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The happy scientist?


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It's hard to tell from the website how many videos there are and for what ages they are appropriate. Anyone know a little about it? My kids are 6 and 8. They both love science and can follow and understand content that is a bit above their age range. Would this be appropriate for them or would it be too advanced?

It would be used just for s fun supplement.

It seems to be on sale for $10 for a year.


We already have brainpop jr, which they both love. And we get discovery streaming through a school, so it is free. I don't use that much, as I find it difficult to navigate.


Thoughts please?

Thanks, Chelsea

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My kids love The Happy Scientist. I bought it for $10 off of HSBC last year, and am so glad that I did. As someone else said, he is funny, accurate, and straigt to the point. His videos aren't too long, they teach a lot of stuff, and the kids really enjoy his personality. We use the website for fun learning. Not necessarily as a supplement. There are days when I'm working too much (I work from home while homeschooling my kids) or I'm sick, so I'll give the kids the school computer and tell them to watch The Happy Scientist. They spend hours at a time on his website, choosing different videos that look interesting to them. They've done some of the experiements after watching the videos, and they always work, and the kids are always thrilled.


This is definitely worth more than the $10 cost.

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Your kids are a great age for the Happy Scientist!  We started at that age, and still get a yearly subscription.  Love him.  


Sometimes I coordinate his videos with our lessons - fairly easy to do - and other times DS just hangs out watching a bunch of videos at once.  


Worth every penny.

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