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Implant Removal Questions


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I hope this is ok to post here. I did a search first and it has been talked about a bit before so going on that. Hoping someone with experience could help me out.

My implants are 7 years old. I am looking at having them removed. In fact, pretty sure I am going that way. I am going to try to give the relevant information and then ask my questions.

My original size was...well pretty much non-existant. I would have been lucky to be pushing AA so I don't have a lot of breast tissue. My implants are behind my muscles, are saline, small C, and my incision is under my arm. I am not having them replaced. I have contacted the doctor but I am wondering if anyone has BTDT and could tell me:

Did your doctor go back through the original incision or did it have to be done in your fold?

Did you do it under local/sedation or did you do full anestesia?

How has your recovery been? Is there any special issues related to not having much original tissue? Are you pleased with the results?

What was your cost?

Thanks! While I am confident with my decision to have them removed I wouldn't mind some first hand perspective on it.

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I don't have any answers for you, Anna, but I wanted to wish you the very best of luck with the surgery if you decide to do it.


It's a big decision, and you are right to try to get as much information as possible before you schedule your surgery. :grouphug:

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Had to have mine replaced due to severe capsule issues.


Definitely general anesthesia, I don't think they do them under local anymore.

My original incision was under the fold and the doctor used that same incision.

Post surgical pain was minimal-the pain pump is THE greatest invention since sliced bread.

I didn't have much to start with but I had my implants replaced so I don't know if I can give any helpful feedback there.

Cost was about the same as the original implant surgery (again, talking about replacement)

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I got to work with a wonderful plastic surgeon for a month. That's not enough time to really know anything.


First, you are very lucky to have anterior axillary incisions. Many physicians don't do it that way anymore because it takes much more time than going inframammary. It is much easier to get a foreign body out of the original incision, but ask your doctor to be sure. I hope you are using the same surgeon.


Second, the skin tends to be loose and flabby after implants are removed. You probably won't be happy unless you have that taken care of also. That requires an additional vertical scar down the breast. But, talk to your surgeon in great detail. Perhaps you can just change out sizes of your implants rather than getting them removed completely.

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Would you be willing to share why you are having them removed?  Or is that too personal?  



I am just done with them to be honest. I am starting to get some minor capsular constriction which is causing pain, but I got them when I was quite young and now am just ready to be done with them. Also, our lifestyle has changed quite a bit since I got them and they don't mesh with my beliefs on what is healthy anymore.


I am using the same surgeon that I used for the augmentation and am very confident in him. I am still doing research, but have contacted his office about setting up an appointment.

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I'm the friend the speedmom was referring to. I had my implants removed in 2009.  I had them for 7 years as well.  I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about them and the removal process.

I am VERY happy to have them gone.  I so regretted getting them in the first place.

I was a B before the implants.  I had them put in after nursing twins.  I was a D after the implants(a very large D)


It will be hard to find a doctor that has experience taking them out.  Pretty much no one does it for the reasons you and I wanted them out.  Most of the time they are replaced.  I did see some pretty scary pictures online of what they could look like afterwards and prepared myself.  The doctor I went to was not the same doctor that had put them in because it was in a different state.  The doctor I chose had done another surgery for me so I felt comfortable going to him.  He did tell me upfront he had never done this before(meaning taking them out and not replacing) but would do his best to make them look good.


I am VERY happy with the results.  For some reason I grew in the last 7 years.  I'm nursing a baby now so they are back to a C/D but when I wasn't nursing they were a B/C.  They weren't saggy or droopy.  In fact, they looked better than with the implants in my opinion(and my husbands)

I do have scars around my nipples because both times they did make my aerolas smaller but he did take them out underneath so I have a small scar there as well. 


It cost me $5k to take them out.


I'd be happy to answer anymore questions you have.  You will feel so free once you get them out.  I promise.



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