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I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum.  I tried to search before posting but didn't find anything.


My eldest is a senior this year and is working on college applications.  Since they've done away with the homeschool supplement, I'm not really sure where I fit into the process.  Am I her "high school counselor"??  Do I need to create an account at commonapp.org?  If so, would I be a "recommender"?  


Sorry for all the questions but this is our first time through this process and I'm totally intimidated and confused.  Thanks so much in advance for any help!!





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Please hop over to the College Board (sub-board of high school) and see the threads we have going on the Common App.

You are the counselor, and your student must first set up his common app and then invite you as his counselor. You will then get an email with a link that allows you to create a recommender account linked to your student's application.

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Please hop over to the College Board (sub-board of high school) and see the threads we have going on the Common App.

You are the counselor, and your student must first set up his common app and then invite you as his counselor. You will then get an email with a link that allows you to create a recommender account linked to your student's application.


Thank you!  I'll try to go find it now!

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