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Stuff my DH gets wrong but insists is right.


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Speaking of Joey on Friends, DH and I used to say "supposably" when we were talking to each other as a joke. I got so used to saying it the wrong way that I said supposably while talking to someone else without even thinking.



I know sooooo many people who say that!!


My DH calls a backhoe a "backo." Because of his parents, he actually said a lot of words incorrectly until I told him he was saying them wrong. With this one, though, he refuses to change. Thankfully he doesn't have to use it much. :)

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Let me see. (takes the skull) Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. —Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now to mock your own grinning? Quite chapfallen? Now get you to my lady’s chamber and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come. Make her laugh at that.—Prithee, Horatio, tell me one thing.


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My kids and I laugh so. darn. hard. about the moo point. I just love it. However, now they find every opportunity to use that expression, and of course, say 'moo point' just to make the joke. Someday someone is going to think my kids don't know the meaning of moot point.


It's the opinion of a cow. It doesn't matter. It's MOOOO

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My dh pronounces the "th" in Thompson. 'Ya know, like everone says "Th"omas Jefferson. :huh: :eek: :willy_nilly:

Drives. Me. Insane. He's been doing it his entire life and refuses to believe that's not the correct way.

Actually, it wouldn't be so bad, because it's not like he's often called to specify which variety of grapes we buy, and he doesn't often discuss the founding fathers. BUT, he does a lot with cars, and his favorite tire mfg. is "Mickey Thompson". At this point, I have to pretend not to hear it, and not to worry about how stupid it is when he says it in front of other people. :rolleyes:

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Dh insists you can "oogle" at someone (instead of ogle at them). I used to think that people were saying they couldn't "make ends meat" - as in they had so little money, they couldn't even buy the ends of the meat (which I guess I thought was the cheapest). :)

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Birfday. Actually, he knows it is wrong, but says it anyway. Drives me crazy.


My DH says Throff instead of Froth. He did concede that I was right and now does it to be annoying! Then I had the same argument with his father and realised where he got it from!!! (I love them both a lot ;) )

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Not my husband, but this story reminds me of a girl I went to HS with. We were both reading some awful Dean Koontz novel. She had no idea that the Nazis, who were the villains in the book, were the same as the WWII Nazis. "Nayzees have nothing to do with naught-zees. There is no T!" She would not listen to me and this was before the internet so I couldn't just google it for her.

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Well, now I WANT French benefits. I don't know what they are, but I am sure they are very stylish and would make me look tres chic with very little effort.



Dh and I just said the same thing. Whatever they are, they sound better than what we've got now. We want them!

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I used to work with a woman who said "Let's get down to brass tactics." I'd have to quickly look away so she couldn't see the exp<b></b>ression on my face.


One time my dh was in a giant meeting with Generals and all kinds on people. A LT was on the hot-seat for making a mistake. He kept attributing it to the "erogenous information" he had received. ETA: my dh had to leave the room, and he immediately called me to tell me about it.

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I had a professor from India and he used to say "Don't throw the baby out with the *bad* water".


I'm also reminded of Mrs. Slocombe on "Are you Being Served" who would say. "I am unanimous on that."


I'd like some French Benefits too. I think they must involve croissants.

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Ok wait, I will rat out my dh for one thing. He didn't actually mess up but I am on him often about his mumbling/lack of enunciation. One Sunday, our Pastor was unable to preach because he wouldn't be able to prep ahead of time. BOTH back ups were sick. So he called my dh to do it. Dh prepped a sermon and was referencing heroes/superheroes in the talk. Somewhere in the middle I swear what I heard him say was that 'you can wait for a Suprhero with a big @ss to swoop in but...." I practically fell to the floor. I could not believe that he had just said that from the pulpit! I was looking down at the moment he said it, but my head shot up and I was just waiting for something bad to happen. Afterward I asked my husband had he lost his mind. He did not know what I was talking about. We re-played the recording and I heard it again.He started laughing after I yelled "right there, you said it" What I had missed was the visual cue where he used his hand to signify a 'big S' across his front (referencing Superman). Because I was looking down I missed that part, and if you went on audio alone, it really sounded like big @ss. He even agreed that I was right and that he really needs to start enunciating better. :lol: So now we have a joke about superheroes with large posteriors.

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DH and I are from different countries he from Canada and Me from Australia. he keeps insisting that I say words wrong. after a few years I get start to completely confused and cannot remember how to say the words at all. I of course KNOW that the Australian pronunciation is way superior to the Canadian way, :tongue_smilie: but unfortunately Dh disagrees. :laugh:

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Ok wait, I will rat out my dh for one thing. He didn't actually mess up but I am on him often about his mumbling/lack of enunciation. One Sunday, our Pastor was unable to preach because he wouldn't be able to prep ahead of time. BOTH back ups were sick. So he called my dh to do it. Dh prepped a sermon and was referencing heroes/superheroes in the talk. Somewhere in the middle I swear what I heard him say was that 'you can wait for a Suprhero with a big @ss to swoop in but...." I practically fell to the floor. I could not believe that he had just said that from the pulpit! I was looking down at the moment he said it, but my head shot up and I was just waiting for something bad to happen. Afterward I asked my husband had he lost his mind. He did not know what I was talking about. We re-played the recording and I heard it again.He started laughing after I yelled "right there, you said it" What I had missed was the visual cue where he used his hand to signify a 'big S' across his front (referencing Superman). Because I was looking down I missed that part, and if you went on audio alone, it really sounded like big @ss. He even agreed that I was right and that he really needs to start enunciating better. :lol: So now we have a joke about superheroes with large posteriors.


dang it you made me scare my cat because I guffawed at that one lol big @ss superhero bwahaha

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I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I know JB says stuff wrong a lot and it makes me crazy. My mom does one that just makes me want to pull my hair out. She can't say the word sherif correctly to save her life. She says sure-if. I have tried and tried and tried to get her to say it correctly, but she insists that she is. Gah!


I'm fairly certain I'm supposed to get some French benefits, but someone, somewhere along the way got some erogenous information and messed it all up (probably because a big @ss super hero didn't swoop in and fix it), so now it's a moo point.

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Let me see. (takes the skull) Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. —Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now to mock your own grinning? Quite chapfallen? Now get you to my lady’s chamber and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come. Make her laugh at that.—Prithee, Horatio, tell me one thing.



Thank you! :)


Learned something new tonight!

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DH and I are from different countries he from Canada and Me from Australia. he keeps insisting that I say words wrong. after a few years I get start to completely confused and cannot remember how to say the words at all. I of course KNOW that the Australian pronunciation is way superior to the Canadian way, :tongue_smilie: but unfortunately Dh disagrees. :laugh:


We are just so confused about pronunciation (him Texas, me England, lived all over the world in the last 25 years) that we sometimes just look at each other and say, 'Which way do you say that and which way do I say that?'


I'm sure that 'caramel' has three syllables though.



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Nope, east to west. We'll fly from Frankfurt to JKF, then on to Seattle. I think it's worse going west to east, because you usually arrive in the morning and have to stay up all day, but all of our flights going east to west have had us landing in the late afternoon/early evening, so we can go to bed soon afterward. Still, a 9 hour difference is going to be HARD to adjust to, especially for Han Solo, who is a very routine sort of kid.

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