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If you've had a tubal ligation, can I please pick your brain?


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I'm seeking PHYSICAL outcomes/experiences more than opinions about how you feel about terminating your fertility ;).     Did you experience any negative physical outcomes that you attribute to it?  Did it change your period?   Libido?   Would you do it again?   Please share your thoughts.





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Since my tubal ligation I have had many problems. My periods are very off, sometimes every other month sometimes once in 6 months. I have had night sweats, mood problems, and low libido. I have noticed hairs growing on my chin. I don't have as much energy as I used to have, I just mainly don't feel like myself. If I could do it over, I wouldn't do it.


But my mil had hers done 20+ years ago and has never had an issue, same with some other friends of ours.

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My mom had one and has been miserable ever since. She said she never had cramps before her tubal. Now she has horrible cramps that pain meds can't touch. She has also been getting migraines every month since having a tubal. She never had migraines before.

A friend of mine got a tubal.  She said she also started getting migraines immediately after her tubal. 

Here is a website that has a lot of first hand experience.


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I am really not sure if my changes are related to pregnancies/weaning and/or my age rather than the tubal. Everything seems to overlap. I'm leaning towards the former rather than the later, honestly. Once the weaning was 99% done, the period became more regular. I cramps before kids; so no big change there. The libido is through the freakin roof now; however, I've heard this may be normal for mid-30s. I just do not know. That said, it was the perfect decision for us and I have no regrets. (actually the libido + lack of birth control worries is a definite positive)

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I had mine done 2 days after giving birth to dd.

For me it was a big mistake. I had trouble with tEa afterwards. I found it very painful. I also was getting stomach pains/cramps it got worse and worse,  after 3 years one night  the pain got so bad that I woke Dh up and told him that if it looked like I was asleep that I would be actually dead. We contemplated getting an ambulance as the pain was so great, but we didn't know what to do with all the kids and decided to wait it out until morning. Turns out the clip had ripped through my tube and was imbedded in my ovary. I had to have surgery and have that ovary removed.

 during this time I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. after I had the operation I miraculously got pregnant again and that is my youngest ds.


I have also found that my cycles have changed. now I have a very heavy flow. Think change tampons every 15 minutes for one day. very physically draining and makes me feel light headed and quite ill. the bright side is that it is all over after 2 -3 days


So for me it was a disaster

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I had a tubal and ablation done two years ago (because I might as well have no periods now that I'm done having babies). I have had no physical affects and it has been wonderfully freeing.


I do know some people that have had issues but it seems to be mainly those who have clips or coils rather than having the tube cut and burned (foreign body being left in your abdomen, no matter how small, isn't normal). I also know some people who have attributed issues to the tubal but when you really get into it the issues started after a birth (tubal done at the same time) or are very likely age related (since most women have tubals at an age where changes are likely to start occurring).

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I had one done about 10 years ago now and have had no problems.  In fact, it has been great for us because I am one of those super-fertile people that can get pregnant just thinking about it.  I didn't do well on hormone birth control methods and had problems with PPD after my second.  Two kids was our happy number and we have no regrets.


I wonder if the method used makes a difference in outcomes.  My tubes were burned, no clips here.

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I had mine done immediately following a c-section. Recovery was fine, all part of giving birth via c-section too. I found that much easier than recovery from my first child, which was not a c-section.No changes in cycles or anything, from what I can remember.

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I had mine done ten hours after a vaginal birth. I experienced a lot of internal gas and swelling in my body cavities that was extremely painful and caused me to stay a few extra days at the hospital.


Since then, all of my lady bits have been working as they always were before the surgery. I do not regret it. That was a surprise baby, and I already knew I was going to end up a single mom.

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I experienced much heavier, longer, more painful cycles. So much so that I had a tubal reversal, and two more little ones. Then I thought that it was worth it, as I was done with babies. Approaching 40. LOL Anyway, this time it hasn't been an issue at all, but I do believe that I hit peri-menopause right after the birth of my daughter, so maybe that is a factor. I am glad this second time, although facing no more babies was hard, I know it was the right thing. I was not ready the first time and was pressured into it by family.

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I'm seeking PHYSICAL outcomes/experiences more than opinions about how you feel about terminating your fertility ;).     Did you experience any negative physical outcomes that you attribute to it?  Did it change your period?   Libido?   Would you do it again?   Please share your thoughts.


I would do it again.


It didn't affect my libido at all.  


It did change my period for awhile, but it has evened back out now.  I had the tubal when I had Pink in May of 2009.  I have noticed that I do get cramps a little more than I did on birth control, but still not like I did when I was a teenager.  For awhile it was kind of unpredictable in many aspects (timing, as in when it would arrive, how long it would be around, etc) but all of those things have evened out with time.

I had no difference in healing time after the c/s + tubal.  I was in the OR for about 2.5-3 hours because they removed a cyst, did the tubal, and removed a ton of scar tissue (on top of the obvious, taking out the baby!)  I actually was getting around the best after Pink out of all of them, IMO.

So yeah, it was a little different for a couple of years, but not horribly so.  I would definitely recommend it!  (Oh, and personally I was very happy to terminate my fertility... just sayin!   :D :lol: )

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I had mine done almost 9 years ago the day after I gave birth to our last child. I could feel what I thought was the cut tubes for a few days. Nothing unbearable, just slight discomfort. My periods became regular when I finished breastfeeding and I have had no problems at all. No regrets.

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The woman has the babies and the man gets snipped :p. Men can certainly have issues as well. But, it is a much easier and less invasive procedure for them.


The vasectomy is usually easier and more success for a reversal, from what I understand.


Since I was going in for a d&c after a miscarriage anyway, I had the tubal done so that both dh and myself didn't have to undergo procedures.


I haven't had any physical issues, but I wouldn't do it this way again - right after a miscarriage. I'd wait longer, then let dh get his done.

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The woman has the babies and the man gets snipped :p. Men can certainly have issues as well. But, it is a much easier and less invasive procedure for them.


This is what we would have done if we didn't have a third kid (weren't 100% sure after Astro).  

Or if for some reason I had never needed c-sections.

But we figured they were in there anyway, and it just made much more sense to get it all done at once than to have DH get something done separately.  :)

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The woman has the babies and the man gets snipped :p. Men can certainly have issues as well. But, it is a much easier and less invasive procedure for them.


I had my tubal done following a planned c-section.  Not much extra invasion there!  It made much more sense than having DH go through another procedure.

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I had a uterine rupture with my 2nd baby.  After my 3rd, the doc said no more so I got a tubal.  Worst decision for me!  As soon as the drugs wore off, I had a splitting migraine.  It lasted for a year.  All day, every day.  Then it changed (with diet and sleep) and I got it to decrease to two weeks out of the year coinciding with my cycle.  I have finally found a preventative that takes the headaches down to 3 days (in a row) each month.  So its manageable now, but wow - what a couple of painful years in my life!  Imagine homeschooling little ones two weeks on and two weeks off!  I have friends that have had no side effects, so I'm not saying not to do it - but if you are already headache prone, or already have hormonal issues, I would recommend something different.  The doc told me that with a few women, there are blood vesssels that feed the ovaries and hormone production that run along the tubes. I also have strange periods, and other hormonal issues.  I wish I had researched it more before I did it - hindsight's 20/20.

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