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A question for musicians


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This is a long shot, I know.  I am looking for a very specific type of music theory curriculum/program.  My almost 10-yo dd plays the violin.  She is classically trained and is currently in Suzuki Book 7.  She has started to dabble in bluegrass and wants to do a lot more with it.  She has a very solid scale and technique background but is missing the theory required to improv with confidence.  Scale/key theory specifically.  I am also an amateur musician and could benefit from the same education so I would do this with her.  It could be geared towards HS or even college students if that is the best we can find.  I can adapt what I need to in order to make it work. But I am hoping someone might know of something more targeted toward my specific needs.



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Perhaps not what you are looking for exactly, but I highly recommend this book to get started and to just become familiar with tons of tunes.  There is also an intro section that talks about fiddling, etc.  I'm sure this would not be difficult for her at her level, but it's really a fun book.  I bought this book and my violin instructor was so in love with it he went out and bought one. 




This is the description:


Contains nearly 500 jigs, reels, rags, and hornpipes from all the major fiddling traditions. Special introductory materials on regional styles, bowing, and ornamentation. Includes an extensive discography.


Dd has this book and has memorized at least 50 tunes out of it already.  And she spices those tunes up quite a bit just by ear and listening to different versions on YouTube.  But she gets frustrated when her improv goes wrong because she doesn't understand some of the finer points of key.  Something can appear to be written in A major, for instance, but is actually a different key when it comes to adding your own spin to the song.  When she asks real fiddlers about this, they tell her she will need to study theory to develop confidence and skill. 

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I am sure too:)


When a kid ASKS to study music theory, I figure I had better listen!  She is certainly not asking for more math.....sigh.


Training in music theory IS training in math - just a little different spin to it :).  Does she recognize chord symbols and charts?  Improv is based on knowing the chord structure of a piece and then learning "licks" that will fit nicely into that part of the tune.  It's possible she is adding to a tune but her improvising isn't changing with the chord structure.  If her bluegrass tunes have chord symbols, she can practice just playing an arpeggio in that key until another chord is listed.  If she doesn't have chord symbols, get some music that includes it.  A really nice website with free music to print, recordings to listen to, and theory lessons is Jaybucky.com   Scroll down the page and you'll also find some fiddle books to purchase with all kinds of helpful theory and technique.  I haven't seen these myself, but I've played some of his arrangements and they are really fun.

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Training in music theory IS training in math - just a little different spin to it :).  Does she recognize chord symbols and charts?  Improv is based on knowing the chord structure of a piece and then learning "licks" that will fit nicely into that part of the tune.  It's possible she is adding to a tune but her improvising isn't changing with the chord structure.  If her bluegrass tunes have chord symbols, she can practice just playing an arpeggio in that key until another chord is listed.  If she doesn't have chord symbols, get some music that includes it.  A really nice website with free music to print, recordings to listen to, and theory lessons is Jaybucky.com   Scroll down the page and you'll also find some fiddle books to purchase with all kinds of helpful theory and technique.  I haven't seen these myself, but I've played some of his arrangements and they are really fun.


I know I am not explaining it well....  I have a classical background, nothing else, so I know I am not using the rights words. She does understand simple chord symbols and recognizes when she needs to change.  I think she has started to hit chords/keys she does not understand and that is where I am hoping to find a way to help her out.  We live in an area where we are quite limited in musical lesson opportunities.....especially the type she is starting to enjoy the most.


I found the Jaybuckey.com site (it needed another e) and I am sure she will have fun with it:)  Thanks!

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I know I am not explaining it well....  I have a classical background, nothing else, so I know I am not using the rights words. She does understand simple chord symbols and recognizes when she needs to change.  I think she has started to hit chords/keys she does not understand and that is where I am hoping to find a way to help her out.  We live in an area where we are quite limited in musical lesson opportunities.....especially the type she is starting to enjoy the most.


I found the Jaybuckey.com site (it needed another e) and I am sure she will have fun with it:)  Thanks!


It may help her to know that bluegrass, jazz, and fiddle players all practice their tunes a lot - over and over - with a ton of "trial and error" to find the sound they like with any particular phrase.  So if something isn't quite working, don't get discouraged!  Try another note or turn or scale pattern and eventually she'll hit on the one she likes.  :) 

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