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Summer Learning in High Gear!

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My daughter's brain has been rotting for the last month of school. There have been endless days of coloring projects and review. She's been out of school for 2 days now and it's sad to see how starved for learning she is! So far she's:


Read books about plants and hunted for seeds that travel in different ways.

Done 8 pages of sunshine math.

Read about Ancient India, made rongoli chalk designs, and learned to play parchesi.

Read about Ancient China, solved tangram puzzles, and made pottery.

Created a timeline for SOTW and played a jeopardy review game for chapters 1-10.


She' already gone through a week of my plans in 2 days. I guess I better hurry up and order a Latin curriculum!


Are anyone else's kids ready to take off? I'd love ideas of what you're doing. (I have a feeling I'm going to need them!)

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It's great that she is so enthusiastic. We are just plugging away here. I want to be lazy, spend our time outside and drop some schooling days. When I drop the schooling, DD starts pretending she's a bear and growling at me so that obviously doesn't work, even with the nature studies.


I don't think what we are doing would help you as my kids are so much younger, at least I think they are younger than yours. Feeding intellectually hungry kids is a lot of work!


Here's some observations on our summer so far: We are moving through Song School Greek slower than I thought we would. Learning a different alphabet slows everyone down. My little guy is doing great with the Kumon workbooks and it is helping his fine motor skills. DD has really taken off with her violin. She practices independently and is determined that she will do everything perfectly. She is soooo close to being able self feed her brain in other subjects but is hitting a ceiling of some sort (reading stamina most likely). My kids are chomping at the bit and I just want to sit at the beach.

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For us it's different - my kids aren't "chomping at the bit" - but they are pretty busy. They have been in some fun, stimulating camps so far and we have camps for at least half-day for most of the summer. In addition they have afternoon/evening stuff scheduled 4 days per week. It has been difficult to develop a routine for home learning, because every day's schedule is different. We just try our best to squeeze in some reading and some math practice most days. Thankfully Miss E is very self-motivated to read and play math games. Miss A is also enjoying math games and motivated to do her Math Monkey homework. ... We're about to leave on a trip to India this weekend, so I will wait until we return to start getting serious about daily home learning. ... If I were to quantify what they are learning at "camp," the past two weeks would total of 15 hours of math class, 16 hours of horse riding / farming, 3 hours of karate and dance, and 32 hours of Latin American studies including Spanish language, geography, sports, music, dance, and more. The "camps" seem to be great for the kids, but who knows how much they will help with school progress? Only time will tell. Anyway, I can't sit with them all day because I have to work.

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Nothing so far in the past one week of summer vacation. It has been an art and science camp, field trips and the regular extracurricular activities as usual in our home. Maybe a little Dreambox and EPGY got thrown in, but that is all we have been doing. There are simply not enough hours in the day when a full day camp and extra sports and music are thrown into the mix. We will have some time in Aug when there is no camp and I will see how it goes then.

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My boys were at Golf summer camp last week and enjoyed it. Now they keep asking to go to the golf course.

We did get math, vocabulary, grammar revision, German revision, Chinese and reading done every weekday.

Two kiddos - ds10 and ds7 - woke me up at 6:30 again so that I'd help them with their math (so that they could have turns on the computer). I really need to get up and get my coffee earlier...


Ask your kids to make your coffee before walking you up :)

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