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I hear you. We usually take off September, so we're farther away than some people. I have sort of started planning, but there's also this mental barrier that I'm find in jumping to "fourth grade" which seems much more grown up that any grade thus far.

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I am having a hard time looking toward next year, too. Just this weekend, I put all my next year stuff in a box and threw it in the laundry room. I told my dh that I just had to step away for awhile. I keep sitting down to start planning and....nothing happens. I have this huge mental block. I'm putting it aside until after the 4th of July. I don't know what the problem is but I'm hoping a little time is all I need.

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I am having a hard time looking toward next year, too. Just this weekend, I put all my next year stuff in a box and threw it in the laundry room. I told my dh that I just had to step away for awhile. I keep sitting down to start planning and....nothing happens. I have this huge mental block. I'm putting it aside until after the 4th of July. I don't know what the problem is but I'm hoping a little time is all I need.


I understand this completely, I sat down yesterday for two hours and came up with nothing. I can't seem to come up with a plan for combining the boys because of the age spread. I see something that would work for my oldest but not my younger two or vice versa. I desperately want next year to go better than this so I need a doable plan.

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I started my official planning today. We are starting back in less than 5 weeks. I am normally finished or close to finishing planning. Instead I am sort of planning and still thinking about what I am going to teach for several subjects. At least I have started! I feel like I broke inertia......now just to stay in motion.

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Am I the only one, not mentally ready to plan for next year. This is really strange for me, but since we techinically have not finished this year I cant even think of next year.



I'm not ready, either. We just finished last week, and it's gonna be a short summer. Meh.

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I am so busy this summer with all kinds of things: a full time babysitting child, a part time babysitting child, some house renovations and upgrading, regular purging/decluttering around all of the kids and regular chores, bday parties, vacations, etc. That I can't think about school AT ALL. And we start the first week of Aug. I am thinking I will be cramming the weekend before we start. I sometimes do well with a deadline like that. I mentally prepared and picked out all of our currics and such, but actually reading through them, writing out schedules and things like that are so far from my thoughts right now. I will feel better when it is done, but NOT NOW... Oh, but do you guys remember that next week is July and the BTS sales start? That gets me in the mood sometimes. Or it is at least fun to pick out new supplies and go bargain hunting, if nothing else!

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I hear you. We usually take off September, so we're farther away than some people. I have sort of started planning, but there's also this mental barrier that I'm find in jumping to "fourth grade" which seems much more grown up that any grade thus far.



We also start the "new year" around Sept., and I feel the same way with having a mental barrier for 7th grade. For some reason it seems so much *more* than 6th grade.

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I hear you. We usually take off September, so we're farther away than some people. I have sort of started planning, but there's also this mental barrier that I'm find in jumping to "fourth grade" which seems much more grown up that any grade thus far.


I feel this way about 4th which is why I am already planning. I started hard and heavy a few weeks ago, but seeing what she needs to/ should be doing has me overwhelmed and I have stopped.


(Said in a whiny voice) K-3 was so fun and easy, can't she just stay little. Why the insistence that she grow up? (End whiny rant)

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I'm having troubles, too. I was planning on going year round (again) but we just all NEEDED a break. Public schools start August 1st here (SERIOUSLY! WTH!) and while I don't really go by their schedule, that is nagging at the back of my head that we need to have everything figured out, especially because my kids do after school programs at the schools.

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I've been off all spring! Normally I get the "bug" to start investigating in January (you know, if this year starts to seem mundane, let's look at next year!). Didn't happen. Feb, March, April...finally in May I MADE myself look at some things & I even am excited about them...got my orders in. But haven't done any significant planning. We usually start mid to late July. Umm...that's only a few weeks from now! This is my week to plan, and every day I've found something else to do. I HAVE to get the bulk of my planning done today & tomorrow! At least I'm partway there with having all the books, and it shouldn't be too much to look over the lit and come up with a plan. It just feels so loosey-goosey this year, and I need to nail some of this down!

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I'm enjoying doing really light summer school with my kids. I've got one away at camp right now, so my dd and I are just working on Spanish and a little bit of Latin review. I am not looking forward to the new school year though. I made the choices that I felt I needed to, but I'm not happy about them. I'm very sad about giving up SL in favor of a lit class at a once-a-week cottage school. I am not interested in the books we will be studying at all - Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid. I'm rather sick of those books, actually.

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I don't feel ready for next year. And next year (4th grade) starts week after next. My books aren't even all here yet! That said, I've got basic schedules done for Math, Latin, Language Arts, History and a game plan for science. I guess I'm good to go...but I don't feel ready. AT ALL.

I won't even post my curriculum over in the fourth grade curric thread because I don't feel I've really got it yet.

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I think I have been stuck in a few places. One, there are increased expectations as my oldest goes up a grade, yet I still philosophically believe in lots of down time. Blending these two has become more difficult each year. Two, I am stressed about adding in another K'er next year. And thirdly, it is always hard for me to wrap my head around the plain old logistical issues that come with wearing this many hats: wife, mother, teacher, housekeeper, etc. Anyway, I have spent most of the morning working on my plan for next year and am finally getting somewhere. :hurray: What a relief! Now that I am started and can see the direction we are going, I think filling in the details will be the easy part.

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