now that I'm up for the day. 


 There is tons to do around here. My son has a class that starts tomorrow morning at 8 am. They sent me the teacher's text instead of the student's and I have to copy the first chapter and white out the answers. I started working on that a few days ago but haven't gotten it done yet. This is a stop-gap measure until the student book (which apparently has been sent) gets here. I probably won't be home by 8 am so he's going to be on his own to get started with the class without me. He's 16, so there should be no problem with that but he has some ADD stuff going on that makes him a bit of an airhead at times. I just don't want this to be one of those times. 


 The laundry has gotten out of control. It doesn't help that half of the laundry smells like mildew. I'm going to have to rewash it all with a vinegar rinse. Sigh. 


 I think I'll put a roast into the crockpot for dinner. I have to leave by 6 pm to get to the sleep study place in time so depending on when my husband gets home from work, I may or may not see him before then.

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Fun times, so looks like I have dd14s head cold.  After posting my list I ended up feeling really light headed so I went back to bed for a few hours.  Woke up with a headache, sore throat and a cough.  Fun fun just what I needed at the start of a busy week.  So far at 11am all I have accomplished is AAR with dd5 and that nap.  Oh and I am out of my favorite coffee creamer which sucks so just plain cream and sugar for me today which is so not the preferred way especially when sick.  I did take a phone call from the kids online foods tutor to let me know what sorts of pictures they need when the kids get to the lab portion so they can be properly graded (since the tutor can't see them otherwise, and obviously won't be here for tasting).  Going to try to eat something and get on with school today.  I may have to surprise the kids with a school lite day if my throat gets much worse, but I won't be telling them that until it is time to be done :)

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Oh, Jean, that's awful.  And I did, in fact, know that you could vomit from exhaustion.   I am a person who absolutely needs sleep or it makes me sick.


To do:













Finish ironing


Fold and put away laundry




Find paint color for laundry room


Hang out and wait for garage door repairman


Sweep and mop kitchen, LR, DR 


Vacuum stairs










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11 ish report - 


Ds has cleaned his room (according to him.) Our definitions don't totally match but it's better than it was, so I'm not going to make a fuss.

Ds is sending out some stuff for charity.  Then he is supposed to start on his geometry.

Dd has helped me assemble the ingredients for tonight's dinner and made a list of what we need to get at the store.

I called my Mom and Dad and did my weekly check in with the "old folks".

I've emptied and filled the dishwasher and that is running.  

I cleaned the stand mixer extra well after all of this weekend's baking orders.


I'm taking a break from cleaning the rest of the kitchen to take my meds (which is why I can sit here for a minute) and run to the grocery store for a few things like potatoes and onions.  


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The neighbor dropped in at 1pm to play. 

We had a slow start on school this morning so had only finished 1 subject (French). So the my boys are going to end up owing me a school day.


The neighbor is also homeschooled and we usually have 2 days a week scheduled for him to drop by on. But his Mom and I were still discussing which days. I said "Monday" would be fine. Well I guess Monday it will be, but I wasn't prepared for it to be this Monday. 


- I do know I could have told him to come back later. But we rarely see him other then the two scheduled days a week since he has a busy schedule. My Boys like having him over and they have played together for 10+ hours a week for over three years without a fight. So I wasn't going to send him away. But I might end up making them all walk to the library with me since I have some good stuff waiting for me on the hold shelf. 

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It has been a busy Monday already and I'm just getting a chance to check the threads!



up, showered, and dressed

take kids out for free Chick-fil-A breakfast

take dd15 to Government class

take other kids to Trader Joe's and park while sister is in class

pick up dd15 from Govt. class

school lessons


afternoon chores

school lessons

write out bills



prep dinner

take kids to dd6's dance class (4-5pm)

dd15 dances (4:30-8:45pm)


go to ds' BS Court of Honor (7-9pm)

bedtime for younger kids

math tutoring for dd15

finish putting away laundry and other items from the GS camping trip that dd9 and I just returned from

bedtime for me (still trying to catch up on sleep from the GS trip!)


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Jean, I'm sorry your weekend was so rough. Hope your sleep study goes well.




Drop off ds √

Load dishwasher, wash pots and pans, scrub sink √

Call vet and make appt for cat

Grocery shopping at Trader Joe's

Drop off books at library

Drop off recycling

School work

Take dd to pick up retainer at orthodontist

Pick up ds from college


Figure out some Facebook/4-H stuff

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OK - it is 1:22 my time.  And I'm sleepy after my lunch.  But I must. not. sleep.  I'd better not read either because I tend to drop off while reading!


So - next up - Do a load of laundry with a vinegar rinse to get rid of the horrible smell.

And work on copying ds's book.  

Dd has decided to weed and hack at the blackberry bushes in order to earn money.  Since our yard is a disaster area (I'm voting to call it a natural habitat) I don't mind if she weeds.

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Coming in late today...


First day of Co-op

Time to relax from nervous state post co-op

Clean bedroom



Not expecting to get much done the rest of tonight. Co-op just wears me out.


Our family that was in from TX has decided to stay another week. Super happy to be able to spend time with them, but really missing our routine.

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Laundry is all done!  Ds was a huge help.

Dd is motivated financially to make a huge dent on the blackberry vines.

I got a call from a very long-time friend that was a great surprise.  Talking to her helped to keep me awake.


Now - I have to run to the store for some white-out.  I only have a couple more hours until I have to leave and I still have to get the Algebra book done for ds' first class tomorrow morning.  

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6:00 check-in


Laundry √

Drop off ds √

Load dishwasher, wash pots and pans, scrub sink √

Call vet and make appt for cat √

Grocery shopping at Trader Joe's √

Drop off books at library √

Drop off recycling √

School work

Take dd to pick up retainer at orthodontist √

Pick up ds from college


Figure out some Facebook/4-H stuff

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Laundry √

Drop off ds √

Load dishwasher, wash pots and pans, scrub sink √

Call vet and make appt for cat √

Grocery shopping at Trader Joe's √

Drop off books at library √

Drop off recycling √

School work - only a bit

Take dd to pick up retainer at orthodontist √

Pick up ds from college √

Dinner √

Figure out some Facebook/4-H stuff √

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Well my list never did get done.  I did get dd5 to her sparks meeting and stayed for the parent meeting with it.  But beyond that nope.  I slept a lot, and read and sipped ginger ale and tea and took it easy.  It paid off.  I am feeling way better today.  Still have the head cold nagging in the back trying to take hold, but my throat is feeling loads better and I know I will accomplish much more.  Looking forward to not just posting but completing my tuesday list :)

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Coming in late today...


First day of Co-op

Time to relax from nervous state post co-op

Clean bedroom



Not expecting to get much done the rest of tonight. Co-op just wears me out.


Our family that was in from TX has decided to stay another week. Super happy to be able to spend time with them, but really missing our routine.


I finished everything. Just forgot to update.

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