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Ideas to keep my 2 year old entertained

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Guest 4boys

I was going to suggest colouring but I guess if crayons are a snack, that might not work! :) Would he try to eat pencil crayons? Can he play independently for half an hour? Or if you are reading to your 5 year old, is he interested in listening? Guess I'm not that creative!! Hope this helps!

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I am planning activities for my two year old this year too.

Here are some of my ideas:

-Lauri favorite things first puzzles

-two small dump trucks in a little container of cornmeal

-Art Box - contains color wonder markers and pad; these first marker things from Crayola (look like round animals) colored pencils, etc. He doesn't eat this stuff though....

-Big size black pick-up truck that he can load unload with cheerios/marshmallows (vary on the day)

-little play dough set (he doesn't eat this either) small playdough and a few tools in a little container

-Water play (measuring spoons, little cups, basin of water)

-Do-A Dot paints

-Mommy/Daddy CD in crib with toys

-Lauri Toddler Tote

-Tonka Set


Just some ideas,



PS I also have a four and five year old who I am planning activities for- so it makes it easier because he just wants to do what they do!

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This has got some great ideas, as my dd1 age 5.5yrs would be starting year 1 in september, and my ds is 2.5yrs and dd2 is 9months, so this is really helpful.


Ds likes to have his own box, for his work to go in, so i have collected bits and pieces and made him his own one, and when daddy gets home from work he shows him his work! i have also started doing letter sounds and letter of the week with him, just for a minute or so a day, as that is all he can do, but he really enjoys that, and he is proud of himself :)

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My ds2 is sooo busy. Only a few things will keep him occupied (and not angry that his older brother has my attention :001_huh:). I push a chair up to the sink and fill one side with a few inches of water, a bowl, measuring spoons and measuring cups. He loves scooping the water and filling the cups and bowls, dumping it out and starting again! It makes a mess but it's easy to clean up since it's just water. We school during this time at the kitchen table to keep an eye on him.


Or a huge rubbermaid container filled with rice and more measuring spoons, cups and spoons along with a few hidden "treasures" like matchbox cars to find - you could do something similar with a tub of uncooked pasta and or beans (Do not do this if your child still puts objects in their mouths!!! Choking hazards. My little guy doesn't put anything in his mouth at all but I still monitor him very closely with our rice bin.)


Once a day he watches Sesame Street and we do the rest of school while he is napping. He is not the kind of 2yo to sit quietly in my lap, color or play at our feet while we school. No siree. :D

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bean box

moon sand box

window markers

bottle of glue and pom poms and paper:-)

their own wipe off board and markers

aquadoodle mat

water spray bottle and paper towels to clean with ;-)

sharper pencils in electric sharpener (make sure they dont put finger in)LOL



I know its hard at this age because their attention span no more than 5 minute or so:-)

My 4th ds is now 3 and its getting a bit better.....

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My almost 2 yr old sits and plays with blocks while I do school with my prek. This morning he started answering the questions to my ds 4.5's phonics. It was the beginning sounds of words and apparently he has been listening and can identify beginning sounds of words. I'm also going to give him prek activities in a bag and the MFW toddler package to do while I teach ds 4.5.

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I just ordered a bouncing pony... it is like a bouncy ball (moon hopper) but it is shaped like a pony for more stability. Since Emily will be bouncing on her ball while listening to school, I thought Jake would like one too. (He does try to get on hers, but it is not stable.)




It says for ages 4-7 but I have seen them in stores and I think he is plenty big enough.

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Very interested in this topic. I'll have a two-year-old by the time ds starts First Year. She's very active, climbing everything and touching everything at one!


I was thinking maybe Kumon books, as some start at 2.. then she can join ds while he's writing..



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