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The perfect is the enemy of the good. -Voltaire

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My 12 year old has been working all week on the kids' website. He taught himself how to add text WITH the pictures, and also video.


Everything has worked against him, such as the horse acting up, and his sisters taking pictures of the goats' udders when they were not actually filled with milk.


I've encouraged him to keep going, instead of giving up, when circumstances are not ideal. He needs to clean up misspellings, and retake a bunch of the pictures next week.


If anyone has time to look at what he has done so far, and leave him a little encouragement in the guest book, I think it would really give him the motivation to get that difficult final 20% finished.


Thank you so much for your help!

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Thank you. He is one of those kids who can teach himself anything.


When he was 4, he said that he wished that they made little dictionaries you could keep in you pocket.


I asked him how he learned to alphabetize. He just said, "You mean there are people who don't know how to?"


I ran right out, and bought him a pocket dictionary!


I really try to walk the thin line between giving him opportunity to push himself, and teaching him to cut himself a little slack.


Your encouragement will mean the world to him!

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