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Tape Cassette Player/Recorder

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1. Do I need one? I'd like dc to be able to listen to books on tape (which we have), & dd5 to be able to do her narrations orally (w/out me having to write them out every time). I'd skip the narrations, but she's *really* good at them. I'd love to have them just for keepsakes, kwim?


But maybe there's something newer that would be better in the long run? As far as the books on tape, I know I could go MP3, but I'm not sure if that's best, since we already have *some* books on tape. I just don't know.


2. If I *do* get one, any suggestions on kind or where to buy? I've looked at thrift shops, & they just don't have them any more. The best I've seen is Amazon, & the prices really bug me, but I know that's what happens to old technology. Honestly, if they weren't so much $ & trouble, question #1 would be kind-of a moot point.



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I would get one, as you said you have some books already and most libraries still have the majority of their inventory on tape. Also the library books sales offer a ton of them for very little money. I know what you mean though about the cost. I would second Amazon and check places like Target or Best Buy/Circuit City. Good luck. :)

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I would get one, as you said you have some books already and most libraries still have the majority of their inventory on tape. Also the library books sales offer a ton of them for very little money. I know what you mean though about the cost. I would second Amazon and check places like Target or Best Buy/Circuit City. Good luck. :)


Yeah, we've gotten most of ours (not that we have a ton, but we've got almost all of the Narnia books) at library sales.


I have checked Best Buy & Circuit City. Turntables are finally back, but not cassette players. At least, not a kind that will work, iykwim.

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How about ebay? I just checked and they have lots to pick from.


Well...I've never bought from Ebay. It kind-of...scares me. And...I generally prefer not to pay shipping on something used. I just...don't trust people that much. I mean, used books, sure. Other things? Esp electronics...I'm too nervous.


I'm afraid I'm a stone-age geek. I got my first cell phone maybe 2 yrs ago. I don't know what an MP3 player *looks* like, & I don't own a working TV. I think VCR's are perfectly functional, & if it were up to me, we'd be using the turntables. That's why I used to buy records at the thrift shop. Dh finally put a stop to that. He said we *at least* have to have a turntable before I buy more, lol.


But I think there are positive features to being a dinosaur. Probably. I mean, at the very least, it makes new technology cheaper & much more exciting when I finally convert. Right?

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How about this one?




We use our tape recorder all the time. The kids LOVE making their own "audio theater" performances on it. It's very old school, and reminds me of something I had in about 1985.


This is the one we bought when it was only $23--it's now almost twice as much :confused:, but if you put it in your cart you can wait and see if the price drops later (Amazon updates prices of anything in your cart--sometimes things drop significantly).



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