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Need advice for a friend-adopted teen with organic brain damage due to abuse

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My friend is thinking of pulling her son out of the local high school. He is 16 and has a sixth grade reading level with 3rd grade comprehension. She is not looking to bring him up to high school level. It appears he will never be capable of that and his parents want to prepare him for life. He is holding down a job and is liked by his employer, so continuing to succeed in that area is important.


So, given that info, could anyone recommend life skills based materials that are budget friendly? Any recommendations on what you consider skills or info he needs to graduate would be helpful.


The other constraint is that the family does not allow him to use Internet because he is unable to control his impulses. He can use the computer because they do not have Internet on it for that reason. So, a disk based program would be fine.


I am thinking they should aim for basic knowledge in content ares like science and history, but what about consumer math or basic writing skills? Anyone?

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I think there is a DVD intended for autism spectrum kids to understand social cues better.  Cannot recall title, but an Amazon search for DVD's about manners might turn it up.  There are also books on Lifeskills for special children and for special teens.  I think those words are in the titles, and I'd likely recognize it if you find it, but cannot give you exact title or link.  


Probably simulating an 'as if' he were on his own scenario and going through all the things he would need to be able to do (food prep, laundry, etc.) and making sure he can manage it all would be useful.   Try Marian B Latzko's I Can Do It! A Micropedia of Living on Your Own and other materials by Latzko and family as a guide.  It is not necessarily intended for a special needs situation, but I think is about the best of its type--and indeed one of the few things of its type I've ever seen.


I would put things like learning lifeskills above content academics. 

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Thank you very much, Pen. I will pass this on to my friend. We met yesterday and he is even further behind than I thought. She isn't sure he could live on his own, but he needs these skills to live with the family. Currently he just thinks she is mean to point out simple things he needs to learn. Thanks!

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You're welcome.   It reminded me that I may try to order an extra of I Can Do It to have one to send off with my ds when he is at the going on his own point--as it may not be available by then--and may even be hard to find now.  It would also be relevant to someone living with family, or roommates.   And it had a work book also as I recall.  And may have had DVD's on cleaning and other such things, perhaps too. The author unfortunately died, I believe before completing a group of such materials she meant to do, and then her husband was selling the books, I think self-published.   The phone number at least used to be 888 357 7654 -- I hope that is okay to put here as it might or might not be findable through usual routes.  A few things are outdated, like I think the phone number for Trans-Union, say, or example costs.  And some parts are meager like the health concerns area deals almost entirely with eating properly only.   But the overall information seems completely relevant, and mastering it, from how to budget and not get into financial trouble, to how to choose a good used car, to how to clean, shop for groceries, and more, would put one ahead of many adults in lifeskills knowledge.


The situation sounds very sad.   BTW if adopted, there may also be special help available through post-adoption resources, and that may end at 18, so worth checking now, things like perhaps counseling to help with impulse control may be available.

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