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American Girl doll- Caroline


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Any of the longer haired dolls, especially the ones with curls, will tangle easily.  If you only use a wire bristled brush on it, and brush in sections with a misting of water, you'll be fine.  You can always keep it in braids if you find it tangles excessively until she's more confident in dolly hair care.  Caroline is a beauty! 

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Any of the longer haired dolls, especially the ones with curls, will tangle easily.  If you only use a wire bristled brush on it, and brush in sections with a misting of water, you'll be fine.  You can always keep it in braids if you find it tangles excessively until she's more confident in dolly hair care.  Caroline is a beauty! 


:iagree:  Any of the longer haired dolls have potential for significant tangling, IF it's not care for properly. Dd is quite messy  (crazy artist personality ;) ) in everyday life, but she is very good about keeping her AG dolls' hair in pristine condition.  We use the wire brush from AG, but wig brushes from Sally's Beauty Supply are fine, too, and a little mister of water.  


 On another note, but still AG, don't forget the Saige (AG Girl of the Year) movie is on NBC tonight at 8pm!

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My dd5 has Caroline. Her hair is a bit of a pain - I brush it every few days to keep it pretty. She's not quite old enough

to do it on her own yet. It takes quite a bit of time. She has Kit hidden in the closet for her birthday that's coming up.

She'll be easier for her to take care of on her own.

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We have a very old Just Like You w/long hair, Elizabeth, Felicity, Josefina, McKenna, Kanani, and Caroline among all my girls. Caroline has by far the most difficult hair. Josefina's is 2nd. If you keep it in braids, it's good. Otherwise, it needs to be brushed more often because it tangles and frizzes so easily, and you have to do finger curls after brushing to make it look nice. Right out of the box, Caroline won't look as nice as she should. We got her in the store and I asked the lady helping us why her hair didn't look as nice as the displays and she told us that you have to brush and set the finger curls from the beginning. Kanani's hair is fixed the same way, but her curls were perfect out of the box and they don't tangle as easily.


She is a beautiful doll and DD loves her. I try to keep her hair in braids because it is easier for me and looks nicer.

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We have a very old Just Like You w/long hair, Elizabeth, Felicity, Josefina, McKenna, Kanani, and Caroline among all my girls. Caroline has by far the most difficult hair. Josefina's is 2nd. If you keep it in braids, it's good. Otherwise, it needs to be brushed more often because it tangles and frizzes so easily, and you have to do finger curls after brushing to make it look nice. Right out of the box, Caroline won't look as nice as she should. We got her in the store and I asked the lady helping us why her hair didn't look as nice as the displays and she told us that you have to brush and set the finger curls from the beginning. Kanani's hair is fixed the same way, but her curls were perfect out of the box and they don't tangle as easily.


She is a beautiful doll and DD loves her. I try to keep her hair in braids because it is easier for me and looks nicer.

Thank you.  I keep looking on ebay and a few other sites and see that her hair is not as nice as the others.   We have a nice old doll from a out of business place that has long hair and it is still nice.  

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We got her in the store and I asked the lady helping us why her hair didn't look as nice as the displays and she told us that you have to brush and set the finger curls from the beginning.

Thanks for this tip - I think I'll order the hair care set and give this a try.

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