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Does this book exist? Birth related


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I have about 10 weeks until this next baby is coming, and I'm looking for a book that explains different types of birth for my three year old.  He was a homebirth transfer that ended in a cesarean, and this next baby will be a planned cesarean due to surgical complications during his birth.  Most of the babies he's been around have been born at home, and he keeps saying how he doesn't want me to go to the hospital, and he wants us to have the baby here at the house. He doesn't really have a grasp on how babies are actually born yet, but he does understand that some people's mamas don't have to go anywhere, and he's pretty clear that's what he would prefer.  :lol:  He doesn't usually have separation anxiety.  He stayed with my parents for five days a couple of months ago while my DH and I went on a trip, and he was perfectly happy.  I've been trying to be very matter of fact and positive about the whole situation, and I've told him many times that some babies can be born at home and other babies need the help of a doctor to be born.  I've tried to make him excited about coming to visit me in the hospital, but he's just not buying that. :tongue_smilie: I can't imagine why he would have apprehension about hospitals because I've been careful to be positive about them.


So, does anyone know of a book out there that describes different types of birth (homebirth, hospital v@ginal birth, cesarean) in a way that's respectful to each method?  He's very good about understanding and remembering things that are read to him, and I think that pictures might help to cement things in his mind. 


I've found this one cesarean book, but it seems to focus on how recovery will impact the older sibling.  That seems useful but not really what I'm looking for.


if I can't find something suitable, I guess I'm going to start collecting pictures and writing a little one up for him.  I have about 100 other things I would rather do in the next two weeks, so I would love something I can buy!



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