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I need workout help/ideas!


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Ideas, please! :) Here's the deal: I'm a runner, but at 12 weeks post-partum, neither me or my new baby are finding it possible to get out and drive to the trail (I have to drive to a decent place to run) before it gets too hot for me and the kids. It's still too hot in the evening when my husband gets home. So, until the weather cools off, it looks like I'm not going to get many runs in.


The gym is out--too far, too expensive, no childcare. Just not going to work right now.


My treadmill died back when I was pregnant, and I'm unwilling to buy a new one. I might use it for the next few months, but long term I wouldn't use it enough to justify the expense.


What can I do at home to get myself moving, at least until I can get back into my normal running routine? I'm looking at workout videos--usually not my thing, but I'm desperate here. LOL. However, I have no clue what's good. Would anyone like to share their favorite (and/or not so favorite) videos?


One more caveat: I may or may not have a heart condition (awaiting test results) that will affect the way I workout; basically, I would not be able to push myself too hard. So no Insanity workouts or CrossFit, even though those would be right up alley, until and unless I find I do not have this specific condition. I don't need 'gentle', but I do need something that I can do at my own pace.


I already own 30 Day Shred, and it's ok, but I'm bored.



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