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Public School Extra curric's in CA - ?


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Hi all....I'm wondering if anyone here has had an experience with sending a child to the local Public school for an extra curricular. We're in CA - my ds will be in 6th and he wants to play the trumpet....I believe it's "ok" by law for him to participate but I have a sneaky feeling that the school will somehow oppose my request.

The school secretary was very hesitant to even tell me the band teacher's name! We have participated in the local free community band for kids and it's not something we want to continue.

I'm looking for advice and how to word my future conversation/email





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My school district requires my children to be students of the school to participate. My neighborhood school's extracurricular activities and music teacher's pay are primarily funded through PTA fundraisers though so it is understandable.

There are no laws requiring any school in California to accommodate homeschoolers in the school extracurriculars. It is on a goodwill basis.

I'm assuming you are in California. If you are in Canada, I don't know the answer.


Are you a member of HSLDA? If so, I believe they have a CA lawyer that can help you with this.

Hot Lava Mama

HSLDA link regarding this http://www.hslda.org/laws/Equal_Access/California_eq.asp

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It could depend on your local district policies. I know that our local high school district does not allow dual enrollment. Only students enrolled in the school full time may participate in sports, choir, etc. I believe even students enrolled in the district's independent study program are not allowed to participate in the extra curriculars.

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California schools are not required to give any kind of accommodation to students not enrolled full time. The school may choose to do so as a goodwill gesture, but most do not. I could not find a local school that would allow my dd to take AP tests with their students.


Amber in SJ

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I don't think it's a lawyer issue yet - just a matter of a rude secretary. I swear she was guarding him!


You stalker !!! :)

Can't be too careful, these days, haha ...


To get my kids into ps orchestra I worked the strings (unintended pun) ... choosing (elementary) schools where I knew the principal, secretary, etc. through my parents, through church, etc. ... So both of my kids were able to do 4th & 5th grade orchestra on an informal basis. I also was generous with PTA $$ support, to thank them.


Middle school was a no go, however ... I had no contacts, and even if I had had some, the whole setup is more formal (closed campus, etc.). They insisted my kids be a member of the ps homeschooling division (we're independent), sign in every day, etc. I *was* able to get my son into the ps math club in high school, but this entailed a friendly, helpful math teacher getting permission from the principal, they were worried about TB, etc. ... So obviously it varies, on a case-by-case basis ...


My advice - work those strings, be courteous, reciprocate, and have a Plan B - e.g., look into private schools (the local Christian schools were much more welcoming).

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in my experience, most schools won't do this, and they do not have to here in Ca. If you "know" someone, you might have luck. The only person I know who was allowed to do this, had a superstar hockey player and the school wanted him on their team..only time I've heard of a school allowing it. For those extras, we homeschoolers have to look around for homeschool teams, clubs and orchestras. there is a FB homeschool OC group, and Ca homeschool network has a yahoo group - a good place to find out about fieldtrips and classes.

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