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Anyone have a where's my brain moment lately?

Flowing Brook

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This morning I was in the driveway on my phone with my mechanic scheduling an oil  change. As I was getting ready to drive off I notice my cell phone was not in my pocket so I started looking around for it.  When I could not find it I started to go back in the house. It was not until I was on the porch with my  hand on the front door knob I realized Duh IT IS IN MY HAND I AM TALKING ON IT!!

The sad thing is this is not the first time I have done this. :blushing:

So tell me anyone else have a Duh moment lately?

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Okay, so around here that question should read: Anyone NOT having a where's my brain moment? :lol:


I am famous for putting the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the pantry.

I've been known to put the kids' toys in the cupboards as I was picking up. Then I find them a few days later and go :huh:

I feed the dog cat food and vice versa.

The list goes on. If I could think of more, I'd tell ya, but where is my brain, anyway?

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Well, I went to brush my teeth before I went to bed a couple of nights ago and walked into the bedroom and asked my daughter if she had seen the toothpaste.  I had looked all over the bathroom for it and couldn't find it.  She says "Mom, it is in your hand."  I think that counts for what you asked.

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My dh had one today. We were getting ready to leave for Church and he was walking around trying to find his wallet. he checked his car, the night table, and the desk. I took apart our bed covers, looked in the laundry basket, and under the bed.  The kids are all looking in their rooms and everywhere else. Just as we were about to give up, he reaches in his pants pocket. Yep, there was his wallet.


Got another one. I lost my car keys once. I found them in one of the kitchen cabinets.  :huh:

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