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SO SO Modesty: TSA agent shames 15yo


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Sure they have. Plenty of people have said that he was being "fatherly" and didn't want other creepos to be eying her. That he was trying to "protect" her from others. That comes pretty close to blaming the rape victim for her choice of clothing, IMO.

So when I tell my kids not to go into anyone's house when they are walking to the park without me, that equals me saying that if they disobey me and are snatched and raped, the rape is their fault. Right? Same logic. So I'd better stop giving my kids such terrible advice. ... BTW as EVERYONE here (including me) has REPEATEDLY said, the TSA dude should have kept his trap shut. However, so should stupid feminist journalists who insist that "cover yourself" is a dangerous message to girls. And this girl's parents should be teaching her to cover herself.

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Her boobs are. not. showing! They're not! They are covered. You either have x-ray vision OR your imagination takes over with very little provocation. There is no other choice here since you are so insistent that her boobs are showing.

Shrug. I see her right boob. Not my problem if you can't see it. Maybe you should look into lasik. If I were her father I'd get my eyes checked more frequently, and I'd tell my kid not to wear that shirt out again. I sure wouldn't plaster a photo of her in that shirt all over the internet. She's a minor, for Pete's sake.

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So when I tell my kids not to go into anyone's house when they are walking to the park without me, that equals me saying that if they disobey me and are snatched and raped, the rape is their fault. Right? Same logic. So I'd better stop giving my kids such terrible advice. ... BTW as EVERYONE here (including me) has REPEATEDLY said, the TSA dude should have kept his trap shut. However, so should stupid feminist journalists who insist that "cover yourself" is a dangerous message to girls. And this girl's parents should be teaching her to cover herself.



She is covered.

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Shrug. I see her right boob. Not my problem if you can't see it. Maybe you should look into lasik. If I were her father I'd get my eyes checked more frequently, and I'd tell my kid not to wear that shirt out again. I sure wouldn't plaster a photo of her in that shirt all over the internet. She's a minor, for Pete's sake.


Definitely do not need Lasik, but I will just assume you have x-ray vision.

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Shrug. I see her right boob. Not my problem if you can't see it. Maybe you should look into lasik. If I were her father I'd get my eyes checked more frequently, and I'd tell my kid not to wear that shirt out again. I sure wouldn't plaster a photo of her in that shirt all over the internet. She's a minor, for Pete's sake.


Seriously, there might be a language issue here. By "I see her right boob" do you mean that you can see it's shape & where it is located? I have perfect vision, get regular checks. Do you see something indicating that the shirt is see-through?

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This is an incredibly depressing thread. I looked at the young women in my home today, and they were wearing shorts, sundresses, skirts, tanks. I thought they seemed adorable and innocent, but apparently they are 'immodest' and would be harshly judged by many women on this board. I don't judge Hassidic clothing, nor devout Muslim attire, or bonnets and prarie dresses, but apparently it's fine to insult children who are not culturally required to cover from head to toe.


The child in question was wearing a baggy flannel shirt. I missed when that became immoral, and I also missed the memo that it's a sin to wear a black bra under a white cami.


How aggravating.

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Shrug. I see her right boob. Not my problem if you can't see it. Maybe you should look into lasik. If I were her father I'd get my eyes checked more frequently, and I'd tell my kid not to wear that shirt out again. I sure wouldn't plaster a photo of her in that shirt all over the internet. She's a minor, for Pete's sake.


Given that you seem to be the only one who sees her boob, you might be the one whose eyes need checking. Though I suspect it's not your vision that is coloring your perception.

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Seriously, there might be a language issue here. By "I see her right boob" do you mean that you can see it's shape & where it is located? I have perfect vision, get regular checks. Do you see something indicating that the shirt is see-through?


I was wondering the same.

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Shrug. I see her right boob. Not my problem if you can't see it. Maybe you should look into lasik. If I were her father I'd get my eyes checked more frequently, and I'd tell my kid not to wear that shirt out again. I sure wouldn't plaster a photo of her in that shirt all over the internet. She's a minor, for Pete's sake.






What do you mean you can see her right boob? You can see the outline of her boob? You certainly cannot tell what sort of shirt it is exactly or whether she has on something underneath and unless you know directly from the person in the photo I find it to be a bizarre and disturbing accusation.

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What do you mean you can see her right boob? You can see the outline of her boob? You certainly cannot tell what she has on underneath that shirt and unless you know directly from the person in the photo I find it to be a bizarre and disturbing accusation.


Really? Why is it bizarre and disturbing that I see a boob, but not bizarre and disturbing that so many people have declared that Mr. TSA saw no boob, though they were not there? Look, I don't want to see this girl's boob, but there it is. The shirt is partially transparent. I can see it. Not because I want to, but because it's there. Why can't you see it? Maybe because you don't want to - which I can totally understand - but seriously - do I need to worry about a visit from the kiddy porn police now? It is not a crime to see a boob when a girl is wearing a partially transparent shirt. The message that it's everyone else's fault if they see her boob is unhealthy and disturbing.

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Maybe you shouldn't be looking at her right boob.


Sigh. Who put it out there? The whole point of that photo was for us to decide whether or not she was dressed indecently. If it did not matter, why was it posted at all? Hmm, good question, since NOBODY thinks Mr. TSA was right to run his mouth, regardless.

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Sigh. Who put it out there? The whole point of that photo was for us to decide whether or not she was dressed indecently. If it did not matter, why was it posted at all? Hmm, good question, since NOBODY thinks Mr. TSA was right to run his mouth, regardless.




I honestly think you're obsessed. You are making me nervous, truth be told. Stop looking.

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Then other people need to stop insisting that she wasn't showing anything. Either it's relevant or it isn't.




I saw nothing that was questionable. If people saw something, then they need to get their heads out of the gutter. Stop looking at a child and obsessing about seeing something that is *perfectly normal*. You can't see how sick that is, and how sick it is to keep repeating it?

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Really? Why is it bizarre and disturbing that I see a boob, but not bizarre and disturbing that so many people have declared that Mr. TSA saw no boob, though they were not there? Look, I don't want to see this girl's boob, but there it is. The shirt is partially transparent. I can see it. Not because I want to, but because it's there. Why can't you see it? Maybe because you don't want to - which I can totally understand - but seriously - do I need to worry about a visit from the kiddy porn police now? It is not a crime to see a boob when a girl is wearing a partially transparent shirt. The message that it's everyone else's fault if they see her boob is unhealthy and disturbing.



Maybe the color in your monitor is off and her shirt looks artificially flesh-colored to you or something, because that shirt is NOT transparent, you cannot see ANY sort of nipple or areola through it, and in fact it appears to many other people that she is actually wearing a bra.


I find your repeated insistence that you can see this girl's naked breast, when no one else can, quite weird. :confused1:



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I saw nothing. If people saw something, then they need to get their heads out of the gutter. Stop looking at a child and noticing the shape of a breast. You can't see how sick that is?


OK, now this is sick. A father posts a photo of his daughter and some Hive member puts it on here, in the context of "this girl was told to cover up, how awful." I see the photo and agree she had something that needed to be covered up better. This somehow makes ME a pervert? Or are you really saying that not only am I not entitled to my opinion and to say what I see with my eyes, but I should be intimidated into silence about it because if I am honest, I will be accused of being indecent or worse myself. Why can't you just agree to disagree? Why do people have to threaten others to keep their opposing opinions to themselves?

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The only reason I mentioned more than once that I see breast is because people on this thread keep insisting on knowing exactly what I see and where I see it. I have lots of better things to do, believe me. You should go back and count the number of posts insisting that I state exactly what I see in wrong in that photo. I let it go for quite a while before I finally answered.

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OK, now this is sick. A father posts a photo of his daughter and some Hive member puts it on here, in the context of "this girl was told to cover up, how awful." I see the photo and agree she had something that needed to be covered up better. This somehow makes ME a pervert? Or are you really saying that not only am I not entitled to my opinion and to say what I see with my eyes, but I should be intimidated into silence about it because if I am honest, I will be accused of being indecent or worse myself. Why can't you just agree to disagree? Why do people have to threaten others to keep their opposing opinions to themselves?



You are making an accusation and stating something as factual when that is not the case. Yeah, I do have a problem with someone treating a kid like that.

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OK, now this is sick. A father posts a photo of his daughter and some Hive member puts it on here, in the context of "this girl was told to cover up, how awful." I see the photo and agree she had something that needed to be covered up better. This somehow makes ME a pervert? Or are you really saying that not only am I not entitled to my opinion and to say what I see with my eyes, but I should be intimidated into silence about it because if I am honest, I will be accused of being indecent or worse myself. Why can't you just agree to disagree? Why do people have to threaten others to keep their opposing opinions to themselves?



No one is threatening you.


Since no nipple or areola can be seen, one can only assume that since you keep insisting that you can see her boob, that you mean the shape of her boob.

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Don't ask a question and then accuse someone of being perverted because they answered your damn question. This is to several people.




You have not answered the question. Some have asked if you are referring to the shape of the boob or if you really think that you're seeing nipple/areola. That question has not been answered, if that is the question you're referring to.

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You have not answered the question. Some have asked if you are referring to the shape of the boob or if you really think that you're seeing nipple/areola. That question has not been answered, if that is the question you're referring to.


Are you kidding me? I need to go do something. Just go back and re-read all the posts about this topic if you really want the answer to your question. The hell I'm posting what I see yet again.

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You have not answered the question. Some have asked if you are referring to the shape of the boob or if you really think that you're seeing nipple/areola. That question has not been answered, if that is the question you're referring to.



I think it's obvious by this point that she's not going to answer the question.

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That occurred to me for a minute. Then I decided that the fact that her dad is the one that put this out all over the media and when I searched her name, she is pretty out there made her sufficiently in the public for me to not worry about it.


That the father did that has been bothering me. I wonder who else would do this to their teenager. A comment from a TSA agent is one thing. Exposing your child to the judgement of other in the public arena...?

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That is kind of creepy that you went out of your way to post a link to her FB page. We all put stuff on FB knowing that once on the internet, others may view it, but come on. She is 15 years old, she doesn't need to be having her FB page linked here.


That part of her page is public. Her father's actions have exposed her to just this sort of thing. I think a discussion about his behaviour would be interesting.

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Are you kidding me? I need to go do something. Just go back and re-read all the posts about this topic if you really want the answer to your question. The hell I'm posting what I see yet again.


I saw you said you saw her right boob. The question is do you mean the outline/shape of the boob or the nipple/areola. I will go back and double check, but I am fairly certain that you have not answered the question in any specific manner.

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That part of her page is public. Her father's actions have exposed her to just this sort of thing. I think a discussion about his behaviour would be interesting.



Anything anyone posts on the internet is public, I believe I mentioned that or something similar in my original post.


I don't see anything wrong with her father's behavior.

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So when I tell my kids not to go into anyone's house when they are walking to the park without me, that equals me saying that if they disobey me and are snatched and raped, the rape is their fault. Right? Same logic. So I'd better stop giving my kids such terrible advice. ... BTW as EVERYONE here (including me) has REPEATEDLY said, the TSA dude should have kept his trap shut. However, so should stupid feminist journalists who insist that "cover yourself" is a dangerous message to girls. And this girl's parents should be teaching her to cover herself.


I wish you'd stop mentioning feminists. I consider myself one and I quite obviously (as this thread has shown) don't subscribe to some of the ideas you seems to be ascribing to all feminists.

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I have pictures of my kids online. Extremely few of me. Because I hate having my hideous picture taken. I'm not at all photogenic. *blush*


Still I once had a person respond to a family photo that I was immodestly dressed. "Like a whore of Babylon" iirc the quote. I deleted their comment.


But what if that had been about my daughter? Would you say I'm marketing her, setting her up for it, or what all else?


I don't think she or her dad necessarily had suspicious motives for posting the photo and saying some yahoo made rude comments.

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We're insisting that because there isn't anything showing.


I agree. My beef, coming from early-onset Old Fogeyism and quite apart frok the TSA dude's inappropriate comment, is that she's dressed sloppily. She looks like she should be bumming around the house or fetching wood for a campfire, not boarding an airplane. But she is wearing a definite layer of fabric.

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I guess one that doesn't want it to happen to my daughter.


And I'm grateful every single time someone speaks up.


Given what I know about Frauenfelder, I'm sure he didn't post anything without his daughter's full knowledge and consent.

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Anything anyone posts on the internet is public, I believe I mentioned that or something similar in my original post.


I don't see anything wrong with her father's behavior.



I do think there are very different philosophies in regard to that sort of thing. There are those who choose to try to keep most things private and then there are those that live with the internet as a part of their lives, their website is older than their daughter, I am sure she expected her father to discuss it.

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Cover yourself is a stupid message.


Not because of any religious perspective. Cover in a burqa if you want for religious reasons. No problem there.


If coverage prevented rape, many a country would not have tremendously higher rape rates than in the USA despite wearing burqas or sweaters on 90' weather.


Clothing doesn't have a single thing to do with why women are raped. Nada. Zilch. Nothing.


Clothing doesn't have a single thing to do with any mans ability to keep his parts to himself unless given permission to do otherwise. Nada. Zilch. Nothing.


It's flat out ignorant and against every fact known about sexual abuse to suggest otherwise.


I don't care if someone says they wouldn't be comfortable with her outfit. Yay for being American and all that jazz.


But don't suggest it has diddly to do with keeping them safer bc it doesn't.

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I guess one that doesn't want it to happen to my daughter.


I wasn't being rhetorical. That's a question I'm thrpwing out there. Would you do that if it were your daughter?


Me? No. I'd probably lodge a complaint and speak to the guy's superior.

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I agree. My beef, coming from early-onset Old Fogeyism and quite apart frok the TSA dude's inappropriate comment, is that she's dressed sloppily. She looks like she should be bumming around the house or fetching wood for a campfire, not boarding an airplane. But she is wearing a definite layer of fabric.



I have a very sloppy attitude about traveling. I probably would not bat an eye at my kid getting on an airplane in pajamas and I dislike it when people wear pajamas out and about.


Comfort is pretty important to me while traveling, I probably have worn something similar while traveling when I was younger and I traveled quite a lot. I was in drum corps in colorguard, I lived in spandex much of the time. I had leggings like that I am sure. *L

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I wasn't being rhetorical. That's a question I'm thrpwing out there. Would you do that if it were your daughter?


Me? No. I'd probably lodge a complaint and speak to the guy's superior.


I don't own a web publication getting near its second decade.. How people use and perceive the internet does impact how they may react. I think most of us would have mentioned such an incident here, I know I would have mentioned it here. He has been using his website longer than the WTM has been published.


If I was her dad I would probably have discussed it on my website, with her permission.

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I wasn't being rhetorical. That's a question I'm thrpwing out there. Would you do that if it were your daughter?


Me? No. I'd probably lodge a complaint and speak to the guy's superior.



I'd probably do the same, but I don't have a public presence on the internet. Well, besides on message boards and FB. :tongue_smilie:


Now, I may post in on FB and get my friend's opinions, as well as lodge a complaint.

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I have pictures of my kids online. Extremely few of me. Because I hate having my hideous picture taken. I'm not at all photogenic. *blush*


Still I once had a person respond to a family photo that I was immodestly dressed. "Like a whore of Babylon" iirc the quote. I deleted their comment.


But what if that had been about my daughter? Would you say I'm marketing her, setting her up for it, or what all else?


I don't think she or her dad necessarily had suspicious motives for posting the photo and saying some yahoo made rude comments.


I'm not really saying much about his motives. I guess I don't want to go there - I didn't like it when certain motives were being attributed to the TSA agent so...nah. I-ll take.it.for granted that he was a PO'd dad.


But if we're talking about larger issues here's another male putting her picture out for judgement. She hasn't been given a voice, it's still being filtered through a male voice. She's been turned into a headless object we viewed to make a judgement. I


It also had me wondering about things I've posted about my kids but I'm still that over.

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