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I need your expertise! A friend has a design idea for a piece of jewelry. How do we go about trademarking & getting it made?

DB in NJ

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I'll tell you why this is interesting to me: Did anyone see the article about the 13 y/o who is having her flip flops marketed at Nordstroms? She "invented" the "fish-flops" idea, flip flops with fish on them. It's always amazing to read stories like that, but they never tell HOW it really happened. Apparently this girl was selling her flip flops prior to be discovered by Nordstroms. Well, how? It wasn't regular flips that she was converting, these were clearly being MADE somewhere.


I love to see people being successful, but always wonder how does that actually happen? When people have a great idea, but it's not something you can manufacture yourself, what do they do?

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We looked at getting an idea manufactured. Our product was going to be made out of recycled plastic. We looked online to find a local business that made products out of that material. Then I emailed and asked some basic questions. They were very helpful and def. interested in helping us. Could your friend go that route? Alternatively, could you ask a local jeweler?

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