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Those who use Math Mammoth


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For those who use Math Mammoth, I'm curious as to which one you order....I see there's a few different options for purchasing such as CD, downloads, and then printed versions (spiral bound and perfect bound). Also, I'm guessing these all come in black adn white too and are not printed in color? When looking online at samples they're all in color. Do you find it makes a difference when working with it in black and white too?

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I purchased the download and chose to print it in black and white, but the option is there to print in color. I haven't found it difficult to use it in black and white. I three-hole punch a section at a time (3A, 2B, etc.) and put it in my kids' notebooks.

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I bought the download and printed it in color. We will be using it this year for the first time. Since my dd10 has trouble focusing, I believe the colors will really make the instruction clearer for her. It looks fantastic. That said, I got a great deal through Homeschool Buyers Co-op that I pretty much negated by choosing to NOT print in black and white. (Used a LOT of printer ink!) Anyway, I don't think there was even an option to buy it pre-printed in color, so doing it at home was my only choice. Very pleased with the result regardless. Oh, and btw, I 3-hole punched the pages and put them in a binder.

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I bought the downloads and printed in color. If you use the "Fast Draft" setting on your printer the colors are more pastel, but it uses VASTLY less ink.


I print single-sided and comb-bind one semester at a time. They use the back of the previous page as scratch paper, so it keeps everything in one place and makes it easy to take with us and easy to see all their work.


I print the TOC and keep it at the front of the book, then mark each lesson with the date completed and any notes.



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I have the download. I print in color and have it spiral bound at staples. This year I plan to print and spiral bound using Bestvaluecopy.com it is pretty cheap for color copies.


For me the color makes a big difference. I know some don't care, but I can't imagine doing it in b&w...it just looks boring. Lol

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