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Runners, exercisers, etc, answer this!


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Is exercisers even a word?  Huh...

Anyway, I have a question for you!

Back when I started running, my shins were killing.me.  A friend who runs a lot said it was probably because we started out too fast/too much for beginners.  We slowed down and it stopped.

After we ran on Friday of last week, my right shin started bothering me just a bit.  Nothing that was a big deal, and nothing super painful or anything.

I ran Monday morning and my shin is still hurting a little.  Again, it's nothing awful, just a bit of pain.  

Shin splints?  

So I'm wondering this - why would this be happening NOW?  We've been taking it really slow and upping our pace and distance very steadily.  I don't feel at all like we made any sort of jumps in what we were doing (suddenly going a lot faster or anything).  

What can I do about it?  

And I'm going to run tomorrow morning.  Any thoughts on what I can do to try to prevent this any more?  



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Aren't shin splints caused by a muscle imbalance? Toe raises help if that's what the problem actually is. The slope of a road can give you more trouble with one leg than the other if you're always facing traffic.  


Frozen paper cups of ice are nice for icing down sore spots after a run.

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I've read that duck walks (walking around on your heels with your toes up) helps strengthen those muscles around the shins. Interestingly enough, my shin issues completely cleared up when I started going to the chiropractor. I was having more problems with the muscles around my shins, rather than my actual shin bones, though. Walking for about a half mile and stretching my calves before I started running seemed to help some.

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Buy great shoes that work for your stride and feet and google it. All the advice given here is fantastic and you will find the right stretches and exercises that work. I heard once that every one has different reasons for their pain when they run so there are many ways to help. Runners world always has good advice.

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Are you in a good running shoe? Not just a shoe that says running on the box that was bought in a box store. A good running shoe can make all the difference in how your body feels after a run. Go to a running store and get properly fitted if you haven't. You're shoes could be just worn out if you wear them for other things too. My running shoes only get worn for runs so I don't put premature miles on them.


I've been experiencing various leg pains for a month while running. It started out as a calf cramp from dehydration. But it evolved into sore tendons in the feet and ankles, and then shin and knee pain. The problem turned out to be my shoes were worn out, and I was in a shoe with too much stability. My heal was lifted too much in the old shoe not allowing my calf to fully stretch out during the run. I changed my shoe up and have seen two great runs this week already. All that to say: shoes are important.


Stretching properly and strengthing your muscles with cross training will also help with pain. Yoga and Pilates are both effective for me.


You can also ice your leg after runs and use a foam roller or the stick on your calves that will help loosen the muscles in your legs. I love the stick. That should help ease the pain after runs.

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Shin splints. Mine went away when my muscles got stronger. Our coach used to have us warm up those muscles by standing in place, with both feet on the ground and tapping our toes while keeping the heel on the ground. We would do that about 50 taps before running. At the beginning of soccer season everyone would have shin splints, but they would go away in a couple weeks.


And yes, ice does help quite a bit, along with some motrin.

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My biggest question about getting good running shoes is this... how much do those cost?  :(

I don't want to go drop $100 on a pair of shoes.  I can after September is over and I've paid for my trip to Thailand, maybe...but by then I will have run both 5k.  

I had been running just one direction.  The trail that goes around our lake is about 1 mile on the 'trail' and .7 on the sidewalk.  I went the other way today - it felt sort of weird, lol, since we always go the same direction - but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it.  

I don't feel much pain today, so hopefully that worked for now.  :)  I also will keep doing the stretches and stuff.  :)

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Are you stretching and warming up properly?  I am not a runner, but my friend is and she says that is the most important thing for her.  I don't know what stretches she does, but I know she spends at least 10 minutes stretching, and about another 20 warming up by walking before she starts a run.

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Mine went away nearly over night once I was fitted and purchased My Brooks Ravenna running shoes... They are less than a year old and I can tell I've put enough miles on them and will be buying new ones shortly (and they still look like NEW) but the support was night and day compared to my older shoes. I have worn that support out and I don't consider myself a major runner. I run 4 miles 4 times a week, so 16 miles a week and I only wear them to run in. So, anyway, my point is save up for some good shoes and realize they will not last you five years either!

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