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Math Mammoth Placement ?

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My DD 7.5 will be home schooled for 2nd grade and for the foreseeable future. She finished grade 1 in public school. I had her take the end of year grade 1 placement test and she scored a 84%. 


Based on this score I am wondering if I should do 1B with her first instead of 2A. 



The breakdown of her scores are:

Basic Addition/Subtraction facts within 0-10 : 27/28

PV and 2 digit numbers: 13/13

Adding/subtracting 2 digit numbers: 18/19

Basic Word Problems: 14/22

Clock: 10/14

Geometry/Measuring: 6/7

Money: 3/5


Total 91/108



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I would move on to 2A. It looks like time, money, and word problems are the problem areas. These are not a big deal at this point, IMO. Time is easily covered in a few minutes daily with a play clock. The money chapter should start with review in grade 2, just slow down as needed. The MM word problems are tricky. If you slow down and work together when you get to those in 2A, she should be fine.

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I'd do 2A. Take some time on the word problems when you get to them, and if you skip any problems, DO NOT SKIP WORD PROBLEMS. Do them all. :)


The clock/time/money will be hit again every single year. I wouldn't worry at all about that one. Also note that MM2's clock section is notoriously difficult (or at least it was in the pre-CC days... not sure about now), and it wasn't unusual for kids to need the extra year of maturity to understand it. Many kids who were completely confused by the clock section in grade 2 had no problems in grade 3 a year later, even though the questions are just as hard.


It looks like the important things - place value, math facts, addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers are all solid.


Also, if you're unsure, feel free to e-mail Maria Miller your results and ask for her specific advice. She knows the curriculum the best. ;) She's very nice and very helpful.

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I'd do 2A. Take some time on the word problems when you get to them, and if you skip any problems, DO NOT SKIP WORD PROBLEMS. Do them all. :)


The clock/time/money will be hit again every single year. I wouldn't worry at all about that one. Also note that MM2's clock section is notoriously difficult (or at least it was in the pre-CC days... not sure about now), and it wasn't unusual for kids to need the extra year of maturity to understand it. Many kids who were completely confused by the clock section in grade 2 had no problems in grade 3 a year later, even though the questions are just as hard.


It looks like the important things - place value, math facts, addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers are all solid.


Also, if you're unsure, feel free to e-mail Maria Miller your results and ask for her specific advice. She knows the curriculum the best. ;) She's very nice and very helpful.



Thanks everyone! I also noted that those were her weak areas thats why I wasn't sure If going back would be worth it since she seems good in the important areas. Thanks everyone for the feed back! I think I will start 2A and just do some extra work with clocks and money through the year and make sure we do all the word problems !:)

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For the clocks and money, give her an analog watch of her own. That will encourage her to learn to tell time that way. And also play store with real money. She'll probably understand both topics in no time. :) Even if she can't answer MM's clock section questions in grade 2, if she can read an analog clock well in real life and can tell you basics like, "It's 1:30 now, and we're leaving in 20 minutes, so that means we're leaving at 1:50," those are the important things.

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For the clocks and money, give her an analog watch of her own. That will encourage her to learn to tell time that way. And also play store with real money. She'll probably understand both topics in no time. :) Even if she can't answer MM's clock section questions in grade 2, if she can read an analog clock well in real life and can tell you basics like, "It's 1:30 now, and we're leaving in 20 minutes, so that means we're leaving at 1:50," those are the important things.



I had her do the first clock section today from 1B and she breezed through it... so I think her low scores also had to do with lack of focus as well....... We will just continue working on it like we have using the clock through out the day...... I will set up a store to play with her as well. 



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I would go on to 2A. You can always spend extra time on a difficult area, and it looks like she had the most difficulty with word problems, not actual concepts. That might be more of a reading comprehension issue or not being focused, like you mentioned, and you can just work that into real life... at the grocery store and running errands.

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