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Confessions of a Latin Failure

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I'm trying to decide what, if any, Latin to have my eldest daughter do this year. She's a sophomore, college-bound, but will probably attend a community college first. We are not taking any AP Latin or national Latin exams. She is very bright but not that Latin-motivated.

She's done Latin since 3rd grade, albeit somewhat flaky on my part. Last year we did Cambridge books 1 and 2, and I would say it was a failure, simply because I am not able to teach Latin and keep up with everything else! 

My dilemma: Is it that important to have her continue with Latin (my other children, included)? We can't afford a costly DVD program or online class, and we need something that can be self-taught.

Should I just move her on to a foreign language of her choice and move the younger kids through the same series she did? We've mixed our Latin programs too much, I'm afraid, and I've not been consistent. We've used MP, Lively Latin, Latin Alive, and Cambridge...ugh.


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If Latin hasn't been a priority for you in the past, I don't see how making it a high priority now is going to make a difference to her.  By high school, she's the one who needs to embrace Latin because there are only so many hours and to pursue Latin means taking time that could be used to pursue something else.  I am a firm believer in Latin being central to my students' curriculum, but I also recognize that many, many successful college students and professionals never took Latin and are doing just fine in life.  Make sure she gets her roots, prefixes, suffixes and SAT vocabulary down, of course, but don't feel guilty if Latin isn't for you or your daughter.

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Thanks, Andrea! I just need someone to tell me it's okay, I guess ; ) We've gone as far in Latin as I can take her myself, and you're right - she's the one who needs to embrace it. She definitely has a strong vocabulary, so I guess it hasn't all been a failure. 

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Thanks, Andrea! I just need someone to tell me it's okay, I guess ; ) We've gone as far in Latin as I can take her myself, and you're right - she's the one who needs to embrace it. She definitely has a strong vocabulary, so I guess it hasn't all been a failure. 


I think a little Latin is better than none.  :)  If we were talking about a younger student, my advice would be different.

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