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Under the Dome and Breaking Bad: Dean Norris


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Having Dean Norris playing characters on two different shows is messing with my head. Sometimes it feels as if he has a split personality which isn't helped by the fact that he sort of does have a split personality in Under the Dome. How can I love and pity him on one hand and then hate him on the other? Ugh! Too much...too much...



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Try reading the book while watching the show!  Talk about messing with your head!  They changed the show enough that it's different.  But they kept most of the book names.   But the chacacters on the show with those names are totally different than who those named people are in teh book.  It was very confusing and I'm glad I finally finished the book. 

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Having Dean Norris playing characters on two different shows is messing with my head. Sometimes it feels as if he has a split personality which isn't helped by the fact that he sort of does have a split personality in Under the Dome. How can I love and pity him on one hand and then hate him on the other? Ugh! Too much...too much...





I haven't been watch UTD but it was on last night and I was shocked to see Hank there!  We just finished BB and I'm in mourning.

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Having Dean Norris playing characters on two different shows is messing with my head. Sometimes it feels as if he has a split personality which isn't helped by the fact that he sort of does have a split personality in Under the Dome. How can I love and pity him on one hand and then hate him on the other? Ugh! Too much...too much...



I haven't seen UTD. Is it worth watching?


I did read the book and loved it like I love most SK books ...spoilerish in white...highlight if you want to read:


The end! argh! i hate the endings of so many of his books!

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Try reading the book while watching the show!  Talk about messing with your head!  They changed the show enough that it's different.  But they kept most of the book names.   But the chacacters on the show with those names are totally different than who those named people are in teh book.  It was very confusing and I'm glad I finally finished the book. 


I'm glad it's been a while since I first read the book because, you are right, my head would be spinning even more. Being true to the book is not one of the aims of the show which is too bad because I really loved the book.

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I haven't seen UTD. Is it worth watching?


I did read the book and loved it like I love most SK books ...spoilerish in white...highlight if you want to read:


The end! argh! i hate the endings of so many of his books!


Under the Dome is okay. Not one of the best shows out there and definitely not on the level of Breaking Bad. I started watching it, as I'm sure many people did, because I read the book but now I keep watching just to see how it ends. Plus since it is summer there isn't a lot on the tube to watch.


And about your spoiler.....so totally agree with you!

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Under the Dome is okay. Not one of the best shows out there and definitely not on the level of Breaking Bad. I started watching it, as I'm sure many people did, because I read the book but now I keep watching just to see how it ends. Plus since it is summer there isn't a lot on the tube to watch.


And about your spoiler.....so totally agree with you!



I just look at your blog...that laptop bag is awesome! I love the colors!


Did you post these on the crafting thread?

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I just look at your blog...that laptop bag is awesome! I love the colors!


Did you post these on the crafting thread?


Thanks! I'm sort of going through an orange phase right now and I loved how it looked accented against the gray.


No, I haven't posted to the crafting thread. No real reason why not especially since I'm busy with one crafty thing or another but I do enjoy reading it and seeing what people are up to. 

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Try reading the book while watching the show!  Talk about messing with your head!  They changed the show enough that it's different.  But they kept most of the book names.   But the chacacters on the show with those names are totally different than who those named people are in teh book.  It was very confusing and I'm glad I finally finished the book. 


I has been about a year since I plodded through read the book. Don't get me wrong... I am a major SK fan and I enjoyed the book, but I think it could have been several hundred pages shorter than it was. Anyway, dh can't understand why the show isn't familiar to me!! This explains it.

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I haven't seen UTD. Is it worth watching?


I did read the book and loved it like I love most SK books ...spoilerish in white...highlight if you want to read:


The end! argh! i hate the endings of so many of his books!


I watched the first two episodes and quit. I couldn't handle it. I know books and movies/tv shows are never the same, and I know that doesn't bother some people... But I am not one of those people. The show is COMPLETELY different than the book, and I couldn't handle it. lol.


I was so very excited for the show to start.. but throughout both episodes I was like this: :huh: .... :confused1:..... :scared: .... :cursing:

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I started watching UTD specifically because I needed something random for the summer and I knew this was a limited story (a story with a set beginning and endpoint).  Then I found out they are doing another season next year!  What?


Already with books there are hardly any without sequels, not even just trilogies, but 4, 5, 6.  I can't stand it.  I'm ok with a trilogy, but past that, just wrap it up already!


So now, this TV show is going to do the same thing... Ugh.

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I has been about a year since I plodded through read the book. Don't get me wrong... I am a major SK fan and I enjoyed the book, but I think it could have been several hundred pages shorter than it was. Anyway, dh can't understand why the show isn't familiar to me!! This explains it.


Plodded through is a good way to put it.  I agree it could have been shorter.  This was my first try back into SK after about 20 years.  I gave up long ago because I HATED how he ended so many books.  It just always felt like he knew where he was going and needed another 100+ pages to do it but got a phone call saying turn it in tomorrow, so it was  wham, bam, thank you mam and he slapped a quicky ending on it.   




I watched the first two episodes and quit. I couldn't handle it. I know books and movies/tv shows are never the same, and I know that doesn't bother some people... But I am not one of those people. The show is COMPLETELY different than the book, and I couldn't handle it. lol.


I was so very excited for the show to start.. but throughout both episodes I was like this: :huh: .... :confused1:..... :scared: .... :cursing:


I like the idea of the book, and I think the idea can make a good show. I don't think trying to do the book exactly as written would translate well to a tv show, so I'm actually happy with how they are changing it.  Sometimes it's just nice they start a show with an actual new, orginal, GOOD idea.  I don't mind the changing around in this as I think they are pulling good ideas out to make it a decent show. 


I am hoping they have a set end date.  They have 13 episodes this summer and 13 for next summer.  Hopefully that will be it and they won't try and drag it on and on (Lost), trying to find a way to get it going with crazy ideas (Lost) and things that are just stupid and they jump the shark (Lost).  


Not that that has ever happened with any decent shows...

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I am hoping they have a set end date.  They have 13 episodes this summer and 13 for next summer.  Hopefully that will be it and they won't try and drag it on and on (Lost), trying to find a way to get it going with crazy ideas (Lost) and things that are just stupid and they jump the shark (Lost).  


Not that that has ever happened with any decent shows...

 It looks like we disagree on a few things. Lost is my all time favorite TV show! :lol:

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I keep reading that those who have read the book don't like the show.  I do like the show but haven't read the book.


I am heading out on a plane flight across the country on Thur and have UTD on my iphone to listen to on the trip.  I guess I will find out!

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